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It is a double edged sharp stabbing weapon.

It produces elliptical shaped stab, injuries with clean cut
edges. Width of the weapon roughly corresponds to the length
of the injury.
The length of weapon generally equal to the depth of injury.

Medico - Legal Importance :

The stab wound provides approximate dimensions of the
The stab wound also provides the direction in which the
wound was inflicted.
is a weapon with one edge sharp and the other edge blunt.
he injuries produced are incised injuries.
also produce stab injuries with wedge shape.
edico - Legal Importance :
he injuries produced especially stab injuries are mostly homicidal in nature.
ccidental incised injuries may also be produced.
is a heavy cutting weapon with one sharp edge and an elongated handle.
produces cut lacerations and chop wounds.
Medico - Legal Importance :
he injuries are mostly homicidal.
he dimensions of the wound correspond to cross section of penetrating blade.
When the whole blade strikes the body at the same time, the depth may be same
throughout the wound.
It is a heavy cutting weapon.
The injuries produced are cut lacerations and chop wounds.
Medico - Legal Importance :
The injuries are mostly homicidal.
If the extremities are attached, there may be complete or
incomplete amputation of the fingers or other bows and the
joints may be separated or disarticulated.
It is used in riots.
It produced patterned abrasions and lacerations contusions and sometimes frac
Medico - Legal Importance :
Homicidal in nature.
It is heavy blunt object.
It produces tyre marks imprint abrasions,
Medico - Legal Importance :
Road Traffic Accidents
Hammer :
Hard heavy blunt weapon
Injuries produced : Abrasion, contusion, laceration
Signature fracture of the skull ( ala signature)
Rope :
Injures sustained : Patterned abrasion, patterned bruise
Used : Hanging, Strangulation
Death : Asphyxia, Hypoxia encepholapathy
Wooden Stick / Iron rod / cricket stump:

Injuries : Abrasion, contusion, laceration, fractures

Type of injury : Grievous type, sometimes simple
The cartridge case is filled as follows - the base, percussion cap,
the propellent charge, a thick feltwad with cardboard disc lying in
front and behind the short and finally the retaining cardboard disc.
The shot consists of several small lead shots, the number
depending on the size of the individual pellets.
Medico - Legal Importance :
It produce gun shot injury which is usually homicidal.

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