Classroom Management Plan

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Caroline Terry
Introductory Letter

Dear Parents,
My name is Caroline Terry and I am so excited to be teaching your children this year! I would like
to tell you about myself so you can know me a better. I graduated from Wesleyan College in
December of 2017. I come from a family of educators, including my mother who was a middle and
high school teacher, and my grandfather who was a college professor. When I was in high school
and for the first two years of college, I coached gymnastics. That was after I competed for four
years. I love horses and rode on the equestrian team at Wesleyan. I learned to bake from my
mother and grandmother when I was eight years old and love to make (and eat) cupcakes! I also
love exercising and being outside. That is only a little, but I would like to know about you as well. I
want you to know that I am always willing to talk about what is going on in the classroom and
anything that my concern your child. You can reach me at my school email and we can also
communicate through class dojo. Now that you know about me I would love to know about you
and your child. If you could send n email or a letter to school with your child telling me about
yourself and then your favorite thing about your child, I would love to read them!
Ms. Terry
Entry/Morning Routines

Every morning I will have music playing when students enter the room. I will either be out in
the hallway, in the doorway, or walking around the room. I will make a point to welcome
each student as they walk in and ask them how they are doing so I can gauge how their
mood is and also to make them feel welcome and wanted in the classroom. Students will put
their bookbags up and anything else they may have brought. They will turn in any folders or
homework if they have it. They will also go to the bathroom if they need to. If students enter
the room before it is time to have morning announcements they will have the option to get a
book from my library, one of their own books, or do one of the activities listed on the board. I
will have at least one activity on the board when the students come into the classroom. This
activity could be as simple as a coloring sheet, a riddle, or a question of the day that will go
along with one of our lessons. Once the morning announcements are over everyone will
stand up and we will dance to a song! I will use go noodle for the song and dance. I feel like
having a fun and positive thing like this so early in the day will really put the students in a
good mood to learn. It can wake up tired students as well as get some energy out of hyper
End of Day/Dismissal Routines

I will give myself and the students fifteen minutes before dismissal starts
to get ready and packed up. I will have an alarm for myself on my phone
for when it is time to start packing up. Students will be called by desks or
groups to go get their bookbags. While that is happening I will pass out
any folders or papers that the students need to take home with them. If I
have homework to give I will make sure students have it written down.
Once students are packed up they will need to clean up their desk and
the area around them. I will have a chart for who goes where (carpool,
bus, afterschool, etc.). If I have students in my classroom waiting for their
dismissal time I will have a hand full of things that can be done. Students
can read on their own, I can read to them, or we can have Bill Nye
Hallway Expectations

Students are expected to be quiet in the hallway and in a

straight line. In order for students to know how to act properly in
the hallway we will practice in the classroom. We will have
different fun ways to act in the hallway like having peace and
quiet. Students will hold up a peace sign and have a finger from
the other hand on their lip. We can also act like ninjas and be
sneaky and quiet. Overall students will need to keep in
consideration that how they act will affect others.
Bathroom Routines

When students arrive in class in the mornings, they will have the opportunity to
use the bathroom since they had breakfast not too long before they arrived.
After lunch I will have a class bathroom break. Depending on how far apart
recess and lunch is, I may have another class bathroom break. Throughout the
day students will be able to use the bathroom when needed. I understand
students don't always have to use the bathroom the same time as the rest of
the class, but it will be taken into consideration how often the student has gone
to the bathroom all day. If a student needs to use the bathroom during class
time they will hold up one finger to let me know. I will look at them and give
them a yes or not yet. Only one student at a time will be able to go to the
restroom. When we take class bathroom trips, students will wash their hands or
use hand sanitizer provided by me. When students come back to class from
using the bathroom they will be required to use hand sanitizer.
Classroom Library

I will have a corner in my classroom that will be my classroom library. I will have
bookshelves full of my personal books and book that students may want to donate.
Students would need parents permission before bringing books to the classroom
library. The library will also have comfortable seating. There will be a bean bag and
pillows to sit on. Students are allowed to go into the classroom library in the morning,
at the end of the day, and during other times throughout the day if I say they can.
Students are allowed to read books in the library or take the books to their seat.
Students are also allowed to take books home if they would like to. I will have a one
book and one week limit for checking out books from the library. There will be a sign
out sheet in the library on a clip board. Students are required to write their names,
the book name, and the date they are checking the book out. When they return the
book there is a section to rate the book by giving it 1-5 stars. If students misuse
books there will be a two week penalty. They wont be able to check out or take books
away from the library for two weeks.
Work Time

Students are expected to constantly be on task. There will be

times when students can talk and do work and there will be
times when students need to focus and not talk to their friends.
During the time when they can not talk I will have music playing
to help them focus. I will play a focus Pandora station so the
students have something else to listen to while they are
working. This makes it to where the classroom isnt silent but
the students are quiet.
Snacks/Water/Rest Time

