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Hate Crimes

hate crime definition

an offender selects a person or commits acts
that are motivated by prejudice or bias beliefs
regarding that individual's race, color, national
origin, gender, religion, religious practice, age,
disability or sexual orientation (Hall 5)
Prejudice: preconceived opinion or hostile
feelings toward a group or a person based on
he/she race, ethnic, social or religion without
Bias : opinion that favors or goes against one
thing, person or group
of a hijab

Hate crime event

November 2012- London
A 16 year old girl, wearing a hijab was walking when Michael
Ayoada attacked her from behind, and knock her unconscious.
This cause her to suffered a smashed lip and broken teeth.
Also, the attack happen in broach daylight ( Reilly).
June 17.2015 Charleston, South Carolina
Dylann Root a 21 year old white male, shot and killed nine
people during a bible study at a historic African- American
church. he was also in the group, and took a snapchat video.
Also, he waited for his chance, and towards the end decide to
shot, because they were black. Also, let a woman live so she
could tell the others what happened. (Shooting suspect in
custody ).
In the US 6,222 hate crime incidents involving 7,254
offenses were reported in 2011 (11 facts about hate
Out of 6,216 crimes reported: 47% were racially
motivated, 21% resulted from sexual-orientation bias,
20% were motivated by religious bias,12% stemmed from
ethnicity/national origin bias, and less than 1% (0.9%) was
prompted by disability bias (11 facts about hate crime).
At least 8 black people, 3 white people, 3 gay people, 3
Jewish people, and 1 Latino person become hate crime
victims every day (11 facts about hate crime)
Every hour in the United States somebody commits a
hate crime (11 facts about hate crime)
Perpetrators Motivates
Strain Theory: they become frustration or is caused by the desire for
success, and unable to legitimately achieve it. This is a product of
how society judges success, and pressures everyone to achieve those
goals. However, the theory is more suitable as a part-explanation of
hate crimes because the minority group would be the largest
perpetrator but that is not the case. (hall 75)
Their resentment toward minority may be cause by actual or imagined
economic competition and frustration (hall 80)
Family problems- like poor health, and causes them to see themselves
as being reject in society . (hall 82)
Some youths, motivated by their desire for thrill because they were
bored or seek some form of excitement (hall 84)
Desire to display power, and enhance their own feeling of self-
importance (hall 84)
See that individual or groups as outsider or intruders, and the offender
attempts to defend or protect their territory (hall 84)
Experience greater long-term post-traumatic stress disorder
symptoms, including higher levels of depression, anxiety and
angry, compared to victims in non-hate motivated offences (Hall
Some took up to five years to overcome effects of the crime,
comparable with two years for victims of non-hate crimes (Hall 66)
Form of terrorism, they send messages to other members of the
community who share the same traits or belong to the same social
group as the victim that they are not safe either (Hall 67)
Majority paid more attention to where they walk , and try to be
less visible increased fear and reduce feeling safe (Hall 68)
more likely lose their job, and suffer health problems (Hall 68)
Denial of injury-offenders try neutralize their behavior,
saying no harm come to the victim, and that it was
harmless fun, the victim should be subject to certain forms
of abuse and combining this makes the offenders behavior
acceptable (Hall 89)
Denial of the victim- assumes that victim deserved it or
the victim is worthless, and offences against them was
legal. This causes the victims to be dehumanized and seen
as deserving it (Hall 89)
Denial of responsibility- neutralize their responsibility for
their action, blaming other factors that affect their
behavior. Like the way the offender was brought up, and
blames their behavior lies somewhere other than with them
(Hall 95)
Hate Groups
Neo-Nazi-draws their inspiration and beliefs
from Third Reich, holding particular hate
toward Jews and minority groups, they see
Jews as the source of society ills, and
minorities as inferior (Hall 96)
Christian Identify- Whites as gods chosen
people, and Jews descended from Satan;
Also, some see non-white unholy, and
interpretations from the bible that whites are
above all others (Hall 97)
Legislation and solutions
The Hate Crime Statistics Act (1990)
required the collection of data relating to
offences motivated by race, religion, sexual
orientation and ethnicity (Hall 114)

education program in schools- students can talk
about bias motivated crimes, and ways to
prevent hate crimes
Create a hate crime awareness day, and hold
events that talk about it (including in schools)
Works cited
11 facts about hate crime. Dosomething .org. Dosomething.
Web. n.d. 12 Sept. 2015.
Hall, Nathan. Hate Crimes. Cullompton, Devon, UK: Willian,
Hate Crimes in American. YouTube. YouTube. June 2015. Web.
12 Sept.2015.
Reilly, Nicholas. Girl knocked out in random attack as number
of racist attacks rises. Metro. 7 Sept.2015. Web.
11 Sept.2015
Shooting suspect in custody after Charleston church
massacre. Cnn. n.d.Web. 11 Sept.2105.
Wiliamson. Jocelyn. Everyday people lyric video for Sunday
assembly-original music by sly & the family stone. YouTube.
YouTube. 20 Oct. 2014.Web. 12 Sept.2015.
Charlie is 15 and has lots of female friends but never
had a girlfriend. A group of boys at school have been
calling him names because they think he is gay, and
have threatened to beat him up
Andrew is a bank manager who is involved with a lot of
community work helping refugees and asylum seekers.
Last month, his BMW was stolen by thieves who never
met Andrew before and didnt know he was the owner
of the car
Aisha is from a Muslim family. She wears a headscarf
when out in public, as do her mum and sisters.
Recently, the family had anti-Muslim slogans graffiti on
their house but havent suffered any physical violence

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