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Public Schools

Edward Ramirez
Public Schools
The First Public school known as the Boston Latin
School was established in 1635.
School is an institution created in order to educate
people in a learning space, where people either
fall into a student or teacher role.
Originally schools were created to teach and train
people in traditional behavior and methods such
religious, family, and community teachings .
Schools eventually progressed into what it is
today an education center that teacher literacy,
math, and sciences.
Participants of Public
The two biggest roles in a school are that of a
Teacher and a Student.
Teacher are in charger of the educating process
guaranteeing that the students are being trained
properly and are attaining the proper knowledge.
Students are what make up the majority
population of a school they are the recipients of
Other roles such as the Deans and Principles are
there to keep order within the schools, they serve
as a sort of leadership, setting rules and
guidelines for everyone to follow.
Outside Perception
The Institution of Public education in America has
been under attack for many years.
Public schools have been known to be
economically divided, offering better learning
environments to those who hold a certain social
economic status.
Schools have been accused of not being
consistent on the material being taught through
out the nation.
It can not be denied that many students are
receiving completely different kinds of education,
and instead of just blaming the system action
must be taken to change the system.
Outside Perception
Overlooking the negatives of course there would
be positives to public schools or else this
institution would have not lasted for so long.
Public schools are virtually free in comparison to
private schools.
No matter the circumstances public schools do
allow students a place to convene in hopes of and
Functionalist Perspective
According to the functionalists perspective
education would play a major role in society.
Schools would play a vital role in helping people
learn how to socialize.
According to functionalist school doesnt only
teach the ideals of socialization but it teaches the
important skills such as literacy and mathematic
that help progress society.
Conflict Theory
Conflict Theory unlike the Functionalist view takes
a turn and states that Schools and education
Promote social inequalities.
Conflict theory brings up the issue of classification
within school, classification causes inequalities.
For example people that are classified as smart
students are going to receive better opportunities
in life.
Conflict theory argues that classifying students
early on can get those students trapped in
possibly an environment with unequal opportunity.
Certain studies have proven to show
unfortunately that certain qualities such as race
and wealth can even be a deciding factor when
students are classified within schools, giving the
Public School Disparities
According to David C. Berliner the author of The
Manufactured Crisis: Myths Fraud, and the Attack
on Americas Public Schools the biggest issues
with public schools are Societal and economic.
Students family income determines financial
support for schools.
Students who receive a stunted education
because of income arent given the equal
opportunities as others, possibly guaranteeing
their future causing them to keep their economic
class and status within society.
This type of social mobility within our society
could only be explained as a closed system.
Inequality Over Time
Unequal Schools Is not a new concept by any
means, the term Separate but Equal used to be
used during the days of segregation.
Keeping People of different classes and in this
case races grouped together kept those people
from socializing outside their immediate
surroundings, keeping them oppressed.
Currently the idea of separate but equal has been
deemed unconstitutional although a different from
of social segregation occurs within the public
school system known as zoning.
Public School Zoning
What determines the public school a child can
attend is that childs address.
Whichever zone your address falls in gives you
the schools you can attend, if the school in the
city over is just a couple blocks away is better
with better funding since you dont fall in its zone
wouldnt be able to attend it.
This is a form of classification that comes close to
the issues brought up by conflict theorist, where
classification causes unequal opportunities.
Societies Role
As members of society it is our role and duty to
speak up on the disparities that occur every single
day within our schools.
If we stay quite we accept the role that is handed
to us in society, causing little to no forward
A system that keeps its members from
progressing can only be explained as a closed
A system like this should not be allowed in our
schools and I advocate for change.
Works Cited
Bandaranayake, Bandara. "Formula-Based Public School Funding
System in Victoria: An Empirical Analysis of Equity." International
Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, vol. 8, no. 2, 01 Oct.
2013, pp. 191-207. EBSCOhost
Batts, Pamela L. Urban Versus Suburban Public Schools: Resolving the
Issue of Racial Inequality in Education. Online Submission, Online
Submission, 10 May 2012. EBSCOhost
Berliner, David C., and Bruce J. Biddle. The Manufactured Crisis: Myths,
Fraud, and the Attack on America's Public Schools. New York
Chen, Grace. "10 Major Challenges Facing Public Schools." N.p., 30 Sept. 2016. Web. 01 Apr. 2017.
Christian, Christopher. "Intersubjectivity and Modern Conflict Theory."
Psychoanalytic Psychology, vol. 32, no. 4, Oct. 2015, pp. 608-625.
Kozol, Jonathan. Savage Inequalities : Children in America's Schools. 1st
Harper Perennial ed. New York: HarperPerennia
Richwine, Jason and Foundation Heritage. The Myth of Racial Disparities
in Public School Funding. Backgrounder. No. 2548. Heritage Foundation,
Heritage Foundation, 20 Apr. 2011. EBSCOhost

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