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Raghu Pullela
Full List TIBCO EMS Command List
15) create queue 30) delete rcvmlistener
1) add member 31) delete topic
2) addprop factory 16) create route
17) create rvcmlistener 32) delete user
3) addprop queue 33) disconnect
4) addprop route 18) create topic
19) create user 34) echo
5) addprop topic 35) exit
6) autocommit 20) delete all
21) delete bridge 36) grant queue
7) commit 37) grant topic
8) compact 22) delete connection
23) delete durable 38) grant admin
9) connect 39) help
10) create bridge 24) delete factory
25) delete group 40) info
11) create durable 41) jaci clear
12) create factory 26) delete jndiname
27) delete message 42) jaci resetstats
13) create group 43) jaci showstats
14) create 28) delete queue
29) delete route 44) purge all queues
TIBCO EMS Command List
45) purge all topics 60) set server 75) show durables
46) purge durable 61) setprop factory 76) show factory
47) purge queue 62) setprop queue 77) show factories
48) purge topic 63) setprop route 78) show jndiname
49) remove member 64) setprop topic 79) show jndinames
50) removeprop factory 65) show bridge 80) show group
51) removeprop queue 66) show bridges 81) show members
52) removeprop route 67) show channel 82) show message
53) removeprop topic 68) show channels 83) show messages
54) resume route 69) show config 84) show parents
55) revoke admin 70) show consumer 85) show queue
56) revoke queue 71) show consumers 86) show queues
57) revoke topic 72) show connections 87) show route
58) rotatelog 73) show db 88) show routes
59) set password 74) show durable 89) show rvcmtransportledger
TIBCO EMS Command List
90) show rvcmlisteners 104) showacl group
91) show server 105) showacl queue
92) show stat 106) showacl topic
93) show store 107) showacl user
94) show stores 108) shutdown
95) show topic 109) suspend route
96) show topics 110) time
97) show transaction 111) timeout
98) show transactions 112) transaction commit
99) show transport 113) transaction rollback
100)show transports 114) updatecrl
101)show user 115) whoami
102)show users
103)showacl admin
create user :
Command to create a new user.
syntax : create user user_name user description password=pass
ex : create user raghu training user password=raghu123
show users:
used to show all users that are existing.
syntax: show users
ex : show users
Delete user :
Command is used to delete the specified user
syntax : delete user user_name
ex : delete user raghu
create group :
Used to create a group of users. When created the group is empty.
syntax : create group group_name description
ex : create group training cbl training group
delete group:
used to delete the group mentioned
syntax : delete group group_name
ex: delete group training
add member :
used to add one or more users to the group.
syntax : add member group_name username, username
ex: add member training abc,admin,trainer
set password :
used to set the password for the mentioned user
syntax : set password user_name password
ex: set password raghu rag1234
grant admin:
used to grant administrator permissions to the named user or group.
syntax: grant admin user=user_name | group=grou_name admin_permissions
ex: grant admin user = raghu all
grant admin group = training all
connect :
used to connect the administrative tool to the ems server
syntax: connect tcp://server_name:port_no
ex: connect tcp://localhost:7222
disconnect :
command used to disconnect the administrative tool from server
syntax: disconnect
ex : disconnect
create topic:
Used to create a topic with the specified name and properties. Properties are listed
using a comma as described in the topics.conf
syntax: create topic topic_name properties
ex: create topic t1
Show topic:
show details for the mentioned topic
syntax: show topic topic_name
ex: show topic t1
setprop topic:
used to set topic properties. This is override any existing properties.
syntax: setprop topic topi_name properties
ex: setprop topic t1 secure
grant topic:
It is used to grant permissions to a user or group on a specified topic.
syntax: grant topic topic_name user_nema | group_name permissions
purge topic:
delete all messages for all the subscribers on the mentioned topic
sytax: purge topic topicname
ex: purge topic t1
delete topic:
used to delete the specified topic
syntax: delete topic topic_name
ex: delete topic t1
create queue:
used to create queue with the specified name and properties.
