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BPE 23202

Advanced Urban Planning



Dr. Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan & Sr. Zarina Shamsudin
1. Introduction
2. Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172)
Important Aspects/ Contents
Importance of Act 172
The Amendments
3. Other Related Acts
What is law / regulations / guidelines?
They are mechanism used by the government or the authorities
to implement and authorize policies that are formulated for the
purpose of developing the nation physically, socially,
economically and politically.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
A control over the development of an area encompasses the phy
sical planning, the landuse and environment for the people and th
eir needs.
It is a continuous process to achieve the communitys aspiration; con
cluding it through discussion, provision of policy and guideli
nes, action based on needs, a continuous study on the effect of t
he policy and guidelines used; and trials when it is necessary.
The art and science of siting of buildings, landuse to achieve eco
nomic benefits, comfort and aesthetic value.
An act to provide a comprehensive control and guideline for the
town and country planning in a local authority area (within Peni
nsular Malaysia).
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Important Aspects/ Content
1. Identification of main areas to be developed either through
redevelopment or upgrading of existing area (Development
2. Planning control planning permission, development charges,
tree preservation order (TPO) etc.
3. Laporan Cadangan Pemajuan (LCP).
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Historical Background of Act 172
The town planning activities in Peninsular Malaysia existed since 1
801 with the establishment of Committee of Assessors in George
Town, Penang.
This is designed more towards the services of the local govern-m
ent and building control.
Various new regulations and guidelines were introduced especially
for the public interest - these was to control and direct the p
hysical development.
The Town Planning was first gazzetted in the Peninsular Malaysia i
n 1917 Town Improvement Enactment.
Under this enactment, individual owner has to share and be r
esponsible in providing public services.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Historical Background of Act 172
In 1923 and Town Planning Enactment was introduced. The Town Board
(Lembaga Bandaran) was given 2 authority:
i. The authority to prepare a town plan for its territory (Section 135)
ii. The authority to gazzette the town plan (Section 145).
After independence, there is a rapid social, physical and economic devel
opment taking place; the community is beginning to be aware of the importa
nce of a healthy and planned environment.
The town plan that is prepared under Town Planning Enactment 1927 no lon
ger fulfills the dynamic nature of planning (current and future).
In the late 1960s, a study on the existing statutory system for town and co
untry planning activities was carried out.
As a result, Town & Country Planning1976 (Act 172) was gazzetted on 25 M
ac 1976.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Historical Background of Act 172
Modeled closely on the British system of structure & local plan.
TCPA 1976 is the principle statute regulating matters related to town
and country planning in the local authority area in the Peninsular M
alaysia (federal law).
In general, main contents of TCPA 1976 are basis for statutory planning
(development plans), development control (planning permissions).
TCPA 1976 was amended four (4) times :
a. A866 - Perancangan Bandar & Desa (Pindaan) Akta 1993
b. A933 - Perancangan Bandar & Desa (Pindaan) Akta 1995
c. A1129 - Perancangan Bandar & Desa (Pindaan) Akta 2001
d. A1313 - Perancangan Bandar & Desa (Pindaan) Akta 2007
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Part I Preliminary
Part II Policy and Administration
II (a) Regional Planning Committee
II (b) National Physical Plan
Part III Development Plans
Part IV Planning/ Development Control
Part V Development Charge
V (a) Preservation of Trees
Part VI The Appeal Board
Part VII Purchase Notice and Acquisition of Land
Part VII Development Areas
Part IX Miscellaneous Provisions
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Importance of Act 172
1) Basis for statutory planning
o Through the preparation of development plans (eg: Structure and L
ocal Plans).
o Provision in Part III Development Plan.
o Requirement for Local Authority to produce a development plan for
their area.
o Some of the aspects indicated:
Survey of planning area
Preparation of drafts
Publicity in connection with the drafts
Inquiries and hearings of the drafts public participation
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Importance of Act 172
2) Basis for planning control
o Part IV Act 172 consist of several provisions that act as a
o Legal Basis to control the physical development (urban planning)
o The use of land or building must be according to local plan s.18(1)
o Planning permission must be obtained before any development can
be carried out s.19(1)
o The development must be according to the planning permission s.20
3) Basis to regulate private and public planning
o Provision of development plans and planning permission procedure
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Planning Control Planning Permission (Kebenaran Merancang)

