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An Understanding of
Culture & its Impact on
Culture is a set of beliefs and values about
what is desirable and undesirable in a
community of people and a set of formal or
informal practices to support the values.
Acquired knowledge that people use to
interpret experience and generate social
behavior. This knowledge forms values,
creates attitudes, and influences behavior.
Priorities of Cultural
Components of Culture
social interactions among people; nuclear
family, extended family; reference groups
technologies that Interaction language has
are used to two parts: the
produce, distribute, Material Life Language spoken and the
and consume silent language
goods and services
of culture ideas and
Value System Aesthetics perceptions
that a culture
upholds in
values shape terms of
peoples norms beauty and
and standards Education Religion
good taste

communitys set of
One of the major vehicles beliefs that relate to a
to channel from one reality that cannot be
generation to the next verified empirically
Explicit artifacts and
products of the society Outer layer: observable,
Norms and values e.g. language, food,
that guide the society buildings, art.
Middle layer: helps people
Implicit, basic understand how they
assumptions that guide
peoples behavior
should behave.
Inner layer: intangible,
helpful for problem-solving
and well interactions with
other people.
Example of the cosmetics marketing which
varies greatly in consumer use.
Germans want advertising that is factual and
rational; they fear being manipulated by the hidden
persuader. The typical German spot features the
standard family of two parents, two children, and
The French avoid reasoning or logic. Their
advertising is predominantly emotional, dramatic,
and symbolic. Spots are viewed as cultural events or
art for the sake of money and are reviewed as if they
were literature or films.
The British value laughter above all else. The typical
broad, self-depreciating British commercial amuses
by mocking both the advertiser and consumer.
How Culture Affects
Managerial Approaches
Centralized vs. Decentralized Decision
In some societies, top managers make all
important organizational decisions.
In others, these decisions are diffused
throughout the enterprise, and middle- and
lower-level managers actively participate in,
and make, key decisions.
How Culture Affects
Managerial Approaches
Safety vs. Risk:
In some societies, organizational decision
makers are risk averse and have great difficulty
with conditions of uncertainty.
In others, risk taking is encouraged, and
decision making under uncertainty is common.
How Culture Affects
Managerial Approaches
Individual vs. Group Rewards:
In some countries, personnel who do
outstanding work are given individual rewards
in the form of bonuses and commissions.
In others, cultural norms require group
rewards, and individual rewards are frowned
How Culture Affects
Managerial Approaches
Informal Procedures vs. Formal Procedures:
In some societies, much is accomplished
through informal means.
In others, formal procedures are set forth and
followed rigidly.
How Culture Affects
Managerial Approaches
High Organizational Loyalty vs. Low
Organizational Loyalty
In some societies, people identify very strongly
with their organization or employer.
In others, people identify with their
occupational group, such as engineer or
How Culture Affects
Managerial Approaches
Cooperation vs. Competition
Some societies encourage cooperation between
their people.
Others encourage competition between their
How Culture Affects
Managerial Approaches
Short-term vs. Long-term Horizons
Some culture focus most heavily on short-term
horizons, such as short-range goals of profit and
Others are more interested in long-range goals,
such as market share and technologic
How Culture Affects
Managerial Approaches
Stability vs. Innovation
The culture of some countries encourages
stability and resistance to change.
The culture of others puts high value on
innovation and change.
. It is based upon a study of 100,000 IBM employees
who work in IBM divisions throughout the world.
Hofstedes survey revealed five underlying
dimensions of culture: Power Distance, Uncertainty
Avoidance, Individualism/Collectivism, and
Masculinity/Femininity, long term vs short term
Examples of Cultural Dimensions

