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Mutma Inna, Rodolfo Correa

Project Advisor: L. Anderson
Minnesota State University, Mankato, Department of Biological Sciences

Introduction Results
MethicillinResistantStaphylococcusaureus (MRSA) MRSASurvivalInDaysOnFomites
infections are a growing concern in healthcare inoculateduntoagridded
BloodMRSA vinylsurface.
facilities1. The CDC latest estimates suggest that Inoculum
Vinyl Tile Coat Pillow
80,461 lifethreatening MRSA infections occurred 1
CFU/square 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0
been shown to survive on many surfaces and fabrics 10
in clinical facilities such as tile, vinyl, lab coats, and CFU/square 0,0,0 0,0,1 0,0,0 3,0,0

pillows. The introduction of MRSA through blood, 102 coloniesonCHROMagar
bodyfluids,andmicrobiologicalculturesonfomitesis CFU/square 6,7,7 6,7,9 0,0,2 0,4,0 selectivemediaconfirmsthe

consideredahighriskinclinicalsettings .Onehealth
care facility reported that 65% of its nurses involved CFU/square 54,43,33 27,57,13 11,17,13 31,36,13
in the patient care of wounds or urine were
contaminated with MRSA on their scrubs and Inoculum

uniforms . A similar study showed MRSA survival
1 102
and longevity in serum samples on common clinical CFU/square

0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0
surfaces of >60 days . Longevity of MRSA on
hospital fomites reinforces the importance of control CFU/square 0,0,1 0,1,1 0,0,1 1,0,7
The prolonged survival of MRSA on fomites strengthens the

and disinfection in monitoring the transmission of evidence that contact transmission is a healthcare concern. Lower
thesemicroorganisms. CFU/square 0,1,0 0,2,0 0,1,0 6,7,21 prevalence of MRSA was detected in urine suspensions as
105 urine samples could be attributed to inhibitory chemicals such as
CFU/square 0,3,0 0,2,0 3,2,0 8,10,33
salts and acids found naturally in urine. MRSA was detected in
SalineMRSA bloodsuspensionsforupto57dayswithhighersurvivalratesthan

Inoculum urine samples. Nutrient rich growth media associated with blood
106 could explain the longevity of MRSA. Collective results of the
73,84,>92 >86,80,>92 28,35,48 10,11,9
To mimic actual infections and spills, varying experimentwereinconclusivetowardsanoptimumsurfaceforthe
concentrations of MRSA were suspended in three survival of MRSA, but vinyl consistently showed to be the most
different media: blood, urine, and saline. The bacterial favorable fomite. Longer MRSA survival was seen with higher
Longer survival times were seen with higher microbialconcentrationsonvinyl,tile,labcoatandpillowfabrics.
The suspensions were then inoculated unto four microbialinoculum. its subjective specimen type and the nature of the surface.
differentsurfaces:tile,vinyl,labcoatandpillowfabric. ThesurvivalofMRSAsuspendedinsalinewas,in Hydrophobicityofasurfacemaytriggertheproductionofbiofilms
MRSA survival was assessed by swabbing the fomite inMRSA,ensuringtheprolongedsurvival4.
surfaces followed by inoculation to MRSAselective somecases,greaterthan92days.
CHROMagar medium with incubation overnight at MRSAwasdetectedinsomebloodspecimensupto
37oC. Detection of pink/mauve colonies confirms the 57days. References
presenceofMRSA. 1.Neely,A.N.andM.P.Maley.SurvivalofEnterococciandStaphylococcionHospitalFabricsandPlastic.J.Clin.Microbiol.2000;38:724726.
Thisdocumentisavailableinalternativeformattoindividualswithdisabilitiesbycalling 3.Williams,C.andD.Davis.MethicillinresistantStaphylococcusaureusFomiteSurvival.ClinicalLaboratoryScience.2009;22:3439.
AccessibilityResourcesat5073892825(V),8006273529or711(MRS/TTY).. MicrobialDrugResistance,17(3).

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