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International Air Transport

I- History of IATA
Foundation Of IATA
The Early Days
Foundation Of IATA

The old IATA was able to start small and grow

By the end of the world war 1 in 1919 , The
International air traffic association was founded in
the hague..
It was also limited to a European dimension until
1939 when Pan American joined
Afterwards by the end of the world war 2 in 1945, the
international air transport association came as a
successor in april 1945 , and it is founded in havana ,
cuba .. which had at its founding 57 members from 31
nations mostly in Europe and North America
IT was considered as the prime vehicle for the inter-
air line cooperation in promoting safe and economical
air services
nowadays,The international scheduled air transport
industry became 100 times larger than it was in 1945
The Early Days
Immediately after 1945( after the
end of the world war 2 ) IATA had
to handle worldwide
responsibilities with a more
systematic organization and a
larger infrastracture.
II- Mission
To represent
To lead

To serve

The air line industry

:To represent- 1
IATA seeks to improve understanding
of the industry among decision makers
and increase awareness of the benefits
that aviation brings to national and
global economies. It fights for the
interests of airlines across the globe,
challenging unreasonable rules and
charges, holding regulators and
governments to account, and striving
for sensible regulation.
2- To lead
IATA's aim is to help airlines help
themselves by simplifying processes and
increasing passenger convenience while
reducing costs and improving efficiency. The
groundbreaking Simplifying the Business
initiative is crucial in this area. Moreover,
safety is IATA's number one priority, and
IATA's goal is to continually improve safety
standards, notably through IATA's
Operational Safety Audit (IOSA). Another
main concern is to minimize the impact of
air transport on the environment.
:To serve- 3
IATA ensures that people and goods can
move around the global airline network
as easily as if they were on a single
airline in a single country. In addition,
it provides essential professional
support to all industry stakeholders
with a wide range of products and
expert services, such as publications,
training and consulting. IATA's
financial systems also help carriers and
the travel industry maximize revenues
III- Membership
Formal membership:
Formal IATA membership only
applies to airlines.

other industry partners can

participate in different IATA
programs and benefit from a wealth
of resources to carry out their
Airlines: IATA membership is open to both
scheduled and non-scheduled airlines.
Travel Agencies & other Travel and Tourism
intermediaries: travel and tourism
accreditation and code services simplify the
business relationship between agents and
airlines as well as other tourism service
Freight Forwarders: IATA accreditation
provides industry recognition for cargo
Industry Suppliers: IATA Strategic
Partnerships program allows suppliers and
service providers to interact with IATA and
its member airlines in the development of
industry solutions.
Why Become an IATA
?Airline Member

Airline members of IATA enjoy

the support of an internationally
renowned organization that
represents, leads and serves one
of the most dynamic industries in
the world.
From 57 founding members
in 1945, IATA now represents
some 240 airlines in over 115
countries from around the
globe. Carrying 84% of the
worlds air traffic, IATA
members include the worlds
leading passenger and cargo
?Who can be an IATA
IATA membership is open to airlines
operating both scheduled and non-
scheduled services and covers two
Active membership, for airlines
operating either international
services or international and
domestic services
Associate membership, for airlines
operating domestic services only.
what are the requirements
?of membership
The IATA Operational Safety
Audit (IOSA) is a pre-requisite of
IATA membership.
What are the benefits of
? membership
IATA provides a powerful, unified and
experienced voice which supports and
promotes the interests of its members
in a number of different ways including:

International recognition and lobbying

Targeting key industry priorities
Driving industry change
Reducing costs
Training and other services.
IV- How it
Human Capital
These professional and
vocational programs transfer
knowledge and expertise to
promote leadership,
commercial success, and
industry standards on a global
scale for the sake of
developing human capital

Building a greener future

IATA has a vision for the air
line industry to achieve
carbon neutral growth in the
medium term and to build a
plane that produces no
emissions within 50 years.
IATA Economics

IATAanalysis of proposed
changes to UK Air
Passenger Duty indicates
they would be positive for
the broader economy and
address inequities of the
current system
Legal, Government &
Industry Affairs
IATA manages regulatory
affairs and policy matters
on behalf of its
airline members
V- Future
We see the Future
Berlin 2010

IATA unveiled its vision for a

better future for the aviation
The air transfer industry
:will focus on
Zero accidents
Reducing carbon footprint
Reducing delays
Increasing profitability
Reshaping infrastructure
Find sustainable aircraft fuel
Enhance customer satisfaction
The process is
Singapore 2011
strategic thinkers from 35
around the globe They
represented all stakeholder
:groups, including
Governments Air ports
Regulators Air navigation
service providers
Air lines

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