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Hendra Wijaya
Soal Nomor 1

This figure shows a bridge circuit of the type

described at the beginning of this section. Find the
current in each resistor and the equivalent resistance of
the network of five resistors
Dari rangkaian tersebut berlaku I2 I3 I5 = 0 dan I1 + I3 I4 = 0,
kemudian langkahlangkah penyelesaiannya kurang lebih sebagai berikut :
sesuai dengan hukum kirchoff 1 dari ADC sehingga :
(VaVd)/R2 (VdVb)/R3 Vd/R5 = 0
(24Vd)/3 (VdVb)/1 Vd/10 = 0
|(24Vd)/3 (VdVb)/1 Vd/10 = 0| x 30
10(24Vd) 30(VdVb) 3(Vd) = 0
240 10Vd 30Vd + 30Vb 3Vd = 0
43Vd + 30Vb = 240
sedangkan jika dilihat dari ABC adalah
(VaVb)/R1 + (VdVb)/R3 Vb/R4 = 0
|(24Vb)/2 + (VdVb)/1 Vb/5 = 0| x 10
5(24Vb) + 10(VdVb) 2Vb = 0
120 5Vb + 10Vd 10Vb 2Vb = 0
17Vb + 10Vd = 120
Dari dua persamaan tersebut dieliminasi sehingga Vd = 17,8 V dan Vb =
17,54 V
kemudian di cari Iab, Iad dan I3 adalah
Iab = (24 Vb) / R2 = (24 17,54) / 2 = 3,23 mA
Iad = (24Vd) / R1 = (24 17,8) / 3 = 2,07 mA
Idb = (Vd Vb) / R3 = 17,8 17,54) / 1 = 0,26 mA
Soal Nomor 2

A 10 Megaohm resistor is connected in series with a 1 mikroFarad capacitor

and a battery with emf 12.0 V. Before the switch is closed at time t=0, the
capacitor is uncharged.
(a) What is the time constant?
(b) What fraction of the final charge is on the capacitor at t=46s?
(c) What fraction of the initial current is still flowing at t=46s?
R = 10 M ohm, C = 1.0 mF, E = 12.0 V
a) t = RC = (10 * 10^6 ohm) (1.0 * 10^-6 F) = 10 s

b) q/Qf = 1 e^(-t/RC) = 1 e^-(46 s)/(10 s) = 0.99

c) i/Io = = e-(t/RC) = e-(46 s)/(10 s) = 0.010

Soal Nomor 3

Calculate the RC time constant,of the following circuit.

The time constant,is found using the formula

T = R x Cin seconds.
Therefore the time constantis given as:T = R x C = 47k x 1000uF
=47 Secs
a)What value will be the voltage across the capacitor at 0.7 time
At 0.7 time constants (0.7T) Vc = 0.5Vs. Therefore, Vc = 0.5 x 5V =2.5V

b)What value will be the voltage across the capacitor at 1 time

At 1 time constant (1T) Vc = 0.63Vs. Therefore, Vc = 0.63 x 5V =3.15V
c)How long will it take to fully charge the capacitor?
The capacitor will be fully charged at 5 time constants.
1 time constant (1T) = 47 seconds, (from above). Therefore,5T= 5 x 47
=235 secs

d)The voltage across the Capacitor after 100 seconds?

The voltage formula is given asVc = V(1 e-t/RC)
which equals:Vc = 5(1-e-100/47)RC = 47 seconds from above,
Therefore,Vc=4.4 volts

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