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Plant Layout

Types of Manufacturing systems

Two types
According to the volume and standardizing of
the product or service
1. Intermittent Operations- are characterized
by made-to-order products, low product
volume, general purpose equipment,
labour- intense operations, interrupted
product flow, frequent schedule changes

Continuous Operations
2. Are characterised by standardized
products made to store inventory, high
volume, special purpose equipment,
capital intense operations, continuous
product flow

Work center A facility, set of machines,

or work station that provides a service or
transformation needed
Plant Layout

Plant Layout
A lay out is the physical configuration
of departments, work stations, and
equipments in the conversion process

It signifies arrangement of machines,

work area, transport, storing of
materials and processing different

Objectives of scientific
1. Better quality products
2. Max utilization of floor area
3. To reduce internal transport
4. Lightening and ventilation
5. Less scrap and waste
6. Fewer accidents
7. Min production delays
8. Safety- equipment and personal
9. Proper production controls
11.Better working conditions

Factors influence Layout
1. Type of Industry
Synthetic process- two or more materials
mixed e.g. lime stone and clay= cement
Analytic process- breaking up of materials
into several parts petroleum
Extractive process by applying heat-
extracted e.g. aluminum from bauxite
conditioning process the raw material is
changed into desired shape- coir, jute

2. Type of Products- whether the product
is heavy/light, large/small, liquid/solid

3. Volume of production
Job production
Batch production
Mass production

4. Influence of process

Job production
Job production, sometimes called
jobbing or one-off production, involves
producing custom work, such as a one-off
product for a specific customer or a small
batch of work in quantities usually less
than those of mass-market products.
It is the oldest form of production.
Individual products are made, with
probably not a lot of standardized parts in

Job production
Job production is most often associated with
classical craft production, small firms (making
railings for a specific house, building/repairing a
computer for a specific customer, making
flower arrangements for a specific wedding
etc.) but large firms use job production too.
Examples include:
Designing and implementing an advertising
Auditing the accounts of a large public limited
Job production
Building a new factory
Installing machinery in a factory
Machining a batch of parts per a CAD
drawing supplied by a customer
Building the Golden Gate bridge
Fabrication shops and machine shops whose
work is primarily of the job production type
are often called job shops. The associated
people or corporations are sometimes called

Batch production
Batch production is common in bakeries and in
the manufacture of sports shoes, pharmaceutical
ingredients, inks, paints and adhesives.
In the manufacture of inks and paints, a
technique called a colour-run is used.
A colour-run is where one manufactures the
lightest colour first, such as light yellow followed
by the next increasingly darker colour such as
orange, then red and so on until reaching black
and then starts over again. This minimizes the
cleanup and reconfiguring of the machinery
between each batch.

Batch production
Batch production occurs when many
similar items are produced together.
Each batch goes through one stage of
the production process before moving
onto next stage. Good examples
Cricket bat manufacture
Baking / meal preparation
Clothing production
Mass production
Mass production is the production of large
amounts of standardized products, including
and especially on assembly lines. With job
production and batch production it is one of
the three main production methods.
The concepts of mass production are applied
to various kinds of products, from fluids and
particulates handled in bulk (such as food,
fuel, chemicals, and mined minerals) to
discrete solid parts (such as fasteners) to
assemblies of such parts (such as household
appliances and automobiles).
Mass production
Mass production of fluid matter typically
involves pipes with centrifugal pumps or
screw conveyors (augers) to transfer raw
materials or partially complete product
between vessels.
Fluid flow processes such as oil refining and
bulk materials such as wood chips and pulp
are automated using a system of process
control which uses various instruments to
measure variables such as temperature,
pressure and level, providing feedback

Mass production
Bulk materials such as coal, ores, grains and
wood chips are handled by belt, chain,
pneumatic or screw conveyors, bucket
elevators and mobile equipment such as
front-end loaders.
Materials on pallets are handled with forklifts.
Also used for handling heavy items like reels
of paper, steel or machinery are electric
overhead cranes, sometimes called bridge
cranes because they span large factory bays.

