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Teach children to be HELPFUL.

Helpfulness quotes
Small acts, when
multiplied by millions of
people, can transform the
Helpfulness means
Helpfulness means trying to make life a
little easier for other people. If we are
paying attention, we notice when someone
else is struggling to open a door, to
complete a task, or even to go through the
dying process with grace and dignity. We
move instinctively to ease the struggle
lending ourselves whether for a moment or
a lifetime to serve their purpose.
Helpfulness ripple effect.
If we look around us, we become aware
how much of the substance and beauty
people are able to create depends on
helping hands. Like generosity, helping is a
gift that gives to the giver. Sometimes we
receive help in turn from those we
assisted; even more often our helpfulness
ripples through the world as other people
spontaneously pay it forward.
Helpfulness is sharing
the burden
Educate them to habits of
industry, so that the enemy will
not make a workshop of their
minds. Give your children
something to think of, something
to do, that they may be fitted for
usefulness in this life and in the
The beauty of being
It is where the foundation of good
character is being developed.
It is where self respect and trust is being
It is where sense of responsibility are
being discovered.
It is where sense of obedience grows in
their life.
It is where they learn to know that
obligations are mutual.
Helpfulness develops
If children were taught to regard the
humble round of everyday duties as the
course marked out for them by the Lord, as
a school in which they were to be trained to
render faithful and efficient service, how
much more pleasant and honourable would
their work appear. To perform every duty as
unto the Lord throws a charm around the
humblest employment and links the
workers on earth with the holy beings who
do Gods will in heaven.
How can you find pleasure
and happiness in
by obedience to the precepts of
It is by experience that they can
appreciate the greatest pleasure
and happiness of helpfulness.
It is by honoring thy father and
thy motherthat thy days maybe
long upon the land
This education will be of
the greatest value to them
in after years.

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