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Created By: Jeremiah Sharp, Melanie Lisinicchia,

Brandon Holmes, and Jacob Madsen

1.Questions and Quotes

2.Indiana Academic Standards vs Common Core

3.How Common Core Is Affecting Us

4.Teachers Opinions

5.How Can We Fix This?

Questions You Need to be Asking
What am I supposed to be learning?

Is my education preparing me for my future career?

How does American education compare to other countries?

Am I getting the best education that I possibly can?

Can I get a more personalized experience?

What do Founding Fathers have to say about
Ben Franklin - He was not in favor of traditional education but instead
believed in the new methods of student-led experimentation and
learning through individual experience because personality is shaped by
ones environment (Blinderman, 8).

Thomas Jefferson - Taxpayers would provide the resources for public

education; the community would arrange the schooling

John Adams - There are two types of education One should teach us
how to make a living, the other how to live
Common Core and Indiana Academic Standards
Definition - a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics
and English language arts/literacy.

Common core is certain information a student should know by the end

of each grade.

A set of new standards adopted by Indiana in 2014. These standards

are the result of a process designed to identify, evaluate, synthesize,
and create high quality, rigorous standards for Indiana students.
After looking at and comparing the 2010 common core standards and
the 2016 Indiana state standards, we found that the standards were
very similar. For the most part the wording is just changed and the
standards at times are slightly rearranged. There are things that are
present on one set of standards and not the other, but there are also
times where the standards were the same word for word.

Standard B.1.2 for both reads ...the shape of a molecule determines its
role in the many different types of cellular processes (e.g., metabolism,
homeostasis, growth and development, and heredity) and understand
that the majority of these processes involve proteins that act as
enzymes. The only difference is the beginning -- the 2010 standards
say Understand that and the 2016 standars say Analyze how.
How Common Core Is Affecting Us
- Common core is affecting the way kids learn every day

- Putting us behind

- Equality

- Everyone learning at the same rate

- Doesnt help careers

Teachers Opinions
Do you think common core is more effective than an alternative learning method?
The overall goal of common core is in good intention but there can definitely be
improvement. -Breininger

No, I dont think its the most effective but it is nice to have everyone on the same
standards. Its good to have something that pushes mastery rather than touching on
things. - Hammon

Do you think that someone should have to take classes not geared towards their career?
No if it doesnt directly apply to their career, they shouldnt have to take it. -Noffsinger

Maybe not excessive classes but a basic structure is good. So instead of taking other normal
electives they could take classes geared towards the career. -Maguire

A student should be well rounded, theyll be more successful that way. However, I do like the
idea of career geared classes. -Breininger
Another Perspective
Throughout the majority of the project, we neglected the other side of
more career geared classes. Then we realized that counselors would
have a significant say in this as well. We interviewed Mrs. Landrum for
some insight.

They have to follow what the state does. The state decides, there are 16
Career Clusters and every career fits under those. They create career
pathways and each class fits into a pathway.

From our stance (as a job) it would be nearly impossible to keep track
of, its not a guarantee. Almost every student changes career pathways
every year.

A lot of colleges are liberal arts colleges, so they want well rounded
individuals because you understand the world better that way.
So What Is The Problem and What Can We Do?
The whole educational
and professional training
system is a very
elaborate filter, which
just weeds out people
who are too
independent, and who
think for themselves,
and who don't know how
to be submissive, and so
on -- because they're
dysfunctional to the
institutions. Noam
Blinderman, A. (1976). Three early champions of education: Benjamin Franklin,
Benjamin Rush, and Noah Webster. Bloomington, IN: The Phi Delta Kappa
Educational Foundation.

Chomsky, Noam, Peter R. Mitchell, and John Schoeffel. Understanding Power: The
Indispensable Chomsky. New York: New, 2002. Print.

Karp, Stan. "The Problems with the Common Core." Rethinking Schools. N.p., n.d.

Maksin, Melanie. "LibGuides: Government Documents and Information:

Education." Education - Government Documents and Information - LibGuides at
Yale University. N.p., 10 Oct. 2016. Web.

Mitchell, Aric. "American Presidents On Education: 20 Quotes Throughout White

House History." 4 Tests. N.p., n.d. Web.

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