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SET is a well defined collection of distinct things or objects.

ELEMENTS of a set can be specified by simply listing the elements

inside a pair of braces
- the things that belong to or contained in a set

SUBSET is any part of a set.

Experiment is any process that yields a measurement. Each statistical

experiment has a SAMPLE SPACE - a set of all possible
outcomes of a statistical experiment and represented by a symbol
S. It can be also be called as a collection of simple events.

A sample Space is discrete if it consists of a finite or countable infinite

set of outcomes.
A sample space is continuous if it contains an interval (either or
infinite) of real numbers.
EMPTY SET or NULL SET ( ) the entire set can be considered to be
a subset, as can a set that contains no elements at all.

EVENT -is a subset of a sample space. Event is any particular

outcome or group of outcomes from an experiment.

SIMPLE EVENT (or elementary event) - is a subset that contains only

one outcome (element) that cannot be broke down (decomposed),
into a simpler, more basic outcome.

COMPOUND EVENT ( or composite event) is defined as a subset of

the sample space that contains more that one simple event.
Denoted by Capital letters.

Note: From the set theory it is known that if there are n elements in
set then there are 2nsubsets of that set.

Some experiment can be generated in stages, and the sample

space can be displayed in a tree diagram. Each successive level of
branching on the tree corresponds the step required to generate
the final outcome
1. Three identical balls, numbered 1,2,and 3 are placed in a jar.
The experiment is to reach into the jar and without looking,
pull one of the three balls. How many events can result from
this experiment?

2. A jar contains four coins: a nickel, a dime, a quarter and a

half dollar. Three coins are randomly selected from the jar.
List the simple events in S.

3. Two dice are tossed . List he elements in the Sample space.

How many simple events are there?

4. An experiment consists of flipping a coin and flipping it a

second time if a head occurs. If a tail occurs on the first flip,
then a die is tossed once. List the elements of the sample
space using the tree diagram.
5. The experiment is to flip a coin three times and to observe,
for each flip, whether the head or tail land face upward. What
is the sample space and how many events can result from
the experiment?

6. List the elements of each of the following sample

a. The set of integers between 1 and 50 and divisible
by 8.
b. The set S = { x I x2 + 4x 5 = 0 }
c. The set of outcomes when a coin is tossed until a
tail or three heads appear.
d. The set S = { x I x is a continent }
e. The set S = { x I 2x 4 0 and x < 1 }
7. What is the sample space for the average
score of two dice? How many subsets
can result from this sample space?

8. What is the sample space for the number

of face cards in a hand of 13 playing
UNION of two events is the event that consists of all outcomes that are
contained in either of two events. We denote union as A B

INTERSECTION of two events is the event that consists of all outcomes

that are contained in both of the two events. We denote the
intersection as A B.

COMPLEMENT of an event in a sample space is the set of outcomes in

the sample space that are not in the event. This subset is given by the
symbol A .

Definition of Mutually Exclusive Events

Two events A and B are mutually exclusive or disjoint events if
one occurs the other cannot. In a set theory language, the events are
mutually exclusive if they do not share any elements; there are no
elements in one that are also in the other. By definition, all pairs of
simple events in a sample space are mutually exclusive events.
Venn Diagram
Shows a sample space and events within the space. It is a pictorial
representation of sets where sets are represented by enclosed areas
in the plane.


AU B U C =A+ B + C


(A U B) = A + B - A B A U B U C = A+B+C AB-AC-BC+ABC

1. LET: S = ={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
Find: AB, AB, ABC, and ABC.
2. A single card is drawn from a well
shuffled, standard deck of playing cards,
in which S = { the 52 playing cards in a
standard deck}. For this experiment,
consider the following: A = { ace }, B =
{ diamond }, C = { 2,3,4,5 or 6}, D = { black
card }, what are
a. B b. A B c. A and B d. A B
e. B D f. B or C g. A C h. C or D
4. In a certain high school every student takes at least one
course in science (biology, chemistry, physics) as a
requirement for graduation. Of graduating class of 80, the
number of those who took all three science was 8. Other
enrolment figures are indicated below.
Biology and Chemistry 20
Chemistry and Physics 25
Chemistry 40
Biology only 16
Physics only 15
How many took: a. Biology
b. Physics