Assembly LIne: Pros

An assembly line, or production line, allows manufacturers

to produce large quantities of items quickly and efficiently.
Each worker, or machine, performs a specific task to
build a portion of a product as it moves down a production
line until the item is complete.
Assembly line production often works in favor of
economies of scale, which refers to the reduction in the
average cost to make a product due to an increase in its
For example, manufacturers may receive discounts on
materials needed to make a product when they buy those
materials in large quantities for big production runs.

Assembly Line: Cons

It can be difficult to control waste and financial

losses in assembly line production.
Big production lines often include expensive
assembly machines that are only economical for
manufacturers to use at high outputs.
However, large production runs increase the
chances for manufacturing mistakes that produce
defective products a manufacturer can't sell.
Big production outputs also may leave
manufacturers stuck with a large number of
products that can't be sold due to a drop in
consumer demand

Batch Process: Pros
Batch production can be useful for small businesses
that dont have enough capital to run continuous
production lines. It also helps companies avoid large
amounts of waste.
A bakery business owner, for example, can take an
order for 3,000 cakes and make them in separate
batches of 1,000 each. The owner wont lose all of the
cakes if a manufacturing problem ruins one batch.
Batch production is useful for seasonal items as well,
since manufacturing can start and stop in accordance
with seasonal production demands.
Sometimes retailers agree to stock new products in
their stores that ultimately dont sell well, so they
cancel future orders. In such cases, batch processing
prevents manufacturers from making big investments
in new products that may not sell.
Batch Process: Cons

Producing products in batches is inefficient because

of the downtime associated with the process.
Manufacturers usually have to shut down machines
and reconfigure them for each new batch they
They also have to be retest machines to ensure
their output is on target for the products being
The downtime between batch runs can be lengthy if
the production process is complicated or involves
several machines.

Principles of a good
1. A good plant layout is thelayout
one which is able to integrate
its workmen, materials, machines in the best possible way.

2. A good plant layout is the one which sees very little or

minimum possible movement of the materials during the

3. A good layout is the one that is able to make effective

and proper use of the space that is available for use.

4. A good layout is the one which involves unidirectional

flow of the materials during operations.

5. A good plant layout is the one which ensures proper

security with maximum flexibility.

6. Maximum visibility, minimum handling and maximum

accessibility, all form other important features of a good
plant layout.
Methods of layout
1. Line or Product layout
2. Functional or Process Layout
3. Fixed position layout
4. combination

1. Line or Product Layout

Grinding grinding



Entrance of material
Line or Product Layout-

The machine are arranged in the order

in which they are to be used the
operations are performed in sequence
Mass production-
one product or one type of product
Products are standardized and in huge
Suitability- car or automobile
manufacturing or chemical industries
Line or Product Layout or job-shop layout

1. Lowers overall manufacturing time
2. Less space is needed
3. Less WIP
4. Better utilization of machines and labour
5. Smooth flow
6. Minimizes counting, inspecting and
clerical work
7. Gravity and power conveyors can be used
Line or Product Layout
Less flexible
All machines cannot use the max capacity
Manufacturing cost rises fall in
If more lines more machine idleness
Job rotation is difficult

Functional or process layout
Finished product




Raw material
entrance L L L
Functional or process layout
Each department is responsible for carrying out
a particular product
Analytical layout
Similar jobs manufactured- supervision is
More incentives- Can raise the level of
Breakdown will not effect
Better control
Better training
Functional or process layout
Disadvantages: handling and back-
tracking of material is too much
More floor area required
Specialization monotony
Production cycle time is more
Routing and scheduling is difficult
More training needed

Process vs. Product Layouts

Here are the characteristic differences between a

process and product layout.

Wiley 2010 31
Fixed position layout
Bringing the tools machines and men
to the workplace

Raw materials


Assembled product

Fixed position layout
Huge aircrafts, ship vessels

Capital investment is minimum
Less total production cost

Fixed position layout
Machines and tools takes more time
Highly skilled workers required
Complicated jigs and fixtures
required in fixing jobs and tools

Hybrid Layouts

Combine elements of both product &

process layouts
Maintain some of the efficiencies of
product layouts
Maintain some of the flexibility of process
Group technology & manufacturing cells
Grocery stores

Wiley 2010 35
Group Technology (cellular) layout

Group Technology or GT is a
manufacturing philosophy in which
the parts having similarities
(Geometry and/or manufacturing
process) are grouped together to
achieve higher level of integration
between the design and
manufacturing functions of a firm

