Drama Presentation

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Our Idea
Originates from Jims film treatment idea.

The core subject matter of the film is domestic

violence, the lengths victims will go to escape it (or
not), and its cancerous effect if left unchecked.

The dark space accompanied by dancing acts as her

escape, it is her ballet world/sanctuary. As the film
progresses her sanctuary is disrupted as fragments of
her abusive past filter in.

Intention: to be a very emotive, visually orientated

Why Abuse?
Thecross-government definitionof domestic violence and abuse recognises and defines domestic abuse as...

Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse
between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of
gender or sexuality.

Although domestic abuse is present across all ages and sexes, we wanted to focus on having a female lead
character, not onlt because it worked with the narrative but also because of the staggering number of
Domestic abuse is something that is happening in such a widespread and profound manner. Many films
have been made about the topic, but feel clich and dramatized, theres no realism. They often fail to
deliver the underlying message strongly enough.
We felt we wanted to try and make something than in its innocence and simplicity is emotive and powerful
enough to grab peoples attention; to raise more awareness and encourage victims to speak out. More
needs to be done!
Research into the topic
Sources Factual research
Office of National Statistics, 2015
Crime Survey of England and Wales, 2 Women are killed every week in England and Wales by a current
2013/14 or former partner. (2015)
State of the Worlds Fathers Report, University of Leeds estimated the total costs of domestic violence
MenCare, 2015
to be15.7 billiona year. (2009)
Home Office, July 2002
1 in 4 women in England and Wales will experience domestic
https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati violence in their lifetimes and 8% will suffer domestic violence in
etins/domesticabuseinenglandandwale any given year
s/yearendingmarch2016 Globally, 1 in 3 women will experience violence at the hands of a
http://www.refuge.org.uk/get-help- male partner (2015)
violence/domestic-violence-the-facts/ Domestic violence has a higher rate of repeat victimisation than
any other crime
Every minute police in the UK receive a domestic assistance
call.yet only 35% of domestic violence incidents are reported to
the police
Domestic abuse-related crimes that are recorded by the police
accounted for approximately 1 in 10 of all crimes. (May 2016)
An estimated 1.8 million adults aged 16 to 59 experienced
domesticon the graph..
abuse an estimated
in the last year (2016) 1.2 million female
victims compared to 651,000 male victims.
Jim contacted friend Pat who helped organise:

Fri 24th and Sat 25th March

Female Canadian actress from the Royal Ballet (Play the lead)
Male actor
Supporting actor for the male role
Drama studio for 4 hours
House for all day
Lighting technician
Exeter Plan
Thursday 23rd March Travel and bookings:
2:00pm: Equipment booked for collection
at this time Travel by Jims car (carry members and
3:00pm: Plan to set off for Exeter extensive equipment)
8:00pm: Estimated arrival Cost of travel 10-15 each (petrol)
9:00pm: Meet crew/actors for drinks to
break down walls.
Friday 24th March West street mews- 2 bedroom
apartment (Found by Molly)
Film house shots (available all day) 36 each (Booked and paid by
Equipment list:
Saturday 25th March
4 Audio Technica, 4 mic stands, 2 H5 zooms, 2
Contact mics, lapel mic, 3 fellonis, dedo kit, dedo
Drama Studio (4 hours) filter kit, Sony A7S, Sony fs700, Odyssey 7Q, Movi
m15, Dolly track rig, 35mm lens, 200mm lens, 2
tripods, 1 heavy duty tripod.
New Plan...
Thursday 23rd March Friday 24th March
1:30pm: location scout abandoned Hallam hotel
2:30am: Receive message Jim had
and surrounding areas (Jack and Harry)
been in a car accidentExeter had to
2:11pm: Receive phone call from Susan head of the
be cancelled
Hubs team confirming the availability of the space
4:00am: Double sided page of contact (Harry)
details for locations and dance clubs 2:15pm: Passed onto Head technician Rob Lee
(Harry) (Harry)
3:30pm: Worked through the list 6:42pm: Receive email from actress that wanted to
audition for the part.
ringing and emailing (Molly and Harry)
6:15pm: Personally ask at hubs for Sunday 26th March
drama space...request for a technician
10:30am: Met with actress Stevie to confirm and go
also made.
over discussed content on emails (Molly and Harry)