i. Seksyen 19(1) Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa, 1976 (Akta 172)
o Keperluan kebenaran merancang (kebenaran merancang);

ii. Seksyen 21A dan 21B Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa, 1976 (Akta 172)
o Menghendaki sesuatu permohonan kebenaran merancang disertakan dengan
suatu Laporan Cadangan Pemajuan (LCP); dan

iii. Kaedah 2(1) Kaedah-Kaedah Pengawalan Perancangan (Am) 1995

o.Borang-borang yang digunapakai dalam mengemukakan Permohonan
Kebenaran Merancang (selepas ini disebut KKPP(Am) 1995).
o.Bagi projek-projek berjadual, ianya perlu dirujuk kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan
khususnya Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa (Ibu Pejabat) untuk ulasan
dan perakuan terlebih dahulu sebelum diberi kebenaran merancang.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Regulate Public and Private Planning

i. Public Planning
o Carried out by the authorities local authorities etc.
o Concern with protecting the public interest
o E.g: provision of public spaces, utilities and facilities
o Non-profit oriented

ii. Private Planning

o Carried out by the private sectors developers
o Concern with financial returns developing what are in demand
o Profit-oriented

iii. How?
o.Act 172 requires the preparation of development plans to facilitate the physical
development of an area
o.Act 172 requires planning permission, LCP etc
o.The proposals are to follow the zoning and guidelines in the development plans
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
The Amendments
i. Town and Country Planning Act (Amendment) Act 1993 (A866)
o to include sewerage activities parallel with the Sewerage Services Act 1993 (Act

ii. Town and Country Planning Act (Amendment) Act 1995

o broaden the content of Local plans and layout plans (A)
o introduction of Laporan Cadangan Pemajuan (B)
o tree preservation order (TPO)

iii. Additional Elements in the Local Plan (A)

o to protect and beautify the physical environment
o to conserve the natural topography
o to beautify the landscape
o to conserve and plant trees
o provision of sufficient open space
o to conserve and beautify the building faade and characteristic
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
The Amendments

iv. Laporan Cadangan Pemajuan (B)

o requirement to include landscape plan
o requirement to include inventory on existing trees on site that are
o potentially affected by the development
o Section 21A(1) Act 172 requires Development Proposal Report (LCP) must
include these items:
i. Development concept and justification;
ii. Location plan, key plan and site plan;
iii. Land title and constraints;
iv. The surrounding, physical topography, geology, contour, drainage, natural
form that might be affected by the development;
v. Inventory of trees and flora might be affected by the development Building
that might be affected;
vi. Land use analysis and its impact to the neighbouring lots;
vii. Other matters required by the planning authority.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
The Amendments A933 (Tree Preservation Order) Part V (a)

Give the responsibility to the Local Planning Authority to conserve and protect trees in
its locality.
Section 35A gives power to the local authority to issue a tree preservation order to
control the felling of trees that is endangered or trees with special value.
Section 35H gives special protection for matured trees (diameter over 0.8 meter).
These trees are not to be felled unless obtained a permission by the local authority.
The authority can also give conditions that any trees cut/felled to be replant.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Perintah Pemeliharaan Pokok (Tree Preservation Order)
Seksyen 35A
PBPT boleh membuat suatu perintah pemeliharaan pokok bagi sesiapa yang
melanggar mana-mana peruntukan adalah melakukan kesalahan dan boleh
didenda tidak lebih RM50,000.

Seksyen 35C
Rayuan terhadap perintah pemeliharaan pokok boleh dibuat oleh mereka yg
terkilan dengannya kepada Lembaga Rayuan dlm masa 1 bulan dari tarikh diberi

Seksyen 35D
Jika pemunya tanah mengalami kerugian berupa susut nilai tanah, dia boleh
menuntut pampasan dari PBPT dlm masa 6 bulan dari tarikh perintah itu. Jika ia
tidak berpuashati, dengan amaun pampasan, dlm masa 1 bulan ia boleh merayu
ke Lembaga Rayuan.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Perintah Pemeliharaan Pokok (Tree Preservation Order)
Seksyen 3E
Mereka yg bersalah di bawah Sek. 35A(4), adalah berkewajipan menggantikan
pokok. Jika tidak, ia boleh didenda tidak lebih RM50,000.

