Lecture 1

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Principle of Communications

Prof Yewen Cao

School of Information Science and Engineering

Shandong University
Shandong University


What this course is about

Brief overview of the Course
General Info
Chapter 1 Introduction to communications

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 2
What this course is about? Shandong University

Text book: J.G. Proakis and M. Salehi,
Communication System Engineering (2nd Ed)

General components in communications system

Review of time- and frequency-domain analysis of signals and


Review of the characterization of random processes

Introduction to analog signal transmission and reception

Introduction to digital communications

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 3
What this course is about? Shandong University

Engineering mathematics
Trigonometry, series, integration/ differentiation, etc.

Probability, random variables and statistics
Gaussian and uniform distributions, noise, autocorrelation
, power spectrum, etc.

Primary courses in Electronics

Linear systems and signals

Fourier series/transform, transfer function, sampling, filtering, etc.

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 4
Brief overview of the Course Shandong University

Chapter 1
General introduction to communications system
Historical review
Elements and block diagram of an communication system
Communication channels
Types and their characteristics
Mathematical models

Chapter 2 and 4
Review of basic material on signals and systems
Review of probability and random processes
Chapter 3 and 5
Principle of modulation and demodulation of AM,FM and PM
Performance analysis of AM, FM and PM

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 5
Brief overview of the Course Shandong University

Chapter 6
Characterization of information sources and source encoding
Modeling of information sources, both discrete and continuous
Discrete source coding: Huffman and Lempel-Ziv coding
Continuous source coding: PCM,DPCM,DM
Practical examples of source coding: CD player and JPEG image-
coding standard
Chapter 7
A range of digital modulation and demodulation techniques
Binary and M-ary modulation methods: geometric representation
,performance analysis and comparison
Symbol and carrier synchronization methods

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 6
Brief overview of the Course Shandong University

Chapter 8
Digital transmission over band-limited channels
Channel distortion and ISI
Signal design for a band-limited channel: Nyquists
Chapter 9
Channel coding and decoding
Channel capacity, Shannon formula
Linear block codes
Convolutional codes
Practical applications of coding

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 7
General Info Shandong University

How to study this course

With patience
Listen carefully
Take notes
With endeavour
e.g., go through the context of the incoming lecture
Review the context and notes over one more times
With interests
Always remind yourself its a truly useful course for your career in future
With aids of references
If with much difficulties, refer to a textbook in Chinese, although not to be
With helps one another talk to each other in English as much as possible
except for the homework and Exams

Homework, Exams and Assessment

Handing in homework in time
Judgement, all in English but regardless of the accuracy of using English

Lab practices
In parallel, another independent course for experiments is arranged

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 8
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Historical review
Early history of communication
1799 Alessandro Volta invented electric battery,
1837 Samuel Morse demonstrated telegraph and 1844 first
telegraph line (Washington-Baltimore) became operational
Early history of wireless communication
1831 Faraday demonstrates electromagnetic induction
J. Maxwell (1831-79): theory of electromagnetic Fields, wave
equations (1864)
H. Hertz (1857-94): demonstrates with an
experiment the wave character of electrical
transmission through space(1888, in Karlsruhe,
Germany, at the location of todays
University of Karlsruhe)

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 9
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Historical review
Early history of wireless communication I
1895 Guglielmo Marconi
first demonstration of wireless
telegraphy (digital!)
long wave transmission, high
transmission power necessary (> 200kw)
1907 Commercial transatlantic connections
huge base stations
(30 100m high antennas)
1915 Wireless voice transmission New York - San Francisco
1920 Discovery of short waves by Marconi
reflection at the ionosphere
smaller sender and receiver, possible due to the invention of the vacuum
tube (1906, Lee DeForest and Robert von Lieben)
1926 Train-phone on the line Hamburg - Berlin
wires parallel to the railroad track

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 10
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Historical review
Early history of wireless communication II
1928 many TV broadcast trials (across Atlantic, color TV, TV news)
1933 Frequency modulation (E. H. Armstrong)
1958 A-Netz in Germany
analog, 160MHz, connection setup only from the mobile station, no
handover, 80% coverage, 1971 11000 customers
1972 B-Netz in Germany
analog, 160MHz, connection setup from the fixed network too (but
location of the mobile station has to be known)
available also in A, NL and LUX, 1979 13000 customer in D
1979 NMT at 450MHz (Scandinavian countries)
1982 Start of GSM-specification
goal: pan-European digital mobile phone system with roaming
1983 Start of the American AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone
System, analog)
1984 CT-1 standard (Europe) for cordless telephones

