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Black Hearts Rule!

In physics, a wave is a propagation of a
perturbance of a property in a medium, that
propagates (travels) through space carrying
energy. The nature of the perturbed
medium can vary. For example: Air, water, a
piece of metal, space or vacuum.

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All waves have a common behavior under standard
situations. All waves can experiment the following:
Difraction - Occurs when a wave hits an obstacle and
stops moving in a straight line to go around it.
Doppler effect Intensity effect due to the relative
movement between the wave emitting source and the
Interference - Occurs when two waves combine when they
meet at the same point in space.
Reflection Occurs when a wave changes direction when
meeting a medium it cant go through.
Refraction - Occurs when a wave changes direction when
entering a new medium in which it travels at a different
velocity. (water and oil air and water)
Shock wave - Occurs when several waves superimpose on
each other forming a cone.
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Wave examples:
Water waves: perturbances that propagate through

Radio waves, microwaves, infra red light, ultra violet

light, X rays and Gamma rays make th

eelectromagnetic radiation spectrum. In this case,
propagation is possible without a medium, that is,
through vacuum.
Sound waves a mechanical wave that propagates

through air, liquids or solids.

Seismic waves: They propagate through the ground

with great intensity. (Earthquakes)

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Valley (Bottom part)
Peak or crest (top part)

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Wavelength (simbolized by )(Lambda) is
the distance between two consecutive
peaks. It is usually measured in meters,
although in optics it is more common to use
Amstrongs ().

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Waves can be represented by a simple
harmonic movement.
The period (T ) is the time elapsed for the

wave to complete a full oscillation cycle.

The frequency (f ) is the number of
periods that occur in a given unit of time
(example: 1 second) and it is measured in
Hertz (Hz).
A waves frequency and period are

reciprocal to each other.

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The mathematical relation between a
waves velocity (v), its frequency (f), and its
wavelength (), is given by the equation:

v =f

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Clasificacin de las ondas
En funcin del medio en el que se

Ondas mecnicas: las ondas mecnicas

necesitan un medio elstico (slido, lquido o
gaseoso) para propagarse.

Ondas electromagnticas: las ondas

electromagnticas se propagan por el espacio
sin necesidad de un medio, pudiendo por lo
tanto propagarse en el vaco.

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Propiedades de las ondas
Reflexin: la reflexin se da cuando una onda
choca contra un objeto, o llega una frontera con
otro medio y se desva, al menos en parte, otra
vez hasta el medio original.

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Refraccion.Cuando una
onda cruza una frontera y
penetra en otro medio, por lo
general su rapidez cambia
porque el nuevo material
tiene distintas
caractersticas. Si la onda
transmitida ingresa en el
nuevo medio se mover en
una direccin distinta de la
de la onda incidente. Este
fenmeno se denomina

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Difraccin: La difraccin se refiere a la flexin de
las onda en torno al borde de un objeto y no esta
relacionada con la refraccin.
Es cuando una onda al topar con el borde de un
obstculo deja de ir en lnea recta para rodearlo.

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Dispersin: Es cuando las ondas de distinta
frecuencia se separan unas de otras. Aunque
la luz no se dispersa en el vacio, cuando entra
en algn medio sus ondas si se separan.

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Interferencia: Este fenmeno ocurre cuando dos ondas
se combinan al encontrarse en el mismo punto del

Hay 2 tipos de interferencia. interferenciaconstructivae


La primera se refiere a una superposicin de dos o ms

ondas de frecuencia idntica o similar que, al interferirse
crean un nuevo patrn de ondas de mayor intensidad. (se
unen 2 ondas)

La segunda hace referencia a una superposicin de dos o

ms ondas de frecuencia idntica o similar que, al
interferirse crean un nuevo patrn de ondas de menor
intensidad (se anulan ambas)

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