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Context-aware data access

(Declaration of Intent Draft)
Dmitry Namiot
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Proposal: SkTech.RC/IT/Madnick
Contact info

Phone: +7-495-939-23-59
Address: Russia, 119991, Moscow,
Leninskie Gory, MSU, Faculty of
Computational Mathematics and
Cybernetics 2nd educational
building, room 360
Position & educationation

Position: senior scientist of Faculty of

Computational Mathematics and
Cybernetics, Open Information
Systems Lab
Educational background: Applied
Mathematics (B.S. and M.S.)
Moscow Aviation Institute, Ph.D in
Computer Science Lomonosov
Moscow State University
Research areas and past
discrete simulation and statistical methods,
compilation, grammars, domain specific languages
knowledge management, logical chains, production
systems, artificial intelligence, expert systems,
real time operational systems, distributed systems: CORBA,
then EJB,
telecom development: open interfaces for telco (Parlay
etc.), telecom protocols and services,
web programming APIs and internet applications,
location based systems and geo programming,
distributed databases (Hadoop etc.),
web services and semantic web,
data mining, data curation in social networks
Accomplishments and
Author or co-author of over 60 journal
articles and 4 books.
Innovation Award at World Wide Java Cards
Development contest (3GSM World), Best
on Technology Award at World Wide Java
Cards Development contest (3GSM World),
several readers Choice Awards from
computer magazines,
several Java Developers challenges awards
Leadership and
participates in European research projects
(together with Rigas Technical University and
Ventspils University College - Latvia),
prepares and provides educational for European
telecom firms (Iskratel, Slovenia), reviewer for
several international conferences (ICST, IARIA),
co-founder (as technical director) of several high-
tech firms
MSU teaching: database programming, Java
programming for Internet applications.
Intentions for R&D

Theme: BIG DATA: large-scale data

gathering & mining
Research issue: data mining services
that let define context-aware actions
for delivering (discovering) data to
mobile subscribers
Context-aware data access, context
aware browsing
Intentions for R&D

Nowadays mobile phones are

becoming the primary source for
possible data collections.
phone as a sensor concept
It is the typical example of schema-
less big data.
For example: environmental sensing
and behavioral.
Intentions for R&D
What kind of information snippets could be
shown (delivered) for mobile subscribers based
on various metrics that could be introduced for
that vast amount of data?.
The goal: provide a set of tools that let define
(develop) some actions/triggers (e.g. delivering
information to mobile phone) depending on the
collected context data in the real time.
In general it leads to building richer and more
personalized mobile experiences.
Intentions for R&D

Elements are (at least):

data collection (gathering) modules
data persistence mechanisms
new metrics for collected data (e.g.
proximity as a service, fuzzy logic for
data estimation etc.)
developers API for using collected
data in applications
Example: Spot Expert

Collected data: Wi-Fi networks info

Metric: Wi-Fi proximity
Result: context-aware browser where
available content if defined by the
proximity rules
Big data processing for the next steps:
collect more sensing data, analyze data
for several subscribers, add more

This project addresses the following

hot areas in computing:
M2M applications,
mobile computing in the real word
context-aware (ubiquitous)
Novel & scope
Context-aware computing for mobile devices is
highly fragmented.
The amount of practical applications is very low.
There are no (almost no) development tools
that cover context-aware applications.
It covers multiple research areas: mobile OS
and SDK, big data stores for data persistence,
real-time analysis for big data, modern
programming development tools and APIs,
telecom standards.
Entrepreneurially promising

Areas for the possible

Smart Cities projects
distributing hyper-local news data to
mobile subscribers (e.g. commercial
info in malls, news data in campuses
and office centers),
real world games
Educational courses that could be provided in
the connection with this project:
mobile OS, mobile SDK,
NoSQL databases,
data patterns recognition,
big data processing.
We can develop new multi-disciplinary core
courses for sensing data analysis. These
courses will serve also as a basic point for PhD

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