The goal of cellular manufacturing is
have the flexibility to produce a high
variety of low demand products,
while maintaining the high
productivity of large scale
production. Cell designers achieve
this through modularity in both
process design and product design

Group Technology (CELL)
One of the most popular hybrid layouts uses
Group Technology (GT) and a cellular layout
GT has the advantage of bringing the efficiencies
of a product layout to a process layout

Wiley 2010 40
Process Flows before the Use of GT

Wiley 2010 41
Process Flows after the Use of GT Cells

Wiley 2010 42
Metal fabricating, computer chip
manufacturing and assembly work
The division of the entire production
process into discrete segments, and the
assignment of each segment to a work
cell, introduces the modularity of
processes. If any segment of the process
needs to be changed, only the particular
cell would be affected, not the entire
production line
An example of a cellular manufacturing layout. 44
Each product is manufactured in its own work cell.
processes become more balanced
and productivity increases because
the manufacturing floor has been
reorganized and tidied up.
Part movement, set-up time, and
wait time between operations are

Lean manufacturing
Lean manufacturing, lean enterprise,
or lean production, often simply, "lean",
is a production practice that considers the
expenditure of resources for any goal
other than the creation of value for the
end customer to be wasteful, and thus a
target for elimination. Working from the
perspective of the customer who
consumes a product or service, "value" is
defined as any action or process that a
customer would be willing to pay for.
Essentially, lean is centered on preserving value with
less work. Lean manufacturing is a management
philosophy derived mostly from the Toyota Production
System (TPS) (hence the term Toyotism is also
prevalent) and identified as "lean" only in the 1990s.
TPS is renowned for its focus on reduction of the
original Toyota seven wastes to improve overall
customer value, but there are varying perspectives on
how this is best achieved.
The steady growth of Toyota, from a small company to
the world's largest automaker, has focused attention
on how it has achieved this success.

The following "seven wastes" identify resources
which are commonly wasted. They were identified
by Toyota's Chief Engineer, Taiichi Ohno as part of
the Toyota Production System:
There can be more forms of waste in addition to
the seven. The 8 most common forms of waste
can be remembered using the mnemonic
"DOWNTIME" (Defective Production,
Overproduction, Waiting, Non-used Employee
Talent (the 8th form), Transportation, Inventory,
Motion and Excessive (Over) Processing)

Commonly used Japanese terminology
in TPS
Just In Time JIT
Jidoka : Autonomation - automation with human
Heijunka: Production Smoothing
Kaizen : Continuous Improvement
Poka-yoke : fail-safing - to avoid (yokeru)
inadvertent errors (poka))
Kanban Sign, Index Card
Andon : Signboard
Muri : Overburden
Mura : Unevenness
Muda: Waste
Genchi Genbutsu -Go and see for yourself

Computer Guided Flows; Flexible
and cellular flows
Many Numerically controlled machines
and industrial robots perform tasks
such as drilling holes or welding

Flexible Manufacturing
Production system that include a
supervisory computer, plus automated
machine tools and automated material
handling equipments
Items will be loaded, processed,
assembled, and inspected without
being transported to different
processing centers
Machine flexibility, routing flexibility
1. Reduce labour costs
2. Increase productivity
3. Consistent level of product quality

Work station design
Work station or work place floor
space occupied by the worker or
Proper illumination
Proper chairs
Work bench
Machine design
Ergonomics (or human
is the application of scientific
information concerning objects,
systems and environment for human
Ergonomics is commonly thought of
as how companies design tasks and
work areas to maximize the efficiency
and quality of their employees work

ergonomics comes into everything
which involves people. Work
systems, sports and leisure, health
and safety should all embody
ergonomics principles if well


Designing Process Layouts
Step 1: Gather information:
Space needed, space available, identify
closeness measures
Step 2: Develop alternative block plans:
Using trial-and-error or decision support tools
Step 3: Develop a detailed layout:
Consider exact sizes/shapes of departments and
work centers including aisles and stairways
Tools like drawings, 3-D models, and CAD
software are available to facilitate this process

