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What is the anatomical location of

Bartholins glands
Bartholinitis: inflammation of one or
both gland or ducts
Causative agents: staphylococci,
gonococci, E. coli, STD pathogens
Bartholin glands

Two in number.
Lie posteriolaterally to the
vaginal orifice, one on
either side
Normally not seen nor felt.
If enlarged, can be a
painless cyst or painful
Infection intrudes through the outward
glandular duct (canaliculitis) ------ spreads
to the parenchyma (serous, purulent
inflammation)------false abscess
Outcomes recurrent, persist, Bartholins
Complete drainage
Incomplete drainage
Infection abate
Clinical manifestation
Malaise, weakness, swollen feeling in
the external genitals, rising
temperature ( acute phase )
Swelling and hyperemia, tenderness,
hectic temperature, chills (false
Retention cyst (chronic phase),
tendency to recur
Early stage: antibiotic, analgesics,
hot bath
Abscess formed: complete drainage
marsupialization---pouch making
Antibiotic + pus culture
Bartholins cyst in women of > 50
ys, biopsy is recommended.

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