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How does your media product represent
particular social groups?
In our film, the main actor is a female the representation in this would be because females are
stereotyped as being more vulnerable and emotional. We represented this through her wearing
pink which is shown as a females colour , also her room in one of the scenes is a girly room you can
tell this from the bedsheet, the heart pillows, the teddies on the bed and the colour of the walls.
Males are stereotypically shown as not wanting to talk about their feelings and emotions. We
decided to have a male police officer when interviewing the suspect because males come across as
more intimidating and stereotypically shown as more masculine.

In our film for the actress we have 3 different ages which are 6, 13 and 18 years old. We have
shown this as:
At the age of 6 it shows that she doesnt really know what she's doing which is innocence this is
shown through the way she speaks. We have shown how old she is through the way she is dressed
such as she has plaits, wears pink clothes which is a dungaree this is stereotypically shown as what
children wear at a young age.
At the age of 13 she's still quite young but has a bit of an understanding of what shes doing but is
still a bit upset as to why other children her age arent like her. We have shown her age through
what she wears which is a school blazer and uniform, wears short skirt and has straight hair.
At the age of 18 she now has a full understanding of what she is and what she does. We have
shown her age through her behaviour such as her attitude and also through the way she is dressed
such as she wears appropriate clothing and wears a white shirt which shows professionalism.
We used a real life police officer in our film to add verisimilitude. He wears a real police uniform
and has a professional manner , hes professional and organised.
In our film the different ethnicity that we have is our main character Ana, she was born and raised
in South America where she grew up in and around tribes which lead to her act of Cannibalism.
Traditionally people in tribes are represented as being very violent and vicious this then links to our
opening sequence as she is shown as a Cannibal and this is a form of illegal violence

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