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Module 8

Pipes, Redirection and


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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Exam Objective
3.2 Searching and Extracting Data from Files

Objective Summary
Piping and redirection
Partial POSIX

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Command Line and

This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Command Line Pipes
The pipe character ( | ) can be used
between two commands to send the
output of the first as input to the
ls /etc | head
The output of ls /etc is sent to
head as input.

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Command Line Pipelines
Multiple commands can be combined to
form pipelines. The order in which
commands are added to the pipeline can
affect the output:

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I/O Redirection
Three Input/Output (I/O) streams
associated with every command:
Standard Input (STDIN) is normally provided by
the user via the keyboard.
Standard Output (STDOUT) is the output
produced by the command when operating
correctly. STDOUT normally appears in the
same window as where command executed.
Standard Error (STERR) is the is the output
produced by the command when an error has
occurred. STDOUT normally appears in the
same window as where command executed.

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I/O Redirection Symbols
Summary of redirection possible with the
bash shell:
< /path/to/file (Redirect STDIN from file)
> /path/to/file (Redirect STDOUT overwriting file)
>> /path/to/file (Redirect STDOUT appending file)
2> /path/to/file (Redirect STDERR overwriting file)
2>> /path/to/file (Redirect STDERR appending file)
&> /path/to/file (Redirect STDERR and STDOUT
overwriting file)
&>> /path/to/file (Redirect STDERR and STDOUT
appending file)

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The null device
The null device is represented by the
/dev/null file. (Otherwise known as the
Bit Bucket)
This file is very useful in redirection of
input and output.
This file serves two purposes:
any output redirected to /dev/null is
/dev/null can be used for input to provide a
stream of null values.
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This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
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STDIN or 0
Standard Input (STDIN) normally is provided by
the keyboard but can be redirected with the <
STDIN can be read by programs to get data for
them to process.
To signal a program that you wish to stop
providing data by the keyboard via STDIN, type
The tr command reads its data from STDIN. It
translates from one set of characters to another.
If you were the user typing the data to be
translated by the tr command, you would type
CTRL-D when finished.

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STDIN from keyboard
In the following example, the tr command
translates from lowercase to uppercase
after the user typed the command and
pressed Enter.
Then, "alpha" was typed and Enter
pressed. Finally, the user typed CTRL-D.

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Redirecting STDIN from file
The tr command translates from
lowercase to uppercase with STDIN being
redirected from the /etc/hosts file:

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Standard Out (STDOUT) is the output from
the command when operating correctly.
It is usually displayed in the same window
where the command is executed.
The echo command is used to print
messages to STDOUT.
It can be used to demonstrate how
STDOUT can be redirected, as shown on
the following slide.

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Redirecting STDOUT
In the example below, the echo Linux 1
command is executed and the output
appears on STDOUT.
Then, the echo Linux 1 > a.txt
command redirects the output to the file
Finally, the command cat a.txt sends the
file contents to STDOUT, so the output is

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Appending STDOUT
Using a single arrow > for STDOUT
redirection will clobber, or overwrite, the
file specified.
Using the double arrow >> for STDOUT
redirection will either create a new file or
append an existing one:

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Standard Error (STDERR) is the output of a
command after an error has occurred.
It is normally sent to the console/terminal
where the command is executed.
ls /fake is a command that will cause an
error to be output to STDERR because
the /fake file does not exist.

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Redirecting STDERR
ls /fake 2> /tmp/err.msg is a
command that would cause an error to be
sent to STDERR which is then redirected to
the /tmp/err.msg file.
The cat /tmp/err.msg command sends
the contents of the file to STDOUT to
display the file:

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Disposing of STDERR
ls /fake 2> /dev/null is a command
that would cause STDERR to be redirected
to the /dev/null file, in effect disposing of
the error message.
Notice cat /dev/null displays no visible

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Working with STDERR and
find is a command that searches the
It sends output to STDOUT when it
successfully locates a file that matches
your criteria.
It sends output to STDERR when it fails to
access a directory.
The find command will be used to
demonstrate redirecting both STDOUT and
STDERR on the following slides.
More detail about the find command
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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
The following example demonstrates the
find command searching recursively
the /etc/pki directory for any files
matching "*.crt".
Two lines of STDERR and two lines of
STDOUT messages appear:

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Isolating STDERR
In the next example, the STDOUT output is
redirected to the /dev/null file, so the
STDERR output alone is sent to the
terminal window:

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Isolating STDOUT
In the next example, the STDERR output is
now redirected to /dev/null file, so the
STDOUT output alone is sent to the
terminal window:

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Redirecting Multiple Streams
In the next example, the STDERR output is
sent to the crt.err file and the STDOUT
output is sent to the crt.txt file:

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Redirecting Multiple Streams
In this example, both STDOUT and STERR
are redirected into the same file, crt.all:

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find Command

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Searching with find
The filesystem has hundreds of directories
with thousands of files making finding files
The find command is a powerful tool to
be able to search for files in different ways
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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Syntax of find command
The find command has the following
find [start_dir] [search_op] [criteria] [result]

If the starting directory (start_dir) is not

specified, then the current directory is
The search option (search_op) is how the
search will be done. For example, use the
-name option to search by name.

This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Syntax of find command
The search criteria (criteria) is the data to
be used with the search option. So, if the
search option was -name, then the search
criteria would be the name of the file to
The result option (result) defaults to
-print, which will output the names of the
files that are found. Other result options
can perform actions on the files that are
This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Searching by file name
Consider the following command:
find /etc/pki -name "*.crt"
Begins searching recursively from the
/etc/pki directory
Output any file names that match "*.crt"
(anything that ends in ".crt).

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Displaying file detail
The option -ls will create output similar to
the ls -l command. (show both)
The columns output are: inode, blocks
used, permissions, link count, user owner,
group owner, size, date/time, and file

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Searching by file size
The -size option can be used by find to
search by its size.
Large units can be specified as K, M, G,
Using +1M means more than one
Using -1M means less than one megabyte.

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Useful options for find
Option Example Meaning
-maxdepth -maxdepth 1 Only search specified
directory and its
-group -group payroll Find any files owned
by the payroll group
-iname -iname hosts Case insensitive
search by filename
-mmin -mmin -10 Find any files
modified in the last
ten minutes or less
-type -type f Find only regular files
-user -user bob Find any files owned
by the user bob
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less Command

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Viewing files with less
The less command is a pager command
designed to display only one page of data
at a time.
The more command is another pager
command that has less features than the
less command.
Both commands allow the user to move
back and forth with movement commands
to view one page at a time.

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The help screen in less
Once in the less program, pressing the
"h" key will display the help screen:

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less movement commands
As seen in the help screen, the less
command has many movement
commands. The most common commands
Movement Key
Window forward Spacebar
Window backward b
Line forward Enter
Exit q
Help h

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
less searching commands
Type / to search from cursor to end of file.
Type ? to search from cursor to beginning
of file.
Type pattern to search and press Enter.
If more than one match found, press n to
go to next match or N to go to previous

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head or tail

This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
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Filtering with head
The head command displays the first ten
lines of a file by default.
The -n option allows for the number of
lines to be displayed to be specified.

This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
head with negative lines
Normally the head command displays the
number of lines specified from the top of
the file.
Using -n with a negative value, indicates
how many lines from the bottom to not
This example shows all lines from
/etc/passwd except the last thirty-two.

This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Filtering with tail
The tail command displays the last ten
lines of a file by default.
The -n option allows for the number of
lines to be displayed to be specified:

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tail with positive lines
If the -n option specifies the number of
lines to be displayed with a plus ( + )
prefix, then the tail command interprets
that to mean to display from that line
number to the end of the file:

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Following with tail
The tail command is able to monitor
changes a file and print them out as they
occur by using -f option.
System administrators frequently follow
log files in order to troubleshoot system
The user must terminate the tail
command when following with the f
option by using CTRL-C.

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sort Command

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Sorting files or input
The sort command will rearrange its
output lines according to one or more
fields you specify for sorting.
Fields are separated by whitespace,
although with the t option, you can
specify the delimiter.
The default sort is in ascending order, but
you can use the -r option to reverse the
sorting of a field.
The default sort is a dictionary sort, but
you can use the -n option to make it a
This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Example of sort
In the following example, the /etc/passwd
file is sorted using a : character as a
delimiter, by the fourth field numerically
and then the third field numerically in

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
File Statistics

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File statistics with wc
The wc command outputs up to three
statistics for each file it is given as an
By default, wc displays the lines, words
and bytes contained in each file.
If provided more than one file, then it also
calculates the totals of all files.
To view individual statistics, specify -l for
lines, -w for words or -c for bytes.

