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By: AJ, Zachary, and Aidan

Polarity: Uneven distribution of charge that causes both ends of a molecule
to have different charges
Water has a V-shape and polar covalent bonds
The bond between the H & O

Oxygen is more electronegative than than Hydrogen. This means that

Oxygen is more likely to attract to a bonding pair of electrons than
Since Oxygen has a negative region and Hydrogen has a partial negatively
charged region.
Polarity (cont.)
Cohesion: Waters attraction to itself

Adhesion: Waters attraction to other substances

Both are caused by water being polar

Adhesion allows polar substances to be dissolved in water

Surface tension: The tension on the surface of a liquid caused its Cohesion
Hydrogen Bonding
Hydrogen bonding is electronegative attraction
between a hydrogen and Oxygen, Nitrogen, or

The way this happens in water molecules, is the

positively charged end (At the hydrogen) of one
water molecule attracts to the negatively charged
end of another (At the oxygen).

This is what causes nucleotides to bond together in

Hydrogen Bonding (cont.)
A very weak bond.
About 1/20th the strength of a covalent bond

Continuously breaking and reforming with other molecules

Electronegativity Scale
pH Scale
pH stands for Power of Hydrogen
-Log10 [H3O+ Concentration] is what determines the pH of a solution

Acids release H+ ions in the solution which bonds with H2O to create
H3 O +
Bases release OH-
Acid & Base Conditions
An acid is any molecule that when ionized that releases a Hydrogen ion(H +)

A Base is any molecule that when ionized releases a Hydroxide ion(OH -)

H+ can combine with OH- to create H2O this is why an acid cancels out a
base or vice versa

This makes the solution more neutral

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