Power Uncertainty Long-term

Country Individualism* Masculinity**
Distance Avoidance Orientation***

China High Low Moderate Moderate High

France High High Moderate High Low

Germany Low High High Moderate Moderate

Hong Kong High Low High Low High

Indonesia High Low Moderate Low Low

Japan Moderate Moderate High Moderate Moderate

Netherlands Low High Low Moderate Moderate

Russia High Moderate Low High Low

United States Low High High Low Low

West Africa High Low Moderate Moderate Low

* A low score is synonymous with collectivism

** A low score is synonymous with masculinity
*** A low score is synonymous with a short-term orientation
Edward T. Halls concept of polychronic versus
monochronic time orientation describes how
cultures structure their time. The monochronic
time concept follows the notion of one thing
at a time, while the polychronic concept
focuses on multiple tasks being handled at
one time, and time is subordinate to
interpersonal relations.
A Multi country study and evaluation of
cultural attributes and leadership behaviors
among more than 17000 managers from 825
organizations in 62 countries.
Hierarchical Power Distribution Egalitarian

Individualistic Social Relationships Collectivistic

Mastery Environment Relationships Harmony

Monochronic Time/work patterns Polychronic

Uncertainty and social Relationship-

Rule-based based
Power distribution
Hierarchical Egalitarian
Centralized. Decentralized.
Belief that power should be Belief that power should be
distributed hierarchically across distributed relatively equally across
society. society.
Belief in ascribed or inherited power Belief in shared or elected power with
with ultimate authority residing in ultimate authority residing in the
institutions. people.
Emphasis on organizing vertically and Emphasis on organizing horizontally
autocratic or centralized decision- and participatory or decentralized
making. decision-making.
Emphasis on who is in charge. Emphasis on who is best qualified.
Acceptance of authority; reluctance Rejection or skepticism of authority;
to question authority. willingness to question authority.

Social relationships
Individualistic Collectivistic
Person-centered. Group-centered.
Belief that people achieve self-identity Belief that people achieve self-identity
through individual accomplishment. through group membership.
Focus on accomplishing individual Preference for preserving social
goals. harmony over individual rights.
Sanctions reinforce independence Focus on accomplishing group goals.
and personal responsibility. Sanctions reinforce conformity to
Contract-based agreements. group norms.
Tendency toward low-context (direct, Relationship-based agreements.
frank) communication and individual Tendency toward high-context (subtle,
decision-making. indirect) communication and group or
participative decision-making.

Environmental relationships
Mastery-oriented Harmony-oriented
Dominance over nature. Accommodation with nature.
Focus on changing or controlling ones Focus on living in harmony with nature
natural and social environment. and adjusting to the natural and social
Achievement valued over relationships. environment.
Relationships valued over achievement.
Emphasis on competition in the pursuit Emphasis on social progress, quality of
of personal or group goals. life, and the welfare of others.
Embraces change and unquestioned Defends traditions; skepticism towards
innovation. change.
Emphasis on material possessions as Emphasis on economy, harmony, and
symbols of achievement. modesty.
Emphasis on assertive, proactive, Emphasis on passive, reactive,
masculine approach. feminine approach.
Preference for performance-based Preference for seniority-based intrinsic
extrinsic rewards. rewards.

Time and work patterns
Monochronic Polychronic
Linear. Non-linear.
Sequential attention to individual tasks. Simultaneous attention to multiple tasks.
Single-minded approach to work, Interactive approach to work, planning,
planning, and implementation. and implementation.
Precise concept of time; punctual. Flexible concept of time; often late.
Job-centered; commitment to the job and People-centered; commitment to people
often to the organization. and human relationships.
Separation of work and personal life. Integration of work and personal life.
Approach to work is focused and Approach to work is at times unfocused
impatient. and patient.

Uncertainty and social control
Rule-based Relationship-based
Individual behavior should be largely While rules and laws are important,
regulated by rules, laws, formal they often require flexibility in their
policies, standard operating application or enforcement by influential
procedures, and social norms that are people (e.g., parents, peers, superiors,
widely supported by societal members government officials) or unique
and applied uniformly to everyone. circumstances.
Emphasis on legal contracts and Emphasis on interpersonal
meticulous record keeping. relationships and trust; less emphasis
Low tolerance for rule breaking. on record keeping.
Moderate tolerance for rule breaking.
Decisions based largely on objective
criteria (e.g., legal constraints, data, Decisions often based on subjective
policies). criteria (e.g., hunches, personal


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