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He claimed that characters
took the role of narrative
spheres of action or a
function. Stating 7 main
character types
The hero restores to narrative equilibrium and if the central character
in the media text(seeks something)
The villain causing the hero to restore things creates disruption in
the narrative equilibrium causing the hero to restore things(opposes the
The donor can be physical or not (provides an object to the hero)
The helper normally viewed to be a sidekick (aids hero in his quest)
The princess after completing the journey/quest she is viewed as the
source of satisfaction (reward for hero and requires protection from the
The dispatcher sends the hero on their task/journey to restore the
equilibrium. Therefore they tend to be the wise voice of reason in the
narrative. (sends the hero on a task)
The false hero is a character that appears to be good throughout the
film however is revealed at the end of the film to be bad. (appears to be
good but reveals he is bad)
How this theory links to the film

Hero - In the film taken the film contains a hero

(protagonist) called Brian Mills. He is the father of Kim
who is kidnapped whilst away in Paris.
Villain - The Villain of the film is the kidnapping
organization who is trying to traffic women across
Princess - The princess in the film is Lenore, this is
Brian's wife who greets him at the end of the film as a
reward for what he achieved.
The father - The father Brian Mills is also the hero,
therefore this film has merged two character types into

How this theory links to our movie

Our short film does follow Propps Theory,

this is due to the fact we have a helper who
stops the Muslim from being racially abused.
However, we will not have a villain due to the
fact he will not be a constant character
within our film.

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