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Online survey and

DATA mining
Anonline survey is a questionnaire
that the target audience can complete
over the Internet.
Onlinesurveys are usually created as
Web forms with a database to store
the answers and statistical software to
provide analytics.
Advantages of online survey:
Web surveys are faster, simpler, and cheaper.
Theentire data collection period is
significantly shortened.
between the respondent and the
questionnaire is more dynamic compared to e-
mail or paper surveys.
Pop-up instructions can be provided for
individual questions to provide help with
questions exactly where assistance is required.
Online surveys can be tailored to the situation.
Disadvantages in online
Platform issues.
Questionnaire design.
Post survey adjustment.
Online survey websites:

Survey monkey.
Data MiniNg
Data mining is the process of searching and
analyzing data in order to find implicit, but
potentially useful, information. It involves selecting,
exploring and modeling large amounts of data
Areas of Use
Internet Discover needs of customers
Economics Predict stock prices
Science Predict environmental change
Medicine Match patients with similar problems
Example of Data Mining

Credit Card Company wants to discover information about

clients from databases. Want to find:
Clients who respond to promotions in Junk Mail
Clients that are likely to change to another competitor
Clients that are likely to not pay
Services that clients use to try to promote services affiliated
with the Credit Card Company
Anything else that may help the Company provide/ promote
services to help their clients and ultimately make more

Effective Data Mining requires large sources of data

To achieve a wide spectrum of data, link multiple data sources
Linking sources leads can be problematic for privacy as follows: If
the following histories of a customer were linked:
Shopping History
Credit History
Bank History
Employment History
The users life story can be painted from the collected data.
Advantages of Data Mining

Provides new knowledge from existing data

Public databases
Government sources
Company Databases

Old data can be used to develop new knowledge

New knowledge can be used to improve services or products

Improvements lead to:

Bigger profits
More efficient service
Uses of Data Mining
Sales/ Marketing
Diversify target market
Identify clients needs to increase response rates
Risk Assessment
Identify Customers that pose high credit risk
Fraud Detection
Identify people misusing the system. E.g. People who have two
Social Security Numbers
Customer Care
Identify customers likely to change providers
Identify customer needs

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