Branch Overview Brief: Chemical Corps: By: Cole Lovick, Max Croteua

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Branch Overview Brief:

Chemical Corps
By: Cole Lovick, Max Croteua
Branch Mission
Defend against chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear weapons
"To protect the force and allow the Army to fight and win against
an CBRN threat. Develop doctrine, equipment and training for
CBRN defense which serve as a deterrent to any adversary
possessing weapons of mass destruction. Provide the Army with
the combat multipliers of smoke, obscurant, and flame
History of Chemical Corps
The U.S. Army Chemical Corp was founded during WW1
General John J. Pershing urged the creation of a specialized gas unit so that
the USA could have the same capability's of the allies and enemies.
The CWS trained and equipped the AEF, the first gas regiment was formed and
trained to fight the enemies.
In WW2, the CWS developed a high explosive round for the 4.2 mortar giving
the ability to support infantry. Also provided smoke to protect cites and
harbors from air attack, and for cover
During WW2 were given the opportunity to develop biological weapons
1946 became a branch in Army, its job was continued improving chemical and
biological offensive and defensive capabilities as well as smoke and flame
Korean War- CWS provided smoke to hide US Army, as well as flame throwers
and weapons
Vietnam Era- developed people sniffers to find the enemy, better fuel flame
With the Vietnam War over, there was a move to abolish the
Chemical Corps. But with the Cold War still going on the corps
grew even stronger.
OPERATION DESERT STORM- improved smoke and better soldier
protection systems. Developed a capability to detect biological
attacks with Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS)
Vietnam War
WW2 and Korean War
Continued. Mortar
Today Vs WW2
Nothing has really changed since WW2 expect for the
technology. The mission has always been the same for
the Chemical Corps. All that has changed is the
modernization of weapons and warfare.
Role in the Army and Officers Role
Sources and More Info

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