Seksyen 35F
PBPT boleh menggantikan pokok jika orang yg berkewajipan tidak melakukan-nya
tetapi kesemua kos dan perbelanjaan perlu dibayar oleh orang berkenaan.

Seksyen 35G
PBPT boleh meminda dan membatalkan suatu perintah pemeliharaan pokok atas
sebab-sebab tertentu.

Seksyen 35H
Larangan/tidak seorang boleh menebang pokok yang lilitannya melebihi 0.8 meter
tanpa Kebenaran bertulis PBPT. Sesiapa yg melanggar boleh didenda tidak lebih
RM5,000 bagi sebatang pokok.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Perintah Pemeliharaan Pokok (Tree Preservation Order)

List of trees to be preserved and protected are as in List 1.

For standardisation, the list of spesies to be preserved and protected must be
based on the provided list and certified and given out by a technical committee
(JLN, Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), Jabatan Pertanian,
Jabatan Perhutanan dan Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah).
The list will be forwarded to the the State Planning Committee to be resented
for approval to be implemented in the particular state.
The local authority can propose additional spesies from time to time
The TPO is not applicable to felling of a tree:
i. Which is dying or dead
ii. For the prevention of an imminent danger;or
iii. If it is to comply with any written law
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Perintah Pemeliharaan Pokok (Tree Preservation Order)
Senarai 1:

Nilai Tersendiri
Pokok daripada spesis yang mempunyai keindahan semulajadi @ nilai tempatan @
sumbangan Estetika terhadap landskap Atau sebagai penghadang fizikal @ kawasan
pembangunan akan datang & nilai sejarah.

Nilai Sejarah
Spesis pokok yang ditanam melebihi 30 tahun dan ada kaitan dengan nilai sejarah

Tanaman Kenamaan
Ditanam oleh pemimpin negara dan org kenamaan sempena sesuatu upacara
berkepentingan negara.

Pokok dalam Kawasan Perlindungan

semua pokok yg ditakrifkan dlm undang-undnag bertulis lain dan pokok yg terletak dlm
kawasan yg diisytihar kaws hutan simpan, tadahan air, kawasan pemeliharaan bukit dll.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Perintah Pemeliharaan Pokok (Tree Preservation Order)

List 1:

Spesis pokok yg jarang ditemui dengan jumlah yang masih banyak.

Spesis pokok yang HANYA di dapati tumbuh di tempat tertentu (kesesuaian iklim,
ekologi setempat, keadaan mukabumi dan komposisi tanah yg sesuai).

Spesis pokok yg sukar ditemui dan sikit bilangannya. Jika tidak dilindungi besar
kemungkinan ia akan pupus.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Perintah Pemeliharaan Pokok (Tree Preservation Order)

Section 35(a)

Procedure the Issuance of TPO

1. Inventory by the local authority on trees in its locality.
2. Local authority to inform in writings to the land owner whose lands are affected
and to exhibit the location of the trees in their office.
3. If the land is rented out, the local authority is to inform the occupant.
4. The notice must be paste on places that can be easily seen if it cant be given by
hand or post.

. The allowed order prohibiting any trees from being felled except with permission
from the authority and requirement to replace any tree or group of trees.
. As a guide, the local authority is discourage to give out TPO on:
o.Commercial trees
o.Fruit trees
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Perintah Pemeliharaan Pokok (Tree Preservation Order)
Is the duty of the person who is found guilty and in contravention of a Tree
Preservation Order for felling any tree in respect of which a tree preservation order is for
the time being in force, to replace such tree by planting another tree, as specified by the
Local Authority.

Conditions on Replacing Tree

The local planning authority can specify the following conditions in respect of a
replacement tree:
1. Of an appropriate size and species
2. At or near the same place or such other place
3. Within the time
4. Subject to such terms and conditions

However, the local planning authority has discretion either on its own or on the
application Of any other person to dispense with this requirement. The time specified by
the local Planning authority for the replacement of any tree can be extended once the
application of The person who has been imposed with the duty to replace the trees.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Amendments A1129
Town and Country Planning Act (Amendment) Act 2001

Main Contents:

The formation of MPFN (Majlis Perancang Fizikal Negara) acting as a forum for the
federal and state government to discuss matters related to town and country planning.

