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Chapter 3

The Role of the

Project Manager
Leadership and Management
Leadership and management are two
different things. You lead people and you
manage projects.
The ability to inspire confidence and
support among the people who are
needed to achieve organizational goals.
Project management is leader intensive!
Leadership and Management
Leadership is a talent only a few are
born with
Management is a skill that anyone
can acquire

Projects are Riskier
1. Expectations are more specific
2. The resources are more diverseand many
are not even in your department
3. Deadlines are shorter
4. No chance to do better next time if there is a

Who is PM?
It is for the purposes of Org to be responsive to:
Client and the environment
Identify and correct the problems in their

Make timely decisions about trade-offs
and conflicting project goals
Ensure that no sub optimization takes
That we need to have someone called the PM.5
The Proj Manager Why and When
Projects seldom run smooth and as per schedule or so to say as per book.
Despite best of efforts and adherence of rules and regulations and close
watch by the CEO, one would find at the last minute that technical
drawings were not updated.
The quantites were worked out two years ago and were based on two
floors of the building whereas plans had been revised to add another floor
with complete air conditioning. Somehow, the same was not taken into
account and the project was initiated.
This and many other issues would crop up as and when a project is
launched. It is over here that the PM would come in with a bang and
would sort out conflicts.
The Proj Manager Why and When Contd

The PM can be chosen and installed as soon as the project is selected for
funding or earlier at any point that seems desirable to senior management.
The concept of a Decision maker, expert, boss and / or a director has
been replaced by a leader, coach, and facilitator.
Soon after nomination and acceptance, the PM faces three questions:
What needs to be done?
When must it be done?
How are the needed resources going to be available?
The PM
In other words:
A person who integrates all aspects of the project,
ensures that needed resources are optimally
utilized and makes sure that the expected results
(Performance / Quality) are produced in a timely
(Given time frame) and cost effective manner
(within cost).
The Project Manager Continued

The project manager should come into the project

We want him to help produce as much of the project
plan as possible
This helps insure that the project manager buys
into the plans
Over time, plans are refined and people are added to
the project staff

Project Management and the Project Manager
The project manager functions as a mini-CEO
The project manager must have a clear
understanding of how the project fits into the overall
This is why broad knowledge is more valuable than
technical knowledge
Budgets, timetables, and criteria, magnify
management problems on projects

The PM and the Org
Relationship between..:
The PM, the functional managers, the project
team, and the project managers supervisor must
be congenial.
The Org must, therefore, be populated by talented
Organizing, Staffing, Budgeting, Directing, Planning and Controlling the project.
Ethically correct
Superb Organizer and Motivator
An accomplished leader
A keen observer and good analyst.
A trouble shooter manager
Excellent in intra-personal communications
Acceptable to higher management
Currently available
Computer savvy / ---- PRIMAVERA.
Technically strong.
Good in financial management.
The one who can get the job done.
Functional Management

Functional or Traditional Org


GM Fin GM Ops GM Admin

Mgr Fin
Recoveries Proj Blue Proj Green
Functional Management Continued

Department heads are usually functional specialists

They have the technical skills to evaluate all
members of their organization
They decide who performs each task and, to a certain
degree, how the task is performed
That is, they exercise a great deal of control over
every aspect of the work that gets performed within
their area

Project Management

Project Management Continued

Project managers are usually generalists

It would be very unusual for a project manager to have all the
technical skills that are used on their projects
The project manager rarely decides who performs each task
and lacks the technical skills to evaluate much of the work
performed on the project
That is, they exercise very little control over most aspects of
the work that gets performed on the project

Comparing Functional & Project Managers
Functional manager needs technical skills while project
manager need negotiation skills
Functional manager must be skilled at analysis while project
manager must be skilled at synthesis
Functional manager uses the analytic approach while project
manager uses the systems approach
Functional manager is responsible for a small area while
project manager is responsible for the big picture
Functional manager is a manager while the project manager
is a facilitator

PM v/s Fun Mgr
Orientation / Task oriented Job oriented
Approach System Approach Analytical Approach
Responsible Operational + Admin Administration

Specialization A specialist turned Specialists


Basic Functions Organizing, staffing, Organizing, and

budgeting, directing, planning
planning and
Project Manager Responsibilities

1. The parent company

2. The project/client
3. The project staff

The Parent Company
Proper usage of resources
Timely and accurate reports
Keep project sponsor informed

The Project / Client
Preserve the integrity of the project
This may be difficult with all sides wanting
Keep the client informed of major changes

The Project Staff
Very few people will work for the project manager
The team will disband at the end of the project
The project manager must look out for everyones
This is in the best interest of the project, otherwise as
the project winds down, everyone will be looking
after themselves

Special Demands on Project Manager
Acquiring adequate resources
Acquiring and motivating personnel
Dealing with obstacles
Making project goal trade-offs
Failure and the risk and fear of failure
Breadth of communication

Acquiring Adequate Resources
Project budgets are usually inadequate
There are resource trade-offs that must be
Crises occur that require special resources

Acquiring and Motivating Personnel
Most project workers are borrowed from
functional managers
The project manager negotiates for the
desired worker but
The project manager wants the best qualified
The functional manager decides who to assign

Acquiring and Motivating Personnel Continued

The functional manager also decides

The skill level to assign
The pay and promotion of the worker assigned to
the project
Additionally, the worker will most likely
return to the functional manager once the
project is finished

Acquiring and Motivating Personnel Continued

Once workers are assigned to a project, the

project manager must motivate them
The project manager have little or no control over
pay and promotion
This is especially true in shorter projects

Dealing with Obstacles
Every project is unique
The project manager will face a series of
A big problem is scope creep

Dealing with Obstacles Continued

Early problems associated with resources

Later problems are associated with
1. Last-minute schedule and technical changes
2. What happens to the team when the project is

Making Project Goal Trade-Offs
Trade-offs involve
1. Cost
2. Time
3. Performance
Multiple projects
Project goals and organizational goals
Project, firm, career

Failure and the Risk and Fear of Failure
Well understood projects (Type 1)
Appear simple
Natural flow introduces problems
Poorly understood project (Type 2)
Many difficulties early on
Most are planning problem
May have psychic consequences

Breadth of Communication
1. Why the project exists
2. Some projects fail
3. Top management support needed
4. Information network needed
5. Must be flexible

Acquiring adequate resources
Motivating personnel
Dealing with obstacles
Making project goal trade-offs
Handing failure
Maintaining communication

Selecting the Project Manager

1. Credibility
2. Sensitivity
3. Leadership, ethics, and management style
4. Ability to handle stress

1. Technical credibility
2. Administrative credibility

Political sensitivity
Interpersonal sensitivity
Technically sensitivity

Leadership, Ethics, and Management Style
Strong sense ethics
A management style that fits the project

Ability to Handle Stress
1. No consistent procedures
2. Too much to do
3. High need to achieve
4. Organizations in change

Lead from the front
Build and maintain cohesive team
Understand the environment
Recognize Proj Team conflict as progress
Understand who the stakeholders are and what do they want
Accept and use the political nature of the Org
Understand what success means
Must guard against Enthusiasm and Despair both are infectious
One look forward is worth two looks back
Always remember what you are trying to do / achieve
Use time carefully or it will use you
Above all, Plan, Plan and Plan
Legal Environment
Different countries/regions have different
legal structures
The project must conform to those laws

Legal Environment Continued

Ownership of the project

Trade secrets


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