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Edited & Compiled by Dr.A.S.

Nagpur 20 July 2010
Sage Varahamihir (412 AD) compiled a text
“Brihat Samhita.
The title of chapter 54 is Dakargala. (Daka is
short form of
Udaka or water and Argal means obstruction).

b&hts<ihta –vrahimihr
A 54
This text describes how the presence of some surface
indicators can be used to predict presence of
underground water both in quality and quantity. The
indicators are

Specific trees, plants, herbs and grasses

Hibernating animals (Enjoying winter sleep- frogs,

lizards, snakes, alligators and tortoises)

Anthills (Terrariums)
The chapter 54 contains 124 verses.

For example , few verses are quoted below

If a Rotang tree is seen flourishing in a

waterless tract, there will be water at a
depth of 7.5 cubits at a distance of 3
cubits to the west of the tree.
Verse- 006
If a fish or blue soil is met at a depth of 2.5

cubits, there will be abundant water source.

Verse -009
If there is a Nirgundi plant excessively grown

near an anthill, then there will be sweet water at

a depth of 11.25 cubits.

Verse- 015
Among a group of termite mounds, a water
vein is

sure to be found below the taller of the


Various trees, plants, herbs and grasses

are shown in the next slides.

V006-Calamas rotang
Rattan (Cane)

V008-Java Plum-
Syzygium Cumini
V011-Country Fig tree
Ficus glomirata

V012-Arjun tree
Terminalia arjuna
V014-Nirgudi- Vitex Negundo

V016-Jujube tree- Zizyphus jujuba.

V018-Holy fruit tree-
Aegle marmelos

of the forest
-Butea frondosa.
V019-Fir wood tree-
Ficus oppositifolia

V021- Kamala tree-

Mallotus philippensis

V024- Behda Tree-

Teminalia Billerica.
V027-Bauhinia tree-
Bauhinia variegata

V029-Alstonia tree-
Alstonia scholaris
V033-Poonga Oil Tree-
Pongamia pinnata

V035-Butter tree-
Madhuka longifoli
V038-Kadamb tree –
Anthocephalus cadumba
V040-palmy palm
Borasus flavilifer

V040-Coconut tree
Cocus nucifera
V041 Wood apple tree
Limonia acidissima

Gmelina arboria
V045-Hedu tree-
Nauclea cordifolia

Cynodon dactylon
V047-Kuskus grass
Andropogon muricatus

V048-Balsum plant
white variety-
V048- Indradant
Baliospermum montanum.

V048-Wild Brinjal plant

V048-Wild sweet potato
Dioscoren sativa

V048-Jasmine creeper
Jaspinum sp.
V050-Alexandrain Laurel tree-
Ochuro-carpus logifolium

V050-Falsa tree-
Grewia asiatia
V050-Ankol tree –
Alangium Lamarki

V050 , Wild Hog plum-

Spondias Magnifera / mombin
V050-Anjana tree-
Hardwickia binata

V050-Marking Ink tree

Semecarpus anacardium.
V050-Rain tree Siris
Accacia Sirissa

V050-Pindara tree
Combretum ovalifolium
V050-Roxb Cabinet tree
Dioscoreo peniculata

V050-Garlic-Pear Tree
Crateva religiosa
V053-Catechu tree
Acacia catechau

V057-Solanum Jacquini plant

Solanum Indicum
V058-Date palm tree
Phoenix Sylvestris

V059-Pangara tree-
Erythrina indica
V063-Walnut tree-
Alcuritea moluocana

V067-Oleander tree-
Nerium Odorum
V081-Sprung tree
Prosopi spyicigers

V087-Heart leaved creeper

Tinospaora Cordifolia
V087- sarsaparilla creeper
V063-Walnut tree
Alcuritea moluocana
V069-Arjun tree-
Terminalia Arjun
V087- Murva creeper
Clematis triloba
V087-Thorny capar brush
Capparis brevispina

V087-Wild potata creeper

Dioscoren Sativa

V087- Creeper
Cardiospermum Halicacobum Linn
V088-wild kidney bean
Phaseolus munog

V088-Thorny Caparbrush
Capparis brevispina
V096-Bunyan tree
Ficus Indicus

V100-Cinamum tree
V100-Kush grass

V101-Fennel plant
V101-Naga plant
Mammamia longiflora

V101- Lotus plant

V102-Mehandi plant
Lausonia Alba

Sal tree

V105-Teak tree V105-Soapnut tree

Tectona grandis Sapindus trifoliatus

V105-Asana Tree

V105-Shiwan tree
Gmalena arberia
V105-Sissoo tree-
Dalbergia latifolia

V087-Thorny capar brush

V100-Kash grass
For any suggestions


M4 Laxmi Nagar,
Nagpur (India) 440022

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