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The process of teaching new employees
the basic skills they need to do their jobs.
A planned effort by a company to
facilitate employees learning of jobs
related competencies include knowledge,
skills or behavior for successful job
High-potential employees do not
guarantee they will succeed. They must
know what managers want them to do
and how to do it.

Patterns of Training
Traditionally, training mainly focus
on technical skills (handson
skills): mechanics, wiremen,
Today, Additional / generic skills
or competencies are important:
team building; decision-making;
communications; problem solving.

The 5 Step Training Process

1. Needs analysis
- Identify specific job skills
- Analyze needs of trainees.
- Develop specific, measurable

- knowledge & performance


The 5 Step Training Process ..
2. Instructional design
- Compile and produce training program
content, including workbook, exercises
& activities.
- Use techniques such as on-job-training
and computer assisted learning.
3. Validation
- Validate training programs by
presenting it to a small representative

The 5 Step Training Process ..

4. Implementation
- Train the targeted employee

5. Evaluation and follow-up

- identify training needs; what
knowledge, skills behavior, or other
capabilities needed.
- Assess the programs success or failure.

Training Needs Analysis
Task Analysis to determine the
training needs of new employees.
A detailed study of the job to determine
what specific skills the job requires (job
descriptions and job specifications).
Performance Analysis a process of
verifying that there is a deficiency and
determining if such deficiency should be
corrected through training or through
other means (e.g. transfer the

Elements of Skills
Effect Element Outcome
Low impact 1. Theory (what & why) - Understanding of
2. Demonstration current issues
(How?) - Knowledge of key
- Understanding of skills
3. Practice (Let me try) - Performance-based
4. Feedback (How did I learning
do?) - Evaluation of outcomes

5. Action Plan ( How to - Plan to improve &

use?) support
6. Coaching (How am I - Performance in the job
High impact - Support for and improves
performance in the job

Source: Oldroyd and Hall (1991)

Training Methods

On-job-training (OJT) a person learns

a job bay actually doing it. Trainees
learn while doing it and get quick
feedback on their performance.
Job rotation employee moves from
job to job at planned intervals.
Apprenticeship Training apprentice
studies under the guidance of a master

Training Methods
Audiovisual-Based learning
include film,audiotape, PowerPoint
slide, etc.
Simulation Training trainees
learn on the actual or simulated
equipment they will use on their
job (when it is too costly or
dangerous to train on actual job).

Team Training
Team morale, cohesion
and identity


Behavior Attitude
Communicate Knowledg Belief toward task
Mental /memory
feel about each
Perform task structure
Evaluating Training Programs
Measuring Training Outcomes

1. Reaction evaluate trainees reactions to

the programs.
2. Learning Test the trainees whether they
have learnt the principles, skills, and facts.
3. Behavior has the trainees on-job-
behavior changed after training?
4. Result What final results were achieved
in training objectives previously set? Did the
customer complaint?

Teacher Training in Malaysia
To enhance the quality of teachers in
the country, all teacher training
institutes (IPGMs) will would offer
degree programs to meet targeted
all graduates teachers in secondary
schools and all graduates teachers in
primary schools by 2016
The challenge to train adequate and
quality teachers in the areas such as
Malay Language , English Language,
History, etc.
Teacher Training in Malaysia

In 2002, Intel Teach Program & MOE (Education

Division) to integrate the curriculum relating to
project-based learning, technology integration,
and resource management subjects or programs
for pre-service and in-service teachers.
Results gained from the programs help to
promote: students higher-order thinking skills,
increase confidence, enhance spirit of
collaboration and leadership among colleagues,
and new opportunities to grow as instructional

Evaluation of Training

1) To identify program strength & weaknesses

(to meet the objectives)
2) To identify whether the content,
organization and administration of
programs (schedule, accommodation,
trainers & materials contribute to learning
and the content can be used on the job.
3) To identify which trainees benefit most or
least from the program.

Evaluation of Training

4) To identify which trainees benefit most or least

from the program.
5) To assist in marketing the program through
information from participants whether they
would recommend to others & their level of
satisfaction with the program.
6) To determine the financial benefits and costs
of the program.
7) To compare the cost and benefits of different
training programs to choose the best program.

Characteristics of Training Assessment
Performance, input, consequences, and
1. Do the employees know how to perform
effectively? (no previous training or the
training was ineffective).
2. Can the employees demonstrate the correct
knowledge or behavior? (Input)
3. Were performance expectations clear? Were
there any obstacles to performance such as
faulty tools or equipment?

Characteristics of Training Assessment

4. Were positive consequences offered for

good performance? (were dissatisfied
employees be encouraged by their peers to
slow down their pace of work).
5. Did employees receive timely, relevant,
accurate, constructive and specific
feedback about their performance?
6. Were other solutions such as job redesign
or transferring employees to other jobs
too expensive or unrealistic?

Thank You ..


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