l2 - Inteligence, Thinking and Knowledge

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FAH 0033

I have aced
Intelligence the definition
of thinking,
but now this!
Thinking? Gosh!
Thinking vs Intelligence
The belief that intelligence and thinking are the
same has led to 2 unfortunate conclusions in

1. That nothing is to be done for students with a

high intelligence because they will automatically
be good thinkers.

2. That nothing can be done for students without a

high intelligence because they cannot ever be
good thinkers.
Thinking vs Intelligence
de Bono found that by developing thinking
abilities, it is possible to transform ones
aggressive tendencies, bad temper and other
negative tendencies creatively and

when school students were taught to think

effectively, their ill-temper and aggressive
tendencies reduced significantly.
Thinking vs Intelligence
Clinical Psychologists have also found that
those who have neuroses are poor thinkers as
compared to normal people. Neurotics scored
significantly lower scores in decision making,
problem-solving and creative thinking.

Interestingly, when neurotics were taught to

think effectively, they showed a remarkable
reduction in their neurosis.
Intelligence, Thinking & Knowledge

A car analogy:

Intelligence is like the horsepower of a car.

Thinking is like the skill of the car driver.

Knowledge is like the fuel of the car.

Intelligence, Thinking &

Driving Skills

Horsepower = Intelligence
Fuel = Knowledge
Driving skills = Thinking skills

utp ghf 0033 (1)

Difference between Intelligence & Thinking
A less powerful car may be driven well.

A powerful car may be driven badly.

The skill of the driver determines how the power of

the car is used.

The skill of the thinker determines how intelligence

is used.

Therefore, intelligence and thinking are not the same.

Thinking vs Intelligence

People of limited intelligence can learn to think


The trained thinker has the advantage.

Thinking is the operating skills with which we

use our intelligence.

Thinking skills can be developed and improved.

The Intelligence Trap

Situation Situation


Judging Judging
Discussion: News Headlines
Discussion on youth problem and its
consequences (handout)
2 Aspects of the Intelligence Trap

1. The more intelligent the person, the better the

defense of his own view.

The better the defense of his view, the less the

person sees any need to listen to others.

As a result, many highly intelligent minds are

trapped in poor ideas because they can defend
them so well.
2. He thinks he is more intelligent than others
(may be a correct view) and wants to get the
most satisfaction from that intelligence.

This is the quickest way to prove someone

else wrong, which establishes his superiority.
Being constructive is less rewarding.

So, being critical and destructive is a much

more appealing use of intelligence.

It is even worse with the Western notion that

critical thinking is enough.
Concept of Practice

We think everyday but this does not

automatically make us better thinkers. If you
practice poor thinking, you will become an
extremely skilled poor thinker.

Consider the case of a two-finger typist.

He/She is extremely skilled in doing the right
thing the wrong way.

We want to do the right things the right way.

How do we Practice!
acquire a Practice!
skill? Practice!
practice Do you
makes agree?
How about
Prof. Dr Syed Hussein Alatas
Jangan kita jijik pada perkataan akal, seolah-olah akal
bertentangan dengan wahyu. Akallah yang membedakan
hadis palsu dari hadis benar, sunah palsu dari sunah benar,
tafsir salah dari tafsir benar, fikiran maju dari fikiran buntu,
pendapat sesat dari pendapat tepat, kupasan mendalam dari
kupasan cetek, fikiran gigih dari fikiran lembap, dan ucapan
merendah diri dari ucapan angkuh.
Let us not detest the word reason (akal) as though reason is
contradictory to revelation (wahyu). It is reason that separates
the false hadith from the true hadith, the false sunnah from
the true sunnah, the wrong interpretations from the correct
interpretations, progressive thinking from retarded thinking,
deviant opinion from wise opinion, in-depth analysis from
shallow analysis, robust thought from weak thinking, and
humble speech from arrogant speech.
So, what
keywords Relevance
have I in daily life!
Edward de Bono. (1993). Introduction: Why We
Need New Thinking About Thinking. In Teach Your
Child How to Think. London: Penguin Books. pp. 5-
Edward de Bono. (1993). Attitudes. In Teach Your
Child How to Think. London: Penguin Books. (pp. 69
Edward de Bono. (1993). Under What
Circumstances? In Teach Your Child How to Think.
London: Penguin Books. (pp. 174 -176).

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