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oil industry

Done by: Paul, Hannan,

Louis and Hazim
What is
What is 'oil industry'?
The oil industry is a sector of the economy which deals with
mining, refining, processing and marketing oil and its many
fractions (petrol, kerosene, and a whole lot of organic
compounds etc). This is a major contribution to the total
revenue of some countries like the United States and the
Middle East.
Why is the oil industry
Why is the oil industry important?
It is important because we need oil for everyday life.Oil is
one of the most important raw materials we have. Everyday
we use hundreds of things that are made from oil or gas.Oil
and gas are also important for the number of jobs they
provide. Tens of thousands of people work in the oil and
gas industry. Each week Britain produces about two million
tonnes of oil and gas. This is worth about 37 million
pounds a day to the people of Britain.
Where do we
find oil in the
Middle East?
Where do we find oil in the Middle East?
We can find oil in these countries of the Middle East:
- Saudi Arabia
- United Arab Emirates
- Iran
- Iraq
- Kuwait
Thank You For Listening!

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