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 11
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Historical review
Early history of wireless communication III
1986 C-Netz in Germany
analog voice transmission, 450MHz, hand-over possible, digital signaling,
automatic location of mobile device
Was in use until 2000, services: FAX, modem, X.25, e-mail, 98%
1991 Specification of DECT
Digital European Cordless Telephone (today: Digital Enhanced Cordless
1880-1900MHz, ~100-500m range, 120 duplex channels, 1.2Mbit/s data
transmission, voice encryption, authentication, up to several 10000
user/km2, used in more than 50 countries
1992 Start of GSM
in D as D1 and D2, fully digital, 900MHz, 124 channels
automatic location, hand-over, cellular
roaming in Europe - now worldwide in more than 170 countries
services: data with 9.6kbit/s, FAX, voice, ...

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 12
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Historical review
Early history of wireless communication IV
1994 E-Netz in Germany
GSM with 1800MHz, smaller cells
As Eplus in D (1997 98% coverage of the population)
1996 HiperLAN (High Performance Radio Local Area Network)
ETSI, standardization of type 1: 5.15 - 5.30GHz, 23.5Mbit/s
recommendations for type 2 and 3 (both 5GHz) and 4 (17GHz) as
wireless ATM-networks (up to 155Mbit/s)
1997 Wireless LAN - IEEE802.11
IEEE standard, 2.4 - 2.5GHz and infrared, 2Mbit/s
already many (proprietary) products available in the beginning
1998 Specification of GSM successors
for UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) as European
proposals for IMT-2000
66 satellites (+6 spare), 1.6GHz to the mobile phone

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 13
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Historical review
Early history of wireless communication V
1999 Standardization of additional wireless LANs
IEEE standard 802.11b, 2.4-2.5GHz, 11Mbit/s
Bluetooth for piconets, 2.4Ghz, <1Mbit/s
Decision about IMT-2000
Several members of a family: UMTS, cdma2000, DECT,
Start of WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) and i-mode
First step towards a unified Internet/mobile communication system
Access to many services via the mobile phone
2000 GSM with higher data rates
HSCSD offers up to 57,6kbit/s
First GPRS trials with up to 50 kbit/s (packet oriented!)
UMTS auctions/beauty contests
Hype followed by disillusionment (approx. 50 B$ payed in Germany for 6
UMTS licenses!)
2001 Start of 3G systems
Cdma2000 in Korea, UMTS in Europe, Foma (almost UMTS) in Japan

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 14
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Elements of a communication system

Basic concepts
Sources (information inputs)
voice (audio), text, image/video and data

Analogue signals, Digital signals


Thermal noise, man-made noise, atmospheric noise, etc

Sinks (information output devices)
Computer screens, speakers, TV screens, etc

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 15
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Elements of a communication system (cont)

Basic components
Convert Source (information) to signals
Send converted signals to the channel (by antenna if
Wireless: atmosphere (free space)
Wired: coaxial cables, twisted wires, optical fibre
Reconvert received signals to original information
Output the original information

Signal Carrier Transmission Medium Carrier Circuits Signal

Processing Circuits Processing
m (t )

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 16
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Elements of a communication system (cont)

Frequencies for communication
twisted coax cable optical transmission

1 Mm 10 km 100 m 1m 10 mm 100 m 1 m
300 Hz 30 kHz 3 MHz 300 MHz 30 GHz 3 THz 300 THz

VLF LF MF HF VHF UHF SHF EHF infrared visible light UV

VLF = Very Low Frequency UHF = Ultra High Frequency

LF = Low Frequency SHF = Super High Frequency
MF = Medium Frequency EHF = Extra High Frequency
HF = High Frequency UV = Ultraviolet Light
VHF = Very High Frequency

Frequency and wave length:

= c/f
wave length , speed of light c 3x108m/s, frequency f

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 17
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Basic digital communications system

