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Presenting by

5 groups
Groups members
Muhammad Nadil Ali
Sonia perveen
One morning a man asked his
old father to go out with him.
His little son wanted to go
with them, but his mother did
not want him to go.
Finally he had his own way
and went along, too.
After travelling for some time,
they came to a graveyard.
They stopped in front of it.
The man told his father and
You wait here for me.
I will be backing so.
He then went to a secluded
spot in the graveyard and
started to dig.
his son got tired of waiting and went
to look for him. He found his father
digging a hole.

Ohh I think listen to this story.

His son got tired of waiting and went
to look for him. He found his father
digging a hole.
.What are you doing, dad?
He asked. I'm digging a
grave for your grandfather.
Replied his father for
grandfather the little boy
exclaimed. But he's not dead
yet!"...."Yes, I know, his
father answered. but he is
. He can no longer do any work
around the house. Anyway, he
doesn't have long to live, so your
mother and I felt it would be okay to
bury him right away.
" The son listened to his
father and then asked him for
his spade. He began to dig.
He told his father, " When you
become old, I will just bring
you here and push you in.
" The father then realized
what a bad example he was
setting for his son. He took
his own father back home
and lovingly took care of him
until the old man finally
passed away.


Thanks you
M.N.A 1 to 4
Sobia 4 to 6
Shazia 6 to 9
Ambreen 9 t0 11
Sonia perveen
Dilpazir 11 to end

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