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Brain Stilling

Decision Making in Silence

As a normal human being, multitudes of thoughts pass our brain every
second. We have approximately about 60,000 thoughts per day. Many of
them are recycled. Most thoughts involve remembering the past or planning
for the future
They are often out of our awareness about various things.
They are chaotic, and there are far too many of them preventing us from
being effective or focused thinkers..
If we do not organize our thoughts they start running us. They clutter our
minds and take us out of the present moment and hence we are distracted.
Many of us have racing minds which means we are always thinking ahead
towards outcome and solution, even when we are in dialogue with others
and should be listening, considering input, and working with it in the
moment. Racing mind creates reaction, not response, and impatience
Effective decision making and effective management desires that we only
invoke those thoughts that are needed by us. This is possible only if we stop
the flow of undesirable thoughts to our brain. As we establish control over
the five senses.... this continual flow of unwanted thoughts gradually
The stage when the flow of undesirable thoughts (thoughts that have not
been invoked by us) completely cease is the stage when brain stills.
brain-stilling takes us out of "busy routine" mindset where we are inclined to react,
and allows a spaciousness or quietness in which we can connect with the inner self,
the divine and the truth bringing out our collective conscious - the insight, intuition
& wisdom
Truly speaking we do not still the mind, we simply bring all the activity going on in the
brain to stillness and calmness.
In brain stilling, the individual quietens his/her excitement and undesirable thoughts
and develops right half of the brain that controls intuition as opposed to the left half
which control logic and analytical capabilities. Some people believe that the creativity
is more intuitive than logical.
By doing so, we are able to think, speak and act more mindfully and skillfully, and
have a more positive effect on those around us.
Brain-stilling can be used when one need to arrive to a rational and enduring decision
silently and peacefully, preferably in a 'Room of Silence'. Silence here "does not mean
only absence of speech and noise, but a perfect calm in body, mind and heart.
Let the decision-maker retire from life-problems, sit in silence, invoke peace,
concentrate on the problem, meditate over the situation and wait for the 'inner
guidance' to reach the solution"
With still-mind flow one will find that they can think on different levels, from
many different angles simultaneously.
Because they are knowing the seeds of their thoughts their mind does not
become cluttered and one can be aware of so much more. One will find that the
increase in intelligence and intuition is unbelievable.
How to still the Brain?
Menu of such practices is very personal and based on one's cultural
traditions, faith and wisdom practices, preferences, and place at any given
Yet there are a few practices that are included in many cultures to foster a
connection with the Divine and to distinguish the insight and wisdom, and
then incorporate that in practical ways into our everyday lives.
The ways to brain stilling are Meditation and Breathing techniques and
The object of all meditation is to still the mind or more correctly, the
result of meditation is a powerful control of the mind and thus the
ability to still it.
There are many forms of meditation; some use mantras (chanting),
some use breathing techniques.
Breathing techniques are other powerful tool to still ones mind.
One can also practice the virtual vacation technique See yourself at your
favorite vacation spot and Focus upon this vacation spot as you gently and
deeply breathe. Notice the details of the space in whatever manner works
for you. Imagine or see it, feel it, describe it, know it, hear it, smell it, or any
combination of these sensory techniques
Summing up
The western management resorts to brain- storming to solve
managerial problems.
The Indian insight advocates a better alternative in the form of brain-
For rational and enduring decisions, silent mind is much more
effective medium to get sound and lasting solution to all
management problems.
A perfect calmness is necessary.
It indicates absence of any unnecessary and undesirable thought
flow in the mind.
Preferably manager should have a small room of silence attached to
his office where he may retire from busy life to meditate in silence
over the burning problems in case of need.
By the method, the manager and the employees come into contact
with the inner mind or higher consciousness for arriving at proper
solutions to their problems.
This is an another method to solve problems by remaining quiet and
calling on the inner consciousness for getting an answer.
Peacefulness is the only way out here to solve all problems.
Once we enter into inner consciousness, we know what true
behavior would be, what true solution to a problem is, what true
action is.
TQM the concept
Globalization and Liberalization asks for high quality goods &
services and there is a clear and tremendous shift in organizations
approach from production led to customer led
As philosophy:
A business improvement philosophy which comprehensively and
continuously involves all of an organization's functions in improvement
Total Quality Management is the management philosophy dedicating the
entire organization to a relentless quality centered effort. It recognizes
that involving everybody in maintaining and improving quality is a lot
more efficient than paying a staff of quality control inspectors
A management philosophy committed to a focus on continuous
improvements of product and services with the involvement of the entire
TQM asks for
Managing quality and processes as per customers satisfaction
Improvements must be continuous and focus should be long term
It is necessary to involve EVERYBODY in quality improvements
Strong leadership from TOP management and a holistic TQM culture
Total Quality Mind
To achieve TQM mission, one needs to put ones heart and soul in his/her
performance of action/work and this is possible only by self motivation and self
In fact, TQMind is prerequisite for TQMgmt
The Indian insight into TQM indicates that mind is the master of total excellence of
performance in any field of activity. Mind is a energy source of all the people in the
organization to realize mission. Quality of Manpower is basically the quality of
collective minds. Total quality of mind determines the quality of thought, perception
,ideology, attitudes and action that control total quality of product and services
provided by any organization
Indian ethos believes that the mind drives the actions and these action would result
into customer satisfaction or de-satisfaction.
In Indian philosophy, the mind is said to have indefinite capacity and power to
influence and can be interpreted as expression of infinity and diversity breeds new
It is said that mind breeds thoughts. Thoughts occur again and again we become
aware of them. These thoughts guides our actions, behaviors, decisions and in a way
these thoughts start shaping the circumstances. The actions of one initiates the
thoughts in other minds and breeds thoughts in other minds and thereby shaping their
actions and in-turn the relationships and the whole environment.
So the one who can control his senses and still his mind would be able to look
beyond the worldly illusions and keep focus on his aim and goals directing his/her
actions towards the achievements of such aims. He would be no longer a slave of his
thoughts and prejudices and would act more appropriately.
Indian Ethos and TQMind
TQMind derives its vary concept from Indian ethos and
culture. It strives to have
appreciates, and strives to achieve inner poise and balance
Purification of heart, mind and soul
Treats the work as worship and means to achieve their goals
Seek joy from relationships, co-operation and sharing rather
than competition and accumulation
Strongly believes in concepts like honesty, truthfulness,
compassion, forgiveness and treat them necessary for human
To achieve self consciousness through meditation and
transformation from lower consciousness to higher
The TQMind view looks at 9M (Mind, Mission,
Motivation) apart from regular 6Ms (Men, Money,
Machine, Material, Method & Marketing)
TQM (World View) TQM (Indian View)
Excellence through Total Quality Excellence through Total Quality Mind
Focus on producing results Focus on producing performers

Organize 6Ms Mobilize Men & Mind to use other 7Ms

Tools are plans, goals, schedules, Tools are agreement and commitment
checklists on means & ends
Checking, controlling, report to ensure Leading by example and exemplary
direction conduct
Issuing orders to get the job done Integrated problem solving through
empowerment and participation
Instruct, issue notices Make queries, encourage suggestions
Focus on who is wrong Focus on what is wrong

Managing others to achieve quality Managing self to achieve quality

Cultivating a sound philosophy of life
Identification of the inner core of self
Focus and practicing Karmyoga
Brain stilling
Cultivating sat guna
Self consciousness and discipline through
meditation and yoga

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