Lateral Thinking - 6 Thinking Hats

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Tegar Pratama Putra

Teknik Industri 2012

Many problems
require a different
perspective to
solve successfully
What WeNever

Human brain is not designed to be creative,

it is
designed to follow patterns = vertical
(contoh : perjalanan ke kampus)
Vertical Lateral thinking
Looking for the right approach Looking for as many approaches
as possible
Rightness Richness
Proceeds if there is a direction Proceeds to generate direction
Is analytical Is provocative
Is sequential Can make jumps
One must be correct at every One does not have to be correct at
step every step
Uses negative to block off certain There is no negative
Excludes what is irrelevant Welcomes chance intrusions
Fixed categories/labels Labels may change
Explores most likely paths Explores least likely paths
Is a finite process Is a probabilistic process
How We Normally Think & Solve

ATIC But there are some
flaws :
THINKIN Restricted by
G rules


Otak manusia tidak didesain untuk menjadi kreatif. Otak
manusia didesain untuk membuat pattern dan mengikuti
pola tersebut secara rutin agar kegiatan & problem
solving sehari- hari menjadi lebih mudah.

Systematical thinking atau yang biasa disebut dengan

berpikir linear merupakan metode berpikir yang kita sudah
kenal dan kuasai dengan baik namun di luar itu ada
metode lain yang bisa kita gunakan dalam menyelesaikan
permasalahan sehari- hari maupun permasalahan
organisasi yaitu berpikir vertikal atau umum juga disebut
lateral thinking

Tidak ada kesalahan dalam penggunaan systematic

thinking, namun ada beberapa keterbatasan dari
systematic thinking dan yang paling signifikan:
mengurangi kreativitas kita
Lateral Thinking: Six Thinking
A way of solving a problem by thinking about it in a different and
original way and not using traditional or expected methods
Lateral = moving across patterns instead of moving along
Banyak metode-metode lateral thinking yang telah
dikembangkan dan dicoba dipraktekkan dalam segala sisi
kehidupan namun yang paling terkenal adalah Six Thinking
Lateral Thinking Tools are the key that can set you free
Lets Give It a Try! Six
Thinking Hats
Essential Things of 6
Thinking Hats

Pa r a l l e l Both A and B wear Help to see other Ego and
each hat together opinion benefits
and explore all sides instead of their own Pe r f or ma nc e
Th i n k i n g

Unb u ndl i n g Sometimes, is Se q u e n c e

Separate our way of
possible to put
Thinking thinking Of hats
together the hats in
formal sequences
Increase creative and
Save time by innovative performance
providing a by providing framework

performance by
providing a
Lets Practice
Find a critical problem in IKM FTUI
Look for the root cause and all possible
How will you implement the solution ?
What are constraints you see in the
implementation ?
Discuss and use all possible hats as much
as possible
Present in 10 minutes
Thank You,
Wish To See You

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