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User Guide

Health & Safety Module


1. Tasks Notification . 3
2. How to access the GRC Applus .. 4
3. GRC Applus Login .... 5
4. Home Page ............................................................................. 6
5. Tasks to do ............................................................................................ 7
6. H&S Management ....... 8

PwC 2
Tasks notification

Notification of task

Users receive an email with

a brief description of
pending tasks and a link to First day of month
logon into the Applus GRC

Due Notification
Users receive a notification
informing that they have an
overdue task, adding on
copy the General Risk 8th day of month

PwC 3
How to access to the GRC Applus
The users can access the GRC Applus Tool in two ways, depending from which country they are connecting

a) Portal

All users from Spain,

Mexico, Ireland and
Colombia can access to
the tool this way. Also,
RTD users access
through Portal b) Citrix

Users from all other

countries and
divisions have access
to the tool this way.

PwC 4
GRC Applus Login
The login page of the GRC Applus tool will appear

Remote access inside

Applus Portal

Users profiles and

access definition

Password used by employees to login in their Personal Computers is automatically

synchronized with the Applus GRC Tool

PwC 5
GRC Applus Login
You can access the tool using the different browsers available in the market

When using Internet Explorer 8, you may find that the tool is not working as it should be and you
cannot see the information correctly.
To solve this issue you just have to activate the Compatibility View:

Internet Explorer Toolbar

PwC 6
Home Page
The users will enter to the tool and will see if they have any pending task to do

Select the Health and Safety Module

The bell will be blinking if the user has tasks pending to be performed.

With this button the user can drop down the list of tasks pending to be performed.

PwC 7
Tasks to Do
Access to the health and Safety Indicators from tasks to do.

By clicking , the user accesses to the survey showed in the next slide, and s/he has the following options:

Return to previous screen

Upload files to the Health & Safety

report/certification Enables users to attach and view files.
Confirm/Validate Confirms or validates the activity the
user is doing

Help Button Shows additional information of the window

that is being shown
PwC 8
Health & Safety Management
H&S Template (all the fields are mandatory)

PwC 9
Health & Safety Management
H&S Template (all the fields are mandatory)

Controls performed:
Number of attachments (incidents reports)= number of fatalities + number of permanent
disabilities + number of Lost work day cases + number of Restricted work day cases

Number of Lost work day cases = Number of Lost work day cases causes

Number of Lost Work days Current Month Number of Lost work day cases

All the fields must be completed (if it has not happened, fill it with a 0)

Number of Restricted Lost Work days Current Month Number of Restricted Lost work day cases

Number of FTEs cannot be higher than the number of Hours Worked

By changing the year and period of reporting, the user will be able to see the information reported in previous periods

PwC 10
Health & Safety Management
The user can use two types of filters in the tables in order to filter them and find the data they are looking for:

The user can filter by writing the data he is looking for in the spaces in each column

There is another option in the bottom of the table where the user can
select the column, the type of filter he wants to do and the value to be
used to filter

Health & Safety Management
The user will be able to visualize all H&S by entity and region in the grid all risks.

Grid columns configuration Export to Excel Edit/Open

PwC 12
Health & Safety Management
The user will be able to see all the periods he has already reported in the same template

Health & Safety Management
The user will be able to change the current and previous (current month -1) periods he has already reported
in the same template

Health & Safety Management
The user will be able to download the current period he has uploaded to excel from the Health&Safety
Indicators window

If the user has previously made a filter in the grid the tool will only download the filtered elements from the grid

Health & Safety Management
The user will be able to see all the periods reported in a grid and download them to excel

PwC 16
Health & Safety Management
The user will be able to change the user that reports the H&S indicators as follows:

PwC 17
Health & Safety Management
The user will be able to change the user that reports the H&S indicators as follows:

4 Select the new user that will be reporting the information and press the confirm button. In case the user does not appear in the
list, contact the GRC module administrator

PwC 18
Health & Safety Management
The administrator will be able to create a new company to be reported:

Select the risk and press the Save button

Select the risk responsible as

explained previously and at the
beginning of the month he will
receive the H&S reporting task to
do mail

PwC 19
Health & Safety Management
The administrator will be able to create a new company to be reported:

Go to the Health and Safety tab and press the New Health and Safety report in this view and the report
template for that company will be created

PwC 20
Health & Safety Management
The user will be able to see all as well as in a consolidated view, being able to see the data consolidated for
the different companies he will be responsible for

Select the company, division or country you want to see the Health & Safety data by pressing
the pen button next to Company

Select the year reported you want to see detailed (data is shown
per month)

Select the Area if applicable (only RTD Select the type of employee
countries) (only Velosi countries)

PwC 21
Health & Safety Management
Answer the Health & Safety and administrator certification (annual)

By clicking , the user accesses to the survey shown previously, and has the following options:

Answer all the questions and press the confirm button (the bolded questions are the mandatory ones)
Health & Safety Management
Answer the Health & Safety and environmental certification (annual)

Answer all the questions and press the confirm button (the bolded questions are the mandatory ones)


This document has been produced within the project "Project Diseo e Implantacin del Modelo de Control de Filiales " to DABA, S.A., under the terms of
our engagement letter dated in 2014. PwC does not accept any liability to any party who may use the contents of this document without prior acceptance
of PwC.

2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L. All rights reserved. In this document, PricewaterhouseCoopers and PwC refer to
PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L. which is a member firm of PricwaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a
separate legal entity.

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