Monday 27th March Wednesday 29th March

10:00-4:00pm Hubs space 11:00am House scenes Mollys room
9:30am collect equipment and meet Light technician
Re-ordering of group roles: Share Producer

Car crash

Short notice: Locations, actors, technicians

Dance events around the same time: spaces taken

Smoke effect: Machine, pellets

Mirror effect
Directing: Harry and Jim
Examples of some Research and

Storyboard by Harry
From Jims Film treatment a rough story board W0CkvdDI
was drafted with specific moves and elements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mci
of the film AiGJyzKM
3-4 minutes of storyboard- deliberately Gy7ondCa8
leaving time for on set rushes (creative and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
visual orientated). IQY224pKlnI
Wanted specific moves that would fluidly
transition between world.
Specific Key influences to note:
Boris Charmatz: Choreographer
Inspired by some of the dance moves
Inspired by its awkwardness- body jerks in real Short notice- filmed and watched as group
then added in.

Stranger Things- Sensory Deprivation tank scene After seeing the routine we could then stop
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-_KRSo54wE and show exactly
When and where we wanted specific moves.
The change in atmosphere and lighting

Lost in Motion
Lighting, tone, slow motion, smoke effect.
Examples of matched Shots
Cinematography: Jim and Harry
Sony A7s Key- used dolly track
HD Record 1920x1080p Flycam 3000
Can do 4k externally
Focus peaking really nice
Low light awesome! Maximum ISO 102400
Slog2 if needed
Movi m15- had it for Exeter
couldnt have it for Sheffield. So
instead used Flycam 3000 Issues: battery, rolling shutter, no built in

Sony Fs700

Good first camera, super 35mm- bigger sensor

High resolution 4k with Odyssey 7Q
Slow motion we recorded 200fps

Issues: mobility, no native 4k.

Sound recording: Jack
Sound set up: Intentions:

Studio Mics one in each corner all

4 Audio Technica (ideally facing inwards at head
Sanheiser) height (to actress)
4 Microphone stands Lapel mic on actress when
Lapel mic (Lapel Stickers) not filming, pick up sensitive
2 H5 Zooms sound
2 Contact Mics Contact mics for the floor to
pick up vibrations, muffle
House sound.
Audio Technica rifle mic
Boom pole House:
H5 Zoom
Challenges: Use sounds recorded from
Type of shoe studio across the piece
Low 50Hz rumble Pick up ambience (switching
Positioning, equipment H5 to stereo)
Visual Edit: Charlotte
Editing requirements: Cut rushes for Lee
Free flowing On second shoot, helped to record content
Fluidity in range of shots with Molly
Smooth transitions between worlds Labelled and filed all shots into categorized
bins including discarded unwanted shots
Put together a rough cut for input from
everyone in the group
Colour corrected
Produced the final corrected cut
Flicker due to slow motion recorded in high
frame rate
Tried many different styles
Overlapping same shot, opacity turned down
to 50%, then nudging by a frame
Some colour correction issues in making the
shots match up
Sound design/editor: Molly
Subtle sound design
Found the track of her dancing however the audios gain was Sherlock Holmes
too high- used an EQ and reverb to distort it.adding to the
dream like feel.
The sound of her dancing didnt match the footage we had so
I cut it up into individual footsteps- put it in sync with dancing LuhWLNqpiA
Used a midi controller to create piano notes that run under
track and distorted them so theyre just tones.(D-verb)
Took inspiration from the Swan Lake song and redesigned,
taking out all the high frequencies out , so its just a low
rumble in the background. Swan Lake


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