The requirement for RFN (Rancangan Fizikal Negara) - RFN is a written statement
that summarise the strategic policies to determine the direction of the nations
physical development.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Amendments A1129
Town and Country Planning Act (Amendment) Act 2001

Pindaan untuk memperkukuhkan perkhidmatan perancangan bandar dan desa serta

sistem perancangan fizikal negara melalui keseimbangan kuasa kerajaan persekutuan
dan negeri.
Untuk tangani isu ketidakstabilan sektor hartanah dan krisis pembangunan hartanah
berlebihan yang terbit daripada pembangunan yang tidak dirancang dan dikawal.
Masalah lebih teruk kerana prosedur perundangan dan pentadbiran tidak memberi
kuasa kepada kerajaan persekutuan untuk campur tangan dalam hal-hal perancangan
di peringkat negeri.
Dua (2) perkara terpenting:
i. Penubuhan MPFN (Majlis Perancang Fizikal Negara) yang bertindak sebagai satu
forum diskusi di peringkat persekutuan untuk membolehkan kerajaan
persekutuan dan negeri.
ii. Membincangkan hal berkenaan perancangan bandar dan desa.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Amendments A1129
Town and Country Planning Act (Amendment) Act 2001

Fungsi MPFN:
i. Menyelaraskan aktiviti perancangan dan pembangunan di peringkat persekutuan.
ii. Memastikan aktiviti perancangan adalah berdasarkan permintaan pasaran sebenar.
iii. Penggunaan sumber secara mampan untuk mencapai pembangunan yang
seimbang yang meminimakan kesan terhadap alam sekitar.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Penyediaan Rancangan Fizikal Negara
Di bawah tanggungjawab Ketua Pengarah JPBD Semenanjung Malaysi.a
Proses rundingan dengan setiap pihak berkuasa negeri dan lain-lain pihak berkuasa
atau badan-badan yang diarahkan oleh MPFN semasa menyediakan dan
menentukan isi kandungan RFN.
RFN adalah suatu pernyataan bertulis yang merumuskan dasar-dasar strategik bagi
menentukan haluan dan arah aliran am pemajuan fizikal negara.
Fungsi RFN menterjemah, merasional dan menyelaras dasar-dasar dan strategi
pembangunan sosio-ekonomi dan sektoral negara ke dalam dimensi spatial.
RFN diintegrasi di dalam Rancangan 5 Tahun Malaysia (kajian setiap 5 tahun).

** Perkara penting dalam pindaan ini adalah penyediaan Rancangan Struktur peringkat
negeri dan Rancangan Tempatan di peringkat Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.
Town & Country Planning Act 1976
Amendments A1313
Town and Country Planning Act (Amendment) Act 2007

Ammended in 2007.
Known as Akta A1313.
Inclusion of provision related to sewerage management activities.
This is to align the activities with Akta Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan
Awam 2007(Akta 672) that was gazzetted in the same year.
Others Related Acts
There are many acts which are enacted that are applicable in town planning.
Application of those acts are aimed at ensuring development takes place
according to plan and in accordance to the required standard of quality.
Those acts provide the authority for Planning and Local authorities to
enforce development control in area under its jurisdiction.
Others Related Acts
Town Planning Department
Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172)
Local Authorities
Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171)
Federal Territory Act 982 (Act 267)
Langkawi Development Act 1990 (Act 423)
Labuan Urban Development Act 2001 (Act 609)
Land Office
Land Code 1965 (Act 56)
Land Acquisition Act 1960 (Act 486)
Land Acquisition Act 1960 (Act 385)
Others Related Acts
Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171)
Street and Drainage Act 1974 (Act 133)
Uniform Building Bye Laws 1984
Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127)
Electricity Act 1990 (Act 447)
Sewerage Act 1993 (Act 508)
Others Related Acts
Strata Title Act 1985 (Act 318)
Minimum Standard and Workers Housing 1990 (Act 446)
Housing Development Act 2000
Housing Developers Act (Control and Licencing) 1966 (Act 118)
Fire Services Act 1988 (Act 341)
Care Centre Act1993 (Act 506)
National Heritage Act 2005 (Act 645)
Others Related Acts
Local Government Act (Act 171)
For purposes of reorganizing and integrating all laws relating to local
authorities applicable throughout Peninsular Malaysia.
Formulated for the purpose of overcoming problem of sprawl in local
authority areas through the process of expansion and consolidation of
local authority boundaries.
Section (3) of this Act specifies that the administration of local authorities
is under the jurisdiction of the State Authority who has the power to
propose any area within the state as the local authority area, giving a
name, delineating the boundary and determining the status (as Town
Coulcil / Majlis Perbandaran, District Council / Majlis Daerah, City
Council, etc).
Others Related Acts
Land Code 1965 (Act 56)