5. In a survey carried out in a school snack shop, the following

results were obtained. Of 100 boys questioned, 78 liked sweets,
74 ice cream, 53 cake, 57 liked both sweets and ice cream, 46
liked both sweets and cakes while only 31 boys liked all three. If
all the boys interviewed liked at least one item, draw a Venn
Diagram to illustrate the results. How many boys liked both ice
cream and cake?
Example 6: In the senior year of high school graduating class of 100
students, 42 studied mathematics, 68 studied psychology, 54 studied
history, 22 studied both mathematics and history, 25 studied both
mathematics and psychology, 7 studied history but neither mathematics
nor psychology, 10 studied all three subjects, and 8 did not take any of the
three. How many students enrolled in
a. psychology but not mathematics?
b. history and mathematics but not psychology?

Example 7. In a high school graduating class of 100 students , 54 studied

mathematics, 69 studied history, and 35 study both mathematics and
history. How many students
a. took mathematics or history?
b. did not take either of these subjects?
c. took history but not mathematics.

Example 8. Suppose that in a senior college class of 500 students it is

found that 210 smoke, 258 drink alcoholic beverages, 216 eat between
meals, 122 smoke and drink alcoholic beverages, 83 eat between meals
and drink alcoholic beverages, 97 smoke and eat between meals, and 52
engage in all three of these bad health practices. How many seniors
a. smoke but do not drink alcoholic beverages?
b. eat between meals and drink alcoholic beverages but do not smoke?
c. Neither smoke nor eat between meals?
1. The class registration of 120 students are analyzed. It is found that:
30 of the students do not take any of Mechanics, Chemistry, or Computers.
15 of them take only Mechanics
25 of them take Chemistry and Computers but not Mechanics.
20 of them take Mechanics and Computers but not chemistry.
10 of them take all three Mechanics, Chemistry, and Computers.
5 of them take chemistry only
A total of 45 take chemistry
a) How many of the students take Mechanics and Chemistry but not Computers/
b) How many of the students take only Computers?
c) What is the total number of students taking Computers?

2. Suppose that in a senior college class of 500 students it is found that 210 smoke,
258 drink alcoholic beverages, 216 eat between meals, 122 smoke and drink
alcoholic beverages, 83 eat between meals and drink alcoholic beverages, 97
smoke and eat between meals, and 52 engage in all three of these bad health
practices. How many seniors
a. smoke but do not drink alcoholic beverages?
b. eat between meals and drink alcoholic beverages but do not smoke?
c. Neither smoke nor eat between meals?
2.An experiment consists of tossing a die and then flipping
a coin one if the number on the die is even. If the
number on the die is odd, the coin is flipped twice.
a. List the elements of the sample space S.
b. List the elements corresponding to the event A that a
number at most 3 occurs o the die.
c. List the elements corresponding to the event B that 2
tails occur
d. List the elements corresponding to the event AU B
4. An experiment involves tossing a pair of dice, 1 green and 1 red,
and recording the numbers that come up. If x equals the
outcome on the green die and y the outcome on the red die,
describe the sample space S
a. By listing the elements (x,y)
b. List the elements corresponding the event A that the sum is
greater than 8
c. List the elements corresponding to the event C that a number
greater than 4 comes up on the green die.
d. List the elements corresponding to the event B that a 2 occurs
on either die
e.List the elements corresponding to the event A C
f..List the elements corresponding to the event A B
g. List the elements corresponding to the event B C
h.Construct a Venn diagram to illustrate the intersections and
unions of the events A, B, and C.
5. The class registration of 120 students are analyzed. It is found
30 of the students do not take any of Mechanics, Chemistry,
or Computers.
15 of them take only Applied Mechanics
25 of them take Chemistry and Computers but not
20 of them take Mechanics and Computers but not chemistry.
10 of them take all three Mechanics, Chemistry, and
5 of them take chemistry only
A total of 45 take chemistry
a) How many of the students take Mechanics and Chemistry but not
b) How many of the students take only Computers?
c) What is the total number of students taking Computers?

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