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This project has been funded with the financial support from the EuropeanCommissionwithin Erasmus+.

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Two Ping-Pong
Ping-Pong Ball
Ping Pong Table w/
net (dimensions
are labeled on
To manipulate the ping-
pong ball to score 11 points
Points are gained for errors
opponent makes
Missing the ball after it
bounces on ones side
Having the ball hit ones
side twice
Hitting the ball twice
Hitting the ball with
anything other than paddle
or wrist
Not causing the ball to
bounce on opponents side
Placing hand on table or
moving table
An initial head toss determines who serves
Serves must be incepted by a no spin toss that is at least 16cm in the air
During serves ball is not permitted to touch the net and a let is called (two lets per
The side of services alternates between odd/even points
In a professional game each server has two serves, no matter if points are won or lost
Professional games last until one player has at least 11 points and has a 2 point lead
over opponent
A series of best of 5 games
Paddlecan be
gripped in various
The traditional
method is called the
shake hand grip
However other
methods are more
effective for spins
Offensive moves Defensive moves
Speed Drive Slice
Fast ball hit open paddle Ball is hit at an angle
without arc to open below the ball to cause
opportunity for smash backspin
Loop Drive Chop
Ball is hit at an angle to Similar to speed drive
create top spin except is used when
Smash player is a few steps
behind table
When ball is hit too high
by opponent close to the Lob
net, player swings with Ball is lofted from below
full force and aims the table with an upward
toward the middle of moving stroke
opponents half
Like professional but
games are played to 21
points and serve
alternates every 5 points
Same rules of
professional ping-pong
apply but hits must
alternate between
Game originated in England, and rules were derived from tennis
Became an Olympic sport in 1988
China currently dominates the ping-pong world

The presentation was created by the students of Mihai

Lower Secondary School Braila, coordinated by the

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