I am all for letting students have snacks and water. There is a

time for it though. I know the school day is long and students
need fuel for the day! I will encourage students and parents to
bring water and HEALTHY snacks. I will not allow snacks to be
candy and if students dont have any snacks during designated
snack times then I will have snacks for those students. I will
encourage students to bring water bottles and have them after
PE and recess. I believe there are many times when students,
no matter what grade, need some time to rest. When I notice
those times I will allow a ten to fifteen minute rest time. I will
dim the lights and allow students to lay their heads down or do
some sort of calming activity like reading or coloring.
Classroom Jobs/Duties

In the beginning of the year I will have a time for students to apply for
classroom jobs. We will have classroom custodians, librarians, pencil
sharpener, dress code checker, light switcher, door holder, teacher
assistant, errand runner, and many more jobs. Students will apply for jobs
every four weeks. The students can be fired if they do not do their jobs
properly but re-hired if they apply and prove they can do their jobs. This
will give the students responsibility and make them feel important in the
Turning in Homework

Students will be given a blue homework folder in the beginning of the

school year. Each folder will have the students name and class number on
it. Every Friday, students will take their homework folder home and return it
on Monday with the homework completed. There will be a basket in the
classroom in the back of the room for homework folders. Every Monday
morning, students will put their homework folders in the basket. If students
didnt bring their folder or didnt do their homework they will have a minute
off of recess for each day.
My plan is to not give homework unless it is absolutely necessary. The only
homework that will always be given is practicing sight words and math
facts. Other homework will be things like reading a book or writing about an
event they did or wanted to do over the weekend.
School Supplies

In the beginning of the year the school will have a set supplies
list that parents will get. I will also request some things like
certain colored composition books, and anything else that the
grade I will have may require. When all the school supplies
comes into the classroom it will be kept in my possession until
the students need it. Students will have their own crayons,
scissors, and a crayon box/bag. The class will share glue,
pencils, and any other supplies. For pencils I will have a dull and
sharp pencil basket where students will trade out their pencils
as needed. If students have special pencils they earn or want to
bring to class they will need to put their name on it and keep it
in their pencil bag/box.
Managing Student Materials

In the beginning of the year students will be given a number

based on their last name. (Taylor Andrews-1, Adam Correly-2
etc) When I need to collect students materials, if I dont have a
student collect work, I will call students by their numbers so
they will already be in alphabetical order. Students will be
responsible for remembering their numbers. There will also be
different trays for each subject where students can turn in their
work. Each tray will have a special name. It wont be the subject
that the work is, but a place. It could be a country, state, or city.
The tray will stay the same for a semester and then change to
something else.
First Aid

If students have a small cut or wound then they are responsible

for taking care of it themselves. I will have a small first aid box
with hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin, and band aids. I want
students to learn how to take care of themselves if they can.
For myself, I will have a binder or folder with every students
medical needs. This binder will be for me so I can keep track of
how my students are doing health wise and if they need to
avoid anything.
Getting Attention

In order to get students attention I will need to have some set procedures.
One simple way to get students attention will be Class-Yes. I will say class
and students will reply with yes. The fun part is how I say class. The
students will have to mimic how I say class when they say yes. Another
way to get students attention is a silent way. I will hold my hand up and
put a finger on my mouth with the other hand. When students see me
doing this they are to do the same thing and stop talking. If students dont
see me but see their classmates doing this then they need to copy their
classmates. I can also use the clap technique. I will clap a pattern and
students will clap the same pattern. Depending on the grade they may be
tired of it. The last technique will be me whispering if you can hear me
raise your hand and other things like that to get students attention.
Lining Up

Any time students need to line up I will call them by some sort
of group. I may call by table, number, birth month, or gender.
When students line up they are to walk to the line. Before they
walk to the line they need to make sure their desk is neat and
their chair is pushed under their desk. I will have a piece of tape
on the floor for the start of the line. Students should be in a
straight line. Since some students may not know what a straight
line looks like we will practice.
Rewarding for Good Behavior

One thing I dont want to do as a teacher is constantly give out

candy. When students earn a reward for their good behavior
they will get options. Depending on some of the behaviors that
the students do, they will get better rewards. Starting from
small rewards I will have stickers, pencils and erasers, and then
a trip to the treasure box. The treasure box will be filled with
small things that can come from the dollar store. Another
reward will be time to sit at my desk to do their work. The class
as a whole can earn rewards like extra recess or outside time,
and go noodle time!
Recovery for Bad Behavior

Recovery is something that I really enjoyed learning at

Wesleyan. When students can not seem to get their actions or
attitude under control I will put them in recovery. Recovery will
be a chair in the back of the room facing a blank spot on the
wall. Students will be sent there and stay as long as they need
to get themselves together. The student is not allowed to do
anything but sit and look at the wall. If the student can not have
recovery in my room I will send them to another teacher or the
principal to recover. I may need to ask them if they are ready to
come back. Ultimately the decision to be a part of the class will
be the students.
Expectation Lesson

My Mouth is a Volcano

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