1-Introduction To Quality Management

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Last Puzzle

10 prisoners in a prison get a once-in-lifetime

chance to be free. They will be blindfolded, made
to stand in a row facing a wall, one behind the
other. Then from a box containing 15 Red & 15
Blue caps, each will be donned a cap. 10th
persons blindfold will be removed. He can see 9
others. He has to guess the colour of his cap. If
correct, he will be released, else shot. His answer
will be communicated to the rest by the warder.
Then 9th will be un-blindfolded & so on. What
strategy will enable release of maximum prisoners
& how many can be released (By probability, 5 out
of 10 can be released without strategy, so, look for
better answer)
Answer to last puzzle

The last person (10th, who can see 9 caps ahead) says
Red (or black) if he sees Even (or Odd) number of red
caps ahead. By probability he has 50% of chance of
The 9th person knows whether 10th person saw even or
odd Red caps ahead (Out of 9). He can also see 8
caps ahead. He can guess his cap colour correctly.
The 8th person knows whether 10th person saw even or
odd red caps. He also knows colour of 9th persons
cap. He can guess the cap colour correctly.
And so on
9 persons will definitely survive and 10th has 50%
Introduction To Quality
Dimensions of Quality
Performance (Will the product do the
intended job?)
Reliability (How often does the product
Durability (How long does the product
Serviceability (How easy is it to repair the
Dimensions of Quality

Aesthetics (How does the product look?)

Features (What does the product do?)
Perceived Quality (Reputation of the
Product or the Company)
Conformance to Standards (Is the product
made as per specifications?)
Quality A Few Definitions
Quality Control Part of Quality
Management, focussed on fulfilling quality
Quality Assurance Part of quality
management focussing on providing
confidence that quality requirements will
be fulfilled.
Quality Management - Timeline
1700-1920 Quality largely determined by individual
1920-1950 Development and use of control charts
1950-60 Development of TQM, Japanese techniques
for quality improvement
1960-80 Process Control, Design of Experiments,
Cost of Quality
1980 Quality Awards, International Standards, 6
onwards Sigma, etc.
What does TQM mean?
Total Quality Management means that the
organization's culture is defined by and
supports the constant attainment of
customer satisfaction through an
integrated system of tools, techniques,
and training. This involves the continuous
improvement of organizational processes,
resulting in high quality products and
Total Quality Management
Quality as a Management Philosophy
Employee Involvement
Cultural Change
Individual Development
Continuous Improvement (PDCA Cycle)
Basic Tenets of TQM
The customer makes the ultimate determination of
Top Management must provide leadership and support
for all quality initiatives
Preventing variability is the key to producing high quality
Quality goals are a moving target, thereby requiring a
commitment toward continuous improvement
Improving quality requires the establishment of effective
metrics. We must speak with data and facts not just
Quality Throughout
A Customers impression of quality begins with
the initial contact with the company and continues
through the life of the product.
Customers look at the total package - sales, service
during the sale, packaging, deliver, and service after
the sale.
Quality extends to how the receptionist answers the
phone, how managers treat subordinates, how
courteous sales and repair people are, and how the
product is serviced after the sale.
All departments of the company must strive to
improve the quality of their operations.
The TQM System
Objective Continuous

Principles Customer Process Total

Focus Improvement Involvement

Education and Training
Elements Supportive structure
Communications Reward and recognition

Total Quality Management

Methods for Generating Ideas for
Generate a free flow of idea in a group of
Quality circles
Group of workers who find ways of improving
Benchmarking: Measure against best
what, why, where, when, who, how, how much
Deming, Juran, Crosby
Edward Deming 14 points
Management Driven, Ongoing improvement
culture, participation of all employees
Joseph Juran Quality trilogy
Quality Planning, Quality Control, Quality
Philip Crosby Quality is free
Aim of zero defect
International Quality Standards
Quality Awards
Practices to attain the goals of Philosophy
Product/Process Design (Redesign) Methods
Concurrent Engineering
Value Engineering
Process Control Methods
Process Improvement Methods
SPC - Basic Principles
Causes of Quality Variation
Chance / Natural Variation
Assignable Causes
Process Settings
Material Defects
Operator Mistakes
Measurement of Variation
Statistical Distribution of variation
Representative Sample
Reduction of Variation (assignable causes)

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