Signals processing
Source encoding/decoding
Reduction of redundancy
Encryption /decryption
Security and privacy
Channel encoding/decoding
Channel adaptation and sharing
Basic digital communications system
Shown in the picture next slide

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 18
Introduction to communications Shandong University

Baseband Passband
audio ASK
video A/D Channel
(analogue) anti-alias Nyquist FEC pulse PSK channel
filter sampling ARQ shaping binary filter
Source Source block filter Mary
data convolution ISI
Transmit Channel
Receive noise
(digital) Source
Sink Channel
D/A Decode Regeneration Demodulation
video low pass quantisation matched filter envelope channel
filter noise FEC decision threshold coherent filter
(analogue) ARQ timing recovery carrier recovery

Basic Digital Communications System

Prof Cao Yewen
1. 19
Mathematical Models for Communication Channels Shandong University

Physical channels
Wireless electromagnetic channel:
Atmosphere (free space)
ionospheric channel
Wireline channels
twisted-pair wirelines
coaxial cables
optical fiber cables
Underwater acoustic channels
Storage channels
Common feature for distinct physical channels
Noises, existing always and anywhere
Interferences ,from adjacent channels
Distortion, of channel
Model for communication channels
Reflect the most important characteristics of transmission medium, i.e.,
physical channels
Be able to conveniently use in design and analysis of communication

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 20
Mathematical Models for Communication Channels Shandong University

Frequently used channel models

Additive noise channel

s(t) Channel


Fig.1. The additive noise channel

Physically, n(t) arising from electronic components and amplifiers, both at transmitter and
Statistically, n(t) is a random process.
Gaussian noise: n(t) follows Gaussian distribution.
When propagation happened, signal attenuation occurred

r(t)=as(t)+n(t), Where a represents the attenuation factor

It is a predominant model due to its mathematical tractability

Prof Cao Yewen
1. 21
Mathematical Models for Communication Channels Shandong University

Linear filter channel

s(t) Linear
filter r(t)=s(t)*h(t)+n(t)

Fig.2. The linear time-invariant (LTI)

filter channel with additive noise channel
Filter, ensuring that transmitted signal do not exceed specified
bandwidth limitation
h(t) is the impulse response of the linear filter

r (t ) s (t ) h(t ) n(t ) h( ) s (t )d n(t )

It is the most common used model in theory or practical applications

Prof Cao Yewen
1. 22
Mathematical Models for Communication Channels Shandong University

Linear time-variant filter channel

s(t) time-
variant r (t ) s (t ) h( ; t ) n(t )

filter h( ; t ) s (t )d n(t )
h( ; t ) n(t)


Fig.2. The linear time-variant (LTV) filter

channel with additive noise channel
Suitable for the case of physical channels such as under water acoustic
channel and ionospheric radio channels.

h( ; t )is the response of the channel at time t, due to an impulse applied at

time t
represents the age (elapsed time) variable

It is the most common used model in theory or practical applications

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 23
Mathematical Models for Communication Channels Shandong University

Multipath channel
a special case of LTV
Widely used in wireless communications

LOS pulses pulses

signal at sender signal at receiver

Fig.3. Multipath channel model

is the number of multipath propagation paths
h( ; t ) ak (t ) ( k )

k 1 ak (t ) is the possibly time-variant attenuation factors

L k is the possibly delay attenuation factors

r (t ) ak (t ) s ( k ) n(t )
k 1

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 24
Shandong University

Lets summarize todays lecture !!!

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 25
What we have learnt today !!! Shandong University

An brief introduction to the course

What we will learn in this course, i.e., the
roadmap of the course
General pre-requirements for learning this course
Block diagram of communication systems and its
basic components, esp. for digital communication
Brief history of communications
Channel models for communication systems

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 26
What is the next ? Shandong University

Frequency domain analysis of signals and

systems---Chapter 2 (totally, 2-3 lectures)

We will learn and review:

Fourier series (Section 2.1)
Fourier transforms (Section 2.2)

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 27
What you need to do after lecture? Shandong University

Review and self-study

Go through the Chapter 1(at least 1 times)


pp.24-40, of textbook

Prof Cao Yewen

1. 28
Shandong University

Thank you for attention!!!



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1. 29
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Prof Cao Yewen

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