syntax: create queue queue_name properties
ex: create queue q1
show queue:
used to show the details for the specified queue
syntax: show queue queue_name
ex: show queue q1
setprop queue:
used to set properties to the specified queue
syntax: setprop queue queue_name properties
ex: setprop queue q1secure,sender_name
grant queue:
used to grant permissions on the queue to a specified user or group. permissions
like view, create, delete, modify, purge
syntax: grant queue queue_name user_name | group_name permissions
purge queue:
used to purge or delete all messages in the named queue.
syntax: purge queue queue_name
delete queue:
used to delete the specified queue
syntax: delete queue queue_name
ex: delete queue q1
create durable:
used to create a static durable subscriber
syntax: create durable topic_name durable_name property
ex: create durable t1 durable1
delete durable:
used to delete the named durable susbcriber
syntax: delete durable durable_name
ex: delete durable durable.1
show config:
shows the configuration parameters of the connected server
syntax: show config
show consumer:
used to show details of a specific consumer.
syntax: show consumer consumerID
show consumers:
used to display all the consumers. we can define the filters if we want only certain
consumers to be displayed
syntax: show consumers
show connections :
used to show connections between clients and servers.
syntax: show connections
show db:
used to print a summary of the servers database.
syntax: show db
show server:
command used to show server name and information of the connected server.
syntax: show server (aliases:info, i)
add member :
add one or more members to the group
syntax : add member group_name user_name
Ex: add member training raghu
addprop factory :
Used to add properties to the factory. Property names are separated using spaces
syntax : addprop factory factory_name properties
Ex: addprop factory MyTopicFactory ssl_trusted=cert1.pemssl_trusted=cert2.pem
addprop queue:
Used to add properties to the queue. Properties names are separated using
Syntax: addprop queue queue-name properties
addprop route:
add properties to route. The properties that are being defined should be separated
by spaces
Syntax : addprop route route-name prop=value
addprop topic:
add properties to topic. Properties are separated by spaces.
syntax: addprop topic topic_name properties
autocommit :
autocommit is used to automatically save changes made to the configuration files.
If it is set to ON then it saves or else we can turn it OFF. If we type autocommit it
just show the present condition.
syntax : autocommit on/of
used to shutdown the connected server
syntax: shutdown
command to display the current logged in user
syntax : whoami
commit all configuration changes into files on disk.
syntax: commit
command used to exit the administration tool
syntax: exit ( alias: q, bye, quit, end)
create bridge:
used to create a bridge between destinations
syntax: create bridge source=type:dest_name target=type:dest_name
type is either topic or queue
delete all:
used to delete all users, groups, topics, queues or durables
syntax : delete all users|groups|topics|queues|durables
used to show server name and information about the connected server
syntax: info(alias: i)
display help information
syntax: help command
show bridge:
used to display information about the configured bridges for the named topic or
syntax: show bridge topic|queue bridge_source
show bridges:
used to show summary of the destination bridges that are currently configured.
type specifies the type of destination established as the bridge source
syntax: show bridges topic
show durable:
show information about a durable subscriber
syntax: show durable durable_name
show durables:
show list of all durables that are defined
syntax: show durables
show groups:
used to display all user groups
syntax: show groups
show group:
used to show group name, description, and number of members in the group.
syntax: show group group_name
show members:
show all user members of specified user group
syntax: show members group_name
show message:
shows the message for the specified message id
show message messageID
revoke admin:
used to revoke the global administration permissions for the named user
syntax: revoke admin user=name | group=name
used to place a time stamp on each command output.
syntax: times on|of
used to show or change the current command timeout value. The timeout value is
the number of seconds the admin tool will wait for a response from the server after
sending the command.
syntax: timeout seconds
by default the timeout value is 30 seconds

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