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Victoria Fifita &
What Is It?
Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder. It is
characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary
movements and vocalizations called tics.
What Are The Symptoms?
The symptoms include tics, some simple, others complex. Simple
tics include eye blinking and other eye movements, facial grimacing,
shoulder shrugging, and head or shoulder jerking. Complex tics
include facial grimacing combined with a head twist and shoulder
shrug. Some actions may seem purposeful. There are also
movements that result in self harm.
Types of tics.
There are only two types of tics, motor and vocal. Motor tics are
movements of the body, such as blinking, shoulder shrugs, limb movements
etc.. Vocals tics are sounds people make, such as barking, sniffing, throat
clearing, random words and etc.

Tics can be simple or complex. Simple tics involve just a few body parts.
Complex tics involve several body parts and can have a set pattern.

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