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Politehnica University of



Coordinating teacher: Students:

Diana Stoica Stefan Baraitareanu
Ioana Izabela Dihoru
How it works
Electromagnetic suspension
Electrodynamic susepension
Advantages and disavantages of Maglev Train
Maglev=Magnetic + Levitation
Magnetic levitation transport is a form of transportation
that suspends guides and propels vehicles through the
harnessing of electromagnetic force.
The term "maglev" refers not only to the vehicles but
also to the railway system.
Maglev train uses magnetic levitation from a very large
number of magnets for lift and propulsion.
Has the potential to be faster, quieter and smoother than
wheeled mass transit systems
Power needed for levitation is usually not a large
percentage of the overall consumption;
In the present moment there are several countries
working on the development of Magnetic Levitating
Japan and Germany were pioneers; USA and
Australia are working in on it now.
China is not a pioneer having build a maglev train
from Shanghai to its city.
How it works
A maglev train floats about 10mm above the
guideway on a magnetic field.
It is propelled by the guideway its elf rather than
an onboard engine by changing magnetic fields
Once the train is pulled into the next section the
magnetism switches so that the train is pulled on
The Electro-magnets run the length of the
How it works
The train cars use gigantic magnets to hover above
their tracks, decreasing the negative impact
friction has on a train's speed and allowing the cars
to achieve much greater speeds than normal
railroad cars.

There are two primary types of maglev

electromagnetic suspension (EMS)
electrodynamic suspension (EDS)
Electromagnetic suspension

In current EMS systems, the train levitates above a

steel rail while electromagnets, attached to the
train, are oriented toward the rail from below.
The electromagnets use feedback control to
maintain a train at a constant distance from the
Electrodynamic suspension
In Electrodynamic suspension, both the rail and the
train exert a magnetic field, and the train is levitated
by the repulsive force between these magnetic fields;
The magnetic field in the train is produced by either
electromagnets or by an array of permanent magnets.
The repulsive force in the track is created by an
induced magnetic field in wires or other conducting
strips in the track.
Electrodynamic suspension
At slow speeds, the current induced in these coils and
the resultant magnetic flux is not large enough to
support the weight of the train.
For this reason the train must have wheels or some
other form of landing gear to support the train until it
reaches a speed that can sustain levitation.
Advantages of Maglev Train
The foremost advantage of maglev trains is the fact that
it doesn't have moving parts as conventional trains do, and
therefore, the wear and tear of parts is minimal, and that
reduces the maintenance cost by a significant extent.
More importantly, there is no physical contact between
the train and track, so there is no rolling resistance. While
electromagnetic drag and air friction do exist, that doesn't
hinder their ability to clock a speed in excess of 200 mph.
Absence of wheels also comes as a boon, as you don't
have to deal with deafening noise that is likely to come
with them.
Advantages of Maglev Train
Maglevs also boast of being environment friendly, as
they don't resort to internal combustion engines.
These trains are weather proof, which means rain,
snow, or severe cold don't really hamper their
Experts are of the opinion that these trains are a lot
safe than their conventional counterparts as they are
equipped with state-of-the-art safety systems, which
can keep things in control even when the train is
cruising at a high speed.
Disavantages of Maglev Train
While the advantages of Maglev Train System may
seem quite promising in themselves, they are not
enough to overshadow the biggest problem with the
maglev trains: the high cost incurred on the initial
While the fast conventional trains that have been
introduced of late, work fine on tracks which were
meant for slow trains, maglev trains require an all new
set up right from the scratch.
Disavantages of Maglev Train

As the present railway infrastructure is of no use for

maglevs, it will either have to be replaced with the
Maglev System or an entirely new set up will have to
be createdboth of which will cost a decent amount in
terms of initial investment. Even though inexpensive as
compared to EDS, it is still expensive compared to
other modes.

Maglev trains use magnets to levitate and propel

the trains forward.
Since there is no friction these trains can reach
high speeds.
It is a safe and efficient way to travel.
,,The Magnetic Levitation Train: A Technology
Ahead of Its Time? Jens Hillebrand

,,Maglev Trains- Key Underlying Technologies -

Liu, Zhigang, Long, Zhiqiang, Li, Xiaolong

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