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Example of wc command
To analyze the number of lines, words and
bytes in the /etc/passwd and
/etc/passwd- files, the following wc
command could be executed:

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Using wc with pipes
The wc command is often used with pipes
so that the output of a command can be
Using wc -l as the final command in the
pipe will count how many lines of output
was produced.
For example, to determine how many files
and directories are in the /etc directory,
you could execute: ls /etc | wc -l

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cut Command

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Filtering with cut command
If you want to extract columns of text,
then the cut command provides two
simple techniques:
By delimiter, where whitespace is the default.
The -d option can let you specify other
delimiters and -f is used to indicate which
fields to extract.
By character position, using the -c option with
the range of the column to extract.

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Example of cut command
The /etc/passwd file is delimited by colon
with these fields:
To extract the first, and fifth through
seventh fields:
cut d: -f1,5-7 /etc/passwd

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grep Command

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Filtering with grep command
The grep command can be used to filter
standard input or the contents of a file for
lines matching a specified pattern.
If you want to see where a pattern, or
perhaps a word, appears within a file, then
the grep command is useful for that

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
Common grep options
Option Purpose
--color Color the matches found
-v Reverse (negate) matches
-c Count matches
-n Number matching lines
-l List matching files
-i Match case insensitive
-w Match pattern as a word

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Basic Regular Expressions

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Basic Regular Expressions
Basic Regular Expressions (BRE) are able
to be used with the grep command
without requiring an option to use them
(unlike Extended Regular Expression show
The simplest regular expressions are just
alphabetic or numeric characters that
match themselves.
The backslash \ can be used to escape the
meaning of regular expression meta-
characters, including the backslash itself.
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BRE: the . example
The . (period) character matches exactly
one character.
The example below shows the grep
command matching the 'a' followed by two
The results show it matched 'abc'.

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BRE: the [ ] example
The [ ] (brackets) characters are used to
match exactly one character.
The characters can be listed or given as a
If the first character listed is ^ (caret),
then it means not the characters

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Copyright Network Development Group 2013.
BRE: the * example
The * (asterisk) character will match zero
or more of the previous character.
Matching "a*" is not very useful because it
might match zero a's (matches every line).
Matching "abcd*" would be more useful,
since you would need an "abc" followed
by zero or more d's.

This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
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BRE: the ^ example
The ^ (caret) character, when appearing
at the beginning of the pattern, means
that pattern must appear at the beginning
of the line.
The ^ not at the beginning of a pattern
matches itself.

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BRE: the $ example
The $ (dollar sign), when appearing at the
end of the pattern, means that pattern
must appear at the end of the line.
The $ not at the beginning of a pattern
matches itself.

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BRE: Combining ^ and $
Combining both the ^ and $ characters
allows for two special matches:
'^$' is a blank line match.
'^pattern$ matches if the whole line contains
only the "pattern.

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Extended Regular

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Extended Regular
The use of Extended Regular Expressions
(ERE) requires the -E option when using
the grep command.
Extended Regular Expressions can be
combined with Basic Regular Expressions.
The following are ERE characters: ?, +,
and |

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ERE: the + example
The + (plus) character will match one or
more of the previous character.
Matching "a+" is useful because it can
match one or more a's, ensuring only lines
that have at least one a are matched.

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ERE: the ? example
The ? (question mark) character will
optionally match one of the previous
The ? character is useful for matching
characters that only occasionally appear in
a word. The following example illustrates

This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
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ERE: the | example
The | (vertical bar) character will act like
an or operator between two regular
This alternation operator is useful to be
able to match multiple patterns:

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The xargs command
The xargs command helps complex piped
command sets execute more efficiently
It attempts to build the longest command
line possible with as many arguments as
It tries to prevent executing the command
each time for every argument

This slide deck is for LPI Academy instructors to use for lectures for LPI Academy courses.
Copyright Network Development Group 2013.

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