Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship

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Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship

 Young Entrepreneurs
 Yong people are setting the pace in starting business.
 Disenchanting with their prospects, youth is willing to take a chance at controlling
their own destiny.
 Young people are choosing entrepreneurship as their primary career path.
 Women Entrepreneurs
 Small businesses has been leader in offering women opportunities for economic
expression through employment and entrepreneurship.
 Increasing number of women are discovering the best way to break the ice to start
their own businesses.
 Female entrepreneurs today are more likely than ever to be highly educated.
 Have managerial experience in he industry in which t hey start their companies.
Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship

 Minority Enterprises
 Rapidly growing segment of the small business population is minority owned
 Immigrant Entrepreneurs
 Pakistan is now becoming the place of diverse cultures.
 Today the immigrants arrive with more education and experience.
 Part-Time Entrepreneurs
 Starting a part time business is a popular gateway to entrepreneurship .
 They have best of both worlds.
 They can ease in to business for themselves without sacrificing the security of
steady pay check and benefits.
 Major advantage of going in to business part time is the lower risk in case
venture flops.
 Part timers are testing the entrepreneurial waters to see their businesses ideas
will work or not.
Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship

 Home-Based Business
 Majority of the small based businesses are home based.
 Operating a business from home keeps start-up and operating costs to a minimum.
 Home based companies allow owners to maintain a flexible lifestyle and work style.
 Technology which is transforming many ordinary homes in to electronic cottages allows entrepreneurs
to run a huge variety of businesses from their homes.
 Nowadays home based businesses are more diverse.
 Family Businesses
 A family owned business is one that includes two or more members of a family with financial control
of the company.
 Copreneurs
 Copreneurs are entrepreneurial couples who work together as co-owners of their business.
 Successful copreneurs learns to build the foundation for a successful working relationship before they
ever launch their companies
 Copreneurs should focus on
 An assessment of whether their personalities will mesh or conflict in a business setting.
 Mutual respect for each other and another’s talent.
 A common vision
 A view that they are full and equal partners, not a superior and a subordinate.
 Complementary business skills that each acknowledges and appreciates and that lad to a unique business identity
for each spouse
Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship

 The ability to keep lines of communication open, talking and listening to

each other.
 A clear vision of roles and authority ideally based on each partners skills
and ability to minimize conflict and power struggles.
 The ability to encourage each other and to lift up a disillusioned
 Separate workspaces that allow them to escape when the need arises.

 Corporate Castoffs
 Corporate castoffs have become an important source of entrepreneurial
 The managers or employees who have been discharged from the
organizations have become entrepreneurs.

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