Our Bucket List: By: Anh and John

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Our Bucket list

By: Anh and John

What is a bucket list?

It is a list of things you want to do before you die.

How to create Bucket List

Think about it.

Write it out.
Organize into many sections from short term to long term.
Just do it!
Our mini tiny
little plan
Short Range: In the next 2 years
Player 1: Player 2:

Learn to play most string instruments. Adopt a pet (Dog).

Short Range: In the next 2 years

Player 1: Player 2:

Do volunteer work. Graduate from high school.

Medium Range: In the next 4 years

Player 1: Player 2:

Learn to swim. Go to University.

Long Range:

Player 1: Player 2:

Donate to charity. Go scuba diving.

Long Range:

Player 1: Player 2:

Travel around the world. Be come a veterinarian.

Why make a bucket list

To remind yourself.
To have goals in life.
Part of memory.
Dont regret when you die.

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