Confli CT: Maria Jerrlin Rozeth D 16-EDCS-01

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Maria Jerrlin Rozeth

What is Conflict?
General meaning : A struggle between two opposing forces.
Internal - Takes place in a
character's own mind.

External - a character struggling

against an outside force.
Meaning of Conflict , Psychologically
According to Erik Erikson's
theory of psychosocial
A conflict is a turning point during which
an individual struggles to attain some psyc
hological quality.
Sometimes referred to as a psychosocial
This can be a time of both vulnerability a
nd strength, as the individual works tow
Conflict at Each Stage Psychosocial
Stage 1
The conflict centers on trust versus mistrust.
In the earliest stages of a child's life, they are learning whether they can trust t
he people around them.
Stage 2

The conflict is centered on autonomy versus sh

ame and doubt .
Children are encouraged to perform some tas
ks on their own can lead to feelings of indep
endence and autonomy.
Children who do not successfully resolve this c
onflict may be left feeling ashamed or doubtful
of abilities.
Stage 3
Conflict between initiative and guilt.
Kids who successfully resolve this conflict develop a sense of purpose.
While those who do not manage this conflict well may be left with feelings
of guilt.
Stage 4
The primary conflict centers on industry versus inferiority.
Kids who get along well with peers and who feel accomplished in their academic
work will emerge from this stage feeling competent.
Those who manage this conflict poorly end up feeling inferior and lacking in self-
Stage 5
The conflict between teenagers identity versus role confusion begin to explor
e new roles and try to figure out who they are as they approach adulthood.
Handling this conflict well leads to a strong sense of personal identity.
Those who struggle at this stage will be left feeling confused about who they
are and what they want to do with their life.
Stage 5
Stage 6
As people enter adulthood, the primary psychosocial conflict is centered on inti
macy versus isolation.
Forming strong bonds with other people, particularly romantic attachments, pla
ys a vital role in resolving this conflict.
Those who succeed are able to develop strong and lasting relationships while t
hose who fail will be left feeling isolated and lonely.
Stage 7
The seventh stage of development deals with the conflict between generativi
ty versus stagnation.
People want to feel that they have contributed something to the world. Raisi
ng a family, succeeding at work or volunteering in the community can hel
p resolve this conflict and develop a sense of accomplishment.
Stage 8

The conflict during the final years of life focuses on integrity versus despair
If a person feels satisfied with their life, they will emerge with a sense of wi
sdom and satisfaction.
Those who do not manage this conflict successfully will look back on their l
ife with feelings of regret and bitterness

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