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Decision variables
The decision variables are the number of fish in that live weight bin processed as one of the
following final product
Frozen Enteros
Fresh Enteros
Fresh Fillet Objective function
Frozen Fillet
Profit Maximization
Frozen Portion
Enteros: (Price per finished kg- Cost per finished kg)*Yield * Live weight of fish (both for fresh and frozen)
Fillet: (Price per finished kg- Cost per finished kg)*Yield * Live weight of fish (both for fresh and frozen)
Portion: (Price of live weight* live weight) (Cost of finished kg*Live weight*Yield)

Subject to Constraints
Freezer capacity : Number of fish freeze *Live weight<= 266666 kg/day
Processing plant (60000 pounds, 2 machines)
Fillet capacity: Number of fish freeze <= 28800 fish/day (15 fish/min, 2
machines, 16 hrs shift)
Portion capacity: Number of fish for portion*2 <= 22400 fillets/day ( 1400
fillet/hr, 16 hrs shift)
Harvest Trim
Weight capacity:
of salmonNumber of fish
available for fillet*2
in each <= (bin
live weight 10 as
fillets/min, 16 workers)
per the normal distribution
characteristics Processing duration:
Total fish processed The facility
for that processes fish for 16 hrs (8 hr*2)
day = 42000


Profit $5,22,173 Capacity Capacity Constraint

Fresh enteros 0 utilized available binding
Frozen enteros 13200 Freezer Non-
180602 266667
Fresh fillets 0 tunnel Binding
Frozen fillets 17600 Portioning 22400 22400 Binding
Frozen portion 11200 Non-
Fish processed 42000 Trimming 57600 67200
Processing duration 16 hrs (2 shift) Filleting 28800 28800 Binding

The production plan needs to be designed only for one day ( 16 hrs - two 8 hrs shift)
The realistic freezer capacity provided for each individual machine i.e. 60000 pounds is for one machine
Freezer tunnel is required by all frozen products
Fillets processed are twice the number of fish processed ( automatic filleting machine split the fish
into fillets)
Portion machine is required for only portion as end product
Trimming is required by both fillets and portions (Fillets after getting trimmed were decided to be sold
as portions or as fillets)
Fillet machine is used for processing for both end products : fillets, portions
Yield is specific to each product and not decreasing as per subsequent processing steps (For a live weight of 1
kg, portion with yield of 45% will give 0.45 kg as fillet)

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