An act which integrates all laws pertaining to land and its use, ownership,
transactions and collection of revenues from it for Peninsular Malaysia.
The part relevant to town planning is categorised under: land use (s52),
change of use (s124) and subdivision of land (s135-139).
According to the Land Code, there are 3 categories of land use -
agriculture, building and industry. When land is being alienated, it will be
categorized into one of the categories only.
Explains about the procedures for land conversion, subdivision and
change of boundary pertaining to land.
Others Related Acts
Land Acquisition Act 1960 (Act 34)
Integrates all laws pertaining to land acqusition for public interest.
Land for development by local authority can be obtained through
compulsory acquisition/ purchase from the owner.
Act 34 provides that the acquisition can be undertaken under certain
circumstances as follows:
Public purposes
Undertaken by anyone or corporation which undertakes development
which is considered as a public facility, or
For purposes of mining, housing, agriculture or industry.
Others Related Acts
Land Acquisition Act 1960 (Act 34)
Integrates all laws pertaining to land acqusition for public interest.
Land for development by local authority can be obtained through
compulsory acquisition/ purchase from the owner.
Act 34 provides that the acquisition can be undertaken under certain
circumstances as follows:
Public purposes
Undertaken by anyone or corporation which undertakes development
which is considered as a public facility, or
For purposes of mining, housing, agriculture or industry.

Public interest means great importance is placed on the public or there is

direct interest of the public in general as against individual interest.
Examples whereby land acquisition can be undertaken are for purposes of
building of schools, hospitals, roads and so forth.
Others Related Acts
Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127)

Provides for the control of the environment involving the prevention,

elimination and control of pollution and improvement on the quality of the
Section 2(1) defines environment as physical factors including land,
water, air, temperature, sound, smell, taste and the biological factors such
as flora and fauna and social aesthetic factors.
Others Related Acts
Uniform Building By Law (Undang undang Kecil Bangunan Seragam)

BHG 1 Tafsiran
BHG 2 Pengemukaan pelan untuk di luluskan
BHG 3 Ruang kawasan cahaya dan pengudaraan
BHG 4 Kerja kerja sementara berhubung dengan kerja bangunan
BHG 5 Kehendak struktur
BHG 6 Kehendak pembinaan
BHG 7 Kehendak menentang kebakaran
BHG 8 Penggera kebakaran, pengesan api, pemadam api dan akses

menentang kebakaran


Land Acquisition Act 1960 (Revised 1992) - Act
National Land Code 1965
Local Government Act 1976 - Act 171
Town and Country Planning Act 1976 - Act 172
The Housing Development (Control and Licensing)
Housing Developers (Control and Licensing)
Regulations 1989

Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 - Act 133

Drainage Works Act 1954 (Revised 1988) - Act 354 BUILDING PLAN APPROVAL
Sewerage Services Act 1993 - Act 508
Environmental Quality Act, 1974 -Act 127
Uniform Buildings By-Law, 1984
Factory and Machinery Act 1967
Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994


Necessary endorsement from relevant technical
departments obtained before application for
CFO is submitted to Local authority FITNESS

Strata Management Act 2013- Act 757 MAINTENANCE

Others Related Acts
Law in Urban Conservation
Urban conservation is a relatively new phenomenon in Malaysia.
Hence, it is imperative that regulations and laws pertaining to urban
conservation be considered seriously by the authorities concerned.
There are presently six acts and enactments related to urban conservation
in Malaysia:

1. The Antiquities Act 1974

2. Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172);
3. Federal Territory Act 1982 (Act 267);
4. Urban Development Corporation Act 1971 (Act 46);
5. The Malacca Enactment No. 6 1988;
6. The Johore Enactment No. 7 1988.

. These acts and enactments are largely focussed on the conservation of

buildings, monuments and landscape per se. However, none or little
provision is made on the important aspects of urban conservation .

Political interest
Monitoring process
Manpower, financial constraints
Awareness (public, authority)
The End

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