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Macule: It is a flat, circumscribed area of

skin showing an alteration in the skin

colour, e.g. melasma, pityriasis and vitiligo

Patch: A larger macule (>1

cm) is referred to as a patch.
Patches are seen in leprosy,
vitiligo and purpura
Plaque: A circumscribed area of skin
which shows a change in the consistency
of skin .Plaques are seen in lichen
planus, psoriasis and neurodermatitis

Papule: It is a circumscribed, raised

elevated lesion which measures less
than 0.5 cm, e.g. acne papules,
lichen planus, molluscum
Vesicle: It is a clear fluid containing
lesion measuring < 0.5 cm. Vesicles
are seen in herpes zoster

Nodule: An elevated, palpable lesion

with greater depth than its height or
Bulla: A fluid filled lesion which
measures more than 1 cm .The
bullae are seen in pemphigus.
Pustule: A tiny lesion containing pus
measuring less than 0.5 cm in size
Wheal: Constitutes an erythematous,
oedematous, transient, itchy papule
or plaques seen in urticaria
Burrow: It is a linear, thread like
lesion in the web spaces of fingers,
flexural folds of wrists, ankles and
constitutes the primary lesion of

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