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Occupational Safety

and Health
Unit 1 - Introduction

Gerald Victor, CEng MIMechE

Introduction to OSH
Occupational safety and health and
environmental health is the
multidisciplinary approach to the
recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention of illnesses, injuries, and other
adverse health conditions resulting from
hazardous environmental exposures in the
workplace, the home, and the community.
Challenges and opportunities for
OSH and environmental health
A middle-aged man tells his orthopedic
surgeon that he is totally disabled from
chronic back pain. Could it be due to his
many years of heavy lifting as a construction
Several members of a family who live next to
a hazardous waste site smell odors from the
site and have developed headaches, nausea,
and other symptoms. What should they do?
Challenges and opportunities for
OSH and environmental health
A pregnant woman works as a laboratory
technician. Should she change her job
because of the organic solvents to which she
and her fetus are exposed?
The wife of a former asbestos worker has
developed a pleural mesothelioma,
presumably as a result of having washed her
husbands work clothes for many years. Can
she or her family receive any compensation?
Hazardous exposures occur in both
workplaces and the general environment

Contamination of the ambient air and water near

a chemical factory, where its workers are also
exposed to hazardous substances
Application by agricultural workers of pesticides

that may contaminate surface and ground water

Accidental transport of lead, asbestos, and other

hazardous substances home on workers clothes,

shoes, skin, and hair
Exposure of workers and community residents to

hazardous wastes from an industrial facility


Department of Occupational Safety

and Health , Ministry of Human
Statistics on Lung Disease in
Workplace 2001 - 2009

Department of Occupational Safety

and Health , Ministry of Human
Statistics on Job Related
Sickness 1997 - 2009
Due to injuries, workplace will
be closed for inspection
Photo: Amusement device involved, and the broken arm with gondola on a platform
A dangerous incident involving the failure of welding on the structure of the gondola arm occurred at a theme park
in Kuala Lumpur recently. The gondola arm is one of the main components of an amusement device at the theme
park. The welding failure of the gondola arm occured when the ride was about to start, and the welding failure
caused the gondola arm to break and fall on a nearby platform. Based on the inspection done on the other gondola
arm that was still intact, cracks were observed on the welding.
To ensure the integrity of welding in good condition, the following safety measures are recommended:-
1. Daily visual inspection of welds should be carried out before the amusement ride starts operating;
2. Any cracks found should be described in detail and monitored so that cracks do not reach the critical level;
3. If cracks require repair process, the owner must ensure that the appointed welder is qualified to carry out
4. The engineer must review the welding procedure to be carried out for process improvement;
5. Non-destructive testing should be carried out on welding according to the interval recommended by the
manufacturer; and
6. Compliance with existing guidelines such as the Guidelines on the Management of Amusement Park Safety
Fire and explosion of a 36" diameter natural gas pipelines occurred
on June 10, 2014, at approximately 1.30 am. At about 5.00 am, the
fire is extinguished after fuel sources of natural gas in the pipeline
was thoroughly burned. This event does not result in any loss of life
or injury to humans (public or worker). However, the impact from the
explosion and fire formed a crater of about 10 metres in diameter
and 3 metres depth. It also caused crops surrounding area of 500
metres radius from the center of the explosion to burnt out. During
that time, there was no work activity is in progress, nor arson activity

Radius of fire estimated about 100-150 metres.

This incident caused by the release of gas from the pipeline through a welded joint between two pipes. This failure was due
to the low strain capacity of the girth weld at joint that was subjected to external loading (such as soil movement and vibration
loads by heavy vehicle). Fracture at the weld joint was resulting from welding defects and flaws. Type of consumables
(electrodes) used, expertise of welders and welding technique implemented caused this condition to happen. These inherent
defects have not been identified and translated effectively through Non-Destructive Test (NDT) performed on respective
welded joint.
From the results of the investigation made on these events, emphasis on the integrity of the welding should be given,
particularly for welding works of the underground gas pipeline. Therefore, attentions to the following point must be
Preparation of a thorough and accurate Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
should consider all the elements requiredby the respective welding design code.
The welding work carried out should be effectively and thoroughly supervised in ensuring compliance with welding
techniques, procedures and materials used as specified in the provided WPS and PQR.
A competent person must interpret and evaluate accurately and transparently the results of the non-destructive tests of
welding conducted.
The effectiveness and usability of a detection system of gas relief from underground gas pipelines and its control measures
over such events should be provided and monitored from time to time.
Terms of Definition
What is Safety?
What is Hazard?
What is Risk?
What is Accident?
What is Incident?
What is Safety?
Control of Accidental Loss
Damage to anything in the occupational or
external environment

In the past, safety is defined

freedom from injuries
What is Hazard?
The potential to cause harm, including ill
health and injury, damage to property, plant
products or environment, production losses
or liabilities
What is Risk?
The likelihood that a specified undesired
event will occur due to the realization of a
hazard by, or during work activities or by
the products and services created by work
What is Accident?
Undesired event that results in unintended
harm or damage to people, property,
environment, and/or loss of

In the past, accident is

defined as :
An undesired event resulted in
harm to people
What is Incident?
An event which could or does result in
unintended harm or damage

In the past, incident is

defined as:
Near accident or a near miss
3 Basic Steps of Workplace
Hazard Identification
Knowing the things and actions that may lead to
Hazard Evaluation / Assessment
Being able to judge the risk of each hazard
Hazard Control
Finding ways to reduce or get rid of each hazard

Safety Management Systems

are now seen as investment as they
reduce costs and increase productivity
and profits
Classification of Hazards
Mechanical and Ergonomic
Hazards in Workplace
Chemical Hazards Physical Hazards
Dust Ergonomic
Fume Noise/vibration
Acid/Alkali Working at high/low
temp or pressure

Psycho Social Biological Hazards

Sexual harassment Bacteria/virus/spora
Family problem Dust plants
Work pressure
When workers are injured,
there is loss and costs:
Direct costs include:
Cost of medical treatment, benefit cost to workers
Indirect costs include:
Cost of property damage
Equipment damage
Loss of productive work time
Investigation time
Hiring and training replacement workers
Loss of profits
3 Levels of Loss Control:
Loss Control describes as actions to prevent
injury to people, damage to property and loss of
productivity and profit. 3 levels of control are:
1. Engineering controls
2. Administrative controls
Management supports and encourages safe work
3. Basic / Point of Contact Controls
Personal protective equipment, etc.
Safety Management
In the past safety was said to be freedom
from injuries
Safety programs now focus on:

What management does

How workers do their work
Safety and Health Management Systems are
designed to prevent:
Loss due to injuries
Loss due to production
Damage to property
A problem solving approach to safety
Safety Management
The focus on safety moved away from
worker to management
This way of viewing safety becomes a

safety management system a problem

solving approach to safety
ACT 514 OSHA General duties of
employers (clause 15)
ACT 514 OSHA General duties of
employees (clause 24)

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