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Presentation Overview


Recall that the special theory of relativity deals with inertial

reference frames.

State the postulates of the special theory of relativity.

Explain space-time coordinates.

Discuss and solve problems on relativity of simultaneity, time,

length, velocity

Define speed parameter and the Lorentz factor.

State and use the Lorentz transformation equations to solve


Albert Einstein is born to Hermann Einstein a

salesman and engineer and his wife Pauline in
Ulm, Germany, 14 march 1879.
Recall that the special theory of
relativity deals with inertial reference
It is assumed that Newtons laws of
motion must be measured with respect
to (relative to) some reference frame.

An Inertial Frame of Reference is a

reference frame for which Newton's First
Law of motion is valid. This means that
the object remains at rest or in motion at
a constant velocity in a straight line.
Inertial Reference Frame
A reference frame is called an
inertial frame if Newton laws are
valid in that frame.
Such a frame is established when a
body, not subjected to net external
forces, is observed to move in
rectilinear motion at constant
Newtonian Principle of
If Newtons laws are valid in one reference
frame, then they are also valid in another
reference frame moving at a uniform velocity
relative to the first system.

This is referred to as the Newtonian principle of

relativity or Galilean invariance.
Einstein expanded upon the concept by
including observations of action in
another inertial frame of reference
relative to another inertial frame of
State the postulates of the special theory of relativity.

Consequences to the
Some of these are:
. Time dilation: Moving clocks are measured to tick
more slowly than an observer's "stationary" clock.

. Length contraction: Objects are measured to be

shortened in the direction that they are moving with
respect to the observer.

. Relativity of simultaneity: Two events that are

simultaneous to an observer A may not be
simultaneous to an observer B if B is moving
Which primarily applies to particles as they accelerate,
particularly due to gravitation, and acts as a radical
revision of Newtons theory, predicting important new
results for fast-moving and/or very massive bodies.

Some of the consequences of general relativity are:

Time goes more slowly in higher gravitational fields.
This is called gravitational time dilation.
Orbits process in a way unexpected in Newton's theory
of gravity. (This has been observed in the orbit of
Mercury and in binary pulsars).
Rays of light bend in the presence of a gravitational
Frame-dragging, in which a rotating mass "drags along"
the space time around it.
Energy equals mass times the
speed of light squared. Formula
was derived due to Einstein's
realization of how closely energy
and a mass of a body is
This formula suggests that tiny
E amounts
= Energy, of
m mass can
= mass, c=beSpeed of
converted into huge amounts of
c= /f, = wave length, f =
o o
Earth = Matter = Atoms = ((Neutrons
+ Protons) Nucleus & Electrons
Know that the equation is simply about special
relativity: mass can turn into energy and energy can turn
into mass
To find out how much energy an object has, multiply
the mass of the object by the square of the speed of
light : Pure energy is electromagnetic radiation and
electromagnetic radiation moves at the speed of light in a
perfect vacuum
Calculate the square of speed of light : kinetic energy=
(1/2) x mass x velocity2
The square of the speed of light is a very large figure:
around 448,900,000,000,000,000 in units of mph; even a
small chunk of matter can produce a large amount of energy.
Explain space-time coordinates.

The Location of any object in an inertial reference frame can

be specified by four (4) quantities; its location in space and
location in time. The addition of the dimension of time means
that space and time are not independent but are intermixed
into a fabric called space-time.

This space-time, like three (3) dimensional space, can be seen
as even in all directions and are not separate entities. Einstein
Special Theory of Relativity also predicted that gravity could
distort space time in much the same way a large ball placed
on a sheet causes other object placed on the sheet to fall
toward the object.

Gravity can thus be seen as a distortion of space-time created
by the mass of stars, planets and other celestial bodies.
Discuss and solve problems on relativity of simultaneity, time, length,
Define speed parameter and the Lorentz factor.

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