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Wind From The Sun is a new technology for

obtaining power from the sun and wind.
This hybrid system turns the sun's light into heat,
then uses that heat to create a wind within a
horizontal large-diameter pipe.
The wind inside the pipe is converted into
electric power using a series of wind turbines.
Provides a greater degree of control and
converts the energy from sunlight into heat.

Must have low reflectivity,dark color.

Does not need to have high thermal mass.

Increase in temperature drives the entire

Made of black ceramic gravel.

The higher the temperature of the collector,

wind power the system can generate.


Must be hotter than the surrounding land.

For sea-breeze difference is 100C wind speed
is 12m/s.
Hotter towards the centre & cooler towards the
perimeter. Large collector has fewer
perimeters/unit area.
connects the area of low air pressure over the solar
collector to an area of higher air pressure away from
the heat of the collector.
Air moves from high pressure to low pressure,
creating a wind within the pipe.
The amount of wind power generated by this system
depends on the air pressure difference from the center
of the collector to the surrounding land.
The sun is higher in the sky and gives more sunlight
in the summer than in the winter.
The hot air rising from the center of the
collector creates and maintains a low pressure
area in the center of the collector.
The pipes have a constant difference in air
pressure from one end to the other. This
difference in air pressure moves air through
the pipes.
Each pipe has pressure-staged wind turbines
which present a kind of obstacle to the air
The wind turbines remove mechanical energy
from the wind in the pipes and convert it to
The wind speed can be controlled by increasing or
decreasing the size of the collector.
In summer, a higher wind speed is produced.
In winter the collector can be completely uncovered
to obtain maximum wind power.
Wind velocity mainly depends upon the total pressure
difference between the two ends of the air channels.
A series of very large wind turbines within the pipe
turn the wind into electricity with a high degree of
Operates over a wide range. When the speed
increases the turbines rotational speed increases.
Hence results in greater available.
Swept area is roughly proportional to power output,
the output would be increased by 40% by using one
large wind turbine, instead of 7 smaller ones
This type of system produce power
Air must move from high to low pressure through the
air channel & wind turbines.
Has not been built & tested to determine how much
power will be produced.
Alternate Design: to increase efficiency, place air
channel so that one end is over a large body of water.
The water will be much cooler than the collector and
will increase the air pressure difference along the air

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