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Mobile devices

Unit objectives:
Compare tablets vs. laptops
Examine mobile operating systems
Connect mobile devices to the network
Secure mobile devices
Synchronize mobile devices with PCs
Topic A
Topic A: Tablet hardware
Topic B: Mobile operating systems
Topic C: Mobile networks and e-mail
Topic D: Securing mobile devices
Topic E: Mobile device
Field-serviceable parts
Few field-serviceable parts
May be able to replace batteries and
drives in some devices
Attempting to replace parts may void
Touch interface
Touch flow
Finger movement (up, down, right, left)
controls the direction of screen scroll
Screen responds to multiple
simultaneous finger touches
Solid state drives
Used in most tablets
Use flash memory to store data
No moving parts
Smaller, faster, more efficient than
More expensive than HDDs
Topic B
Topic A: Tablet hardware
Topic B: Mobile operating systems
Topic C: Mobile networks and e-mail
Topic D: Securing mobile devices
Topic E: Mobile device
Android and iOS
Android: based on Linux
iOS: based on Apple OSX
Open-source vs. closed-source
Open-source: Freely available to use
and modify
Closed-source: Owned by a single
entity; cannot use or modify without a
Where the apps are
Android: Google Play or third-party
iOS: Apple App Store
Accelerometers and gyroscopes
Accelerometer: senses motion along
an axis, such as vibration or
acceleration; also senses orientation
Gyrometer: senses rotation around an
Navigation and tracking
Built-in GPS for geolocation
Geo-tracking a practice with GPS and
location services turned off
Topic C
Topic A: Tablet hardware
Topic B: Mobile operating systems
Topic C: Mobile networks and e-mail
Topic D: Securing mobile devices
Topic E: Mobile device
WiFi vs cellular networks
WiFi: wireless signal, sent by ISP
through broadband modem and
wireless router; any WiFi-enabled
device can access the signal provided
the user has a password
Cellular (2G, 3G, 4G): signal produced
directly from provider cell towers
Enable/disable cellular network
connectivity on iOS devices:
1. Access the Settings, General screen
2. Tap Cellular or Network
3. On the Enable 3G icon, tap to toggle
on and off
Enable/disable cellular connectivity
on an Android device:
1. Access the Settings, Wireless and
Network screen
2. Tap Mobile Networks
3. Tap the Data enabled check box to
toggle connectivity on and off
Working with Bluetooth
1. Enable Bluetooth
2. Enable pairing
3. Find device for pairing
4. Enter PIN code
5. Test connectivity
Topic D
Topic A: Tablet hardware
Topic B: Mobile operating systems
Topic C: Mobile networks and e-mail
Topic D: Securing mobile devices
Topic E: Mobile device
Passcode locks
Works like a password
Prevents unauthorized use of device
Simplest method of securing device
Locator application
Uses GPS data to track/locate a
missing device
Uses an app on a separate device
connected to the Internet
Remote wipe
Remotely erase all data from a
missing or stolen device
Often a feature of locator apps
Remote backup
Back up device data to a computer or
Failed logon attempts
Configure a device to erase all data
after a set number of failed logon
Use as you would on a computer
Configure the mobile device to update
and scan for viruses on a schedule
Patching/OS updates
When updating a device wirelessly, try
to use a WiFi connection to save on
Back up device data before installing
the update
Topic E
Topic A: Tablet hardware
Topic B: Mobile operating systems
Topic C: Mobile networks and e-mail
Topic D: Securing mobile devices
Topic E: Mobile device
Types of synchronization
Push: automatic; requires no user
Pull: requires user to activate to pull
data to synchronic
Types of data to synchronize
Connection types
802.11 wireless (WiFi)
In some cases, cellular
Summary tab in iTunes
Preventing automatic syncing
Unit summary
Compared tablets vs. laptops
Examined mobile operating systems
Connected mobile devices to the
Secured mobile devices
Synchronized mobile devices with

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