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By Jodie Wilson
How does your media product
represent particular social groups?

When creating our thriller we wanted the target audience to

be young female adults, this then meant that we would need
to use a young women in our opening. One way that our
thriller opening represents a social group is having a woman
moving into a house at the beginning showing how mature
she is, this agrees with a stereotypical working class woman.
She is wearing smart clothes to emphasise this and carrying
moving in boxes. During these shots she looks very contained
and mature, however To contrast this we could say that when
she goes down into the basement she starts getting very
scared and panicky showing the other stereotype of women
always being weak and the damsel in distress in films.
The women in our thriller has a really nice house
and its quite big, she is living on her own but as a
stereotype men normally bring in the money and
that allows the family to have a better home. In our
thriller she's a single women who appears to make
good money from looking at her appearance and

Adults are stereotyped to be less vulnerable than

teens/children, our thriller subverts this stereotype
as even though she is an adult she is feeling
extremely vulnerable as an adult in the cellar alone.
We took inspiration from watching a psychological thriller that has
already been distributed. The film is called Would you rather and
we liked the idea of the lead female role iris played by Brittany
snow. In the film she is a young adult who is trying to run a house
she bought with her younger brother and trying to earn some
money. She comes across in the film as a struggling but strong
independent women and thats what we tried to show in our thriller
opening. We also took inspiration from the clothing that Brittany
snow wore in the film, as you can see from this picture she is only
wearing dark clothing, in our opening Bekka wears all
black clothing with some flower embroidery on her top.
We wanted the flowers to be included
because I think flowers represent our
target audience more. Even though Brittany
doesnt wear trainers we wore flat plimsolls we
wanted the young female in our opening to have more of
a connection with teenagers as well as young adults.

I think that we were very stereotypical with out gender choice

however the way we portrayed her in the opening went against the
stereotype of a female role In a thriller/horror.

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