Wiley 2010 60
Special Cases of Process
A number of unique process layouts
require special attention. We will look
at two of these:
Warehouse layouts
Office Layouts

Wiley 2010 61
Warehouse Layouts

Warehouse Layout Considerations:

Primary decision is where to locate each
department relative to the dock
Departments can be organized to minimize
ld totals
Departments of unequal size require
modification of the typical ld calculations
to include a calculation of the ratio of
trips to area needed
The usage of Crossdocking modifies the
traditional warehouse layouts; more docks,
less storage space, and less order picking

Wiley 2010 62
Office Layouts

Office Layout Considerations:

Almost half of US workforce works in an office
Human interaction and communication are the
primary factors in designing office layouts
Layouts need to account for physical environment
and psychological needs of the organization
One key layout trade-off is between proximity and
Open concept offices promote understanding & trust
Flexible layouts incorporating office landscaping
help to solve the privacy issue in open office
environments Wiley 2010 63
Designing Product Layouts

Designing product layouts requires

consideration of:
Sequence of tasks to be performed by
each workstation
Logical order
Speed considerations line balancing

Wiley 2010 64
Designing Product Layouts
Step 1: Identify tasks & immediate predecessors
Step 2: Determine output rate
Step 3: Determine cycle time
Step 4: Compute the Theoretical Minimum number
of Stations
Step 5: Assign tasks to workstations (balance the
Step 6: Compute efficiency, idle time & balance

Wiley 2010 65
Step 1: Identify Tasks &
Immediate Predecessors

Wiley 2010 66
Layout Calculations

Step 2: Determine output rate

Vicki needs to produce 60 pizzas per hour
Step 3: Determine cycle time
The amount of time each workstation is
allowed to complete its tasks
available time sec./day 60 min/hr x 60 sec/min
Cycle time (sec./unit) 60 sec./unit
desired output units/hr 60 units/hr

Limited by the bottleneck task (the longest

task in a process):
available time 3600 sec./hr.
Maximum output 72 units/hr, or pizzas per hour
bottleneck task time 50 sec./unit
Wiley 2010 67
Layout Calculations cont

Step 4: Compute the theoretical

minimum number of stations
TM = number of stations needed to
achieve 100% efficiency (every second
is used)

task times 165 seconds
2.75, or 3 stations
cycle time 60 sec/station

Always round up (no partial

Serves as a lower bound for our analysis
Wiley 2010 68
Layout Calculations cont

Step 5: Assign tasks to workstations

Start at the first station & choose the longest eligible task
following precedence relationships
Continue adding the longest eligible task that fits without going
over the desired cycle time
When no additional tasks can be added within the desired cycle
time, begin assigning tasks to the next workstation until finished
Workstation Eligible task Task Selected Task time Idle time
A A 50 10
B B 5 5
C C 25 35
2 D D 15 20
E, F, G G 15 5
E, F E 12 48
F F 10 38
H H 18 20
I Wiley 2010I 15 5 69
Last Layout Calculation

Step 6: Compute efficiency and balance

Efficiency (%) is the ratio of total
productive time
t divided
Efficiency (%)
by total time
165 sec.
100 91.7%
NC 3 stations x 60 sec.

Balance delay (%) is the amount by which

the line falls short of 100%
Balance delay 100% 91.7% 8.3%

Wiley 2010 70
Other Product Layout

Shape of the line (S, U, O, L):

Share resources, enhance communication &
visibility, impact location of loading & unloading

Paced versus Un-paced lines

Paced lines use an automatically enforced cycle

Number of Product Models produced

Mixed-model lines

Wiley 2010 71
Facility Layout Across the
Layout planning is organizationally
important for an efficient operations
Marketing is affected by layout
especially when clients come to the site
Human resources is affected as layout
impacts people
Finance is involved as layout changes
can be costly endeavors

Wiley 2010 72
Facility Layout within OM:
How it all fits together
Layout decisions are directly related to issues of
product design and process selection (Ch 3).
Job design, as process layouts tend to require greater
worker skills than do product layouts (Ch 11).
Degree of automation, as product layouts tend to be
more capital intensive and use more automation
compared to process layouts (Ch 3).
Layout decisions are also affected by implementation
of just-in-time (JIT) systems, which dictate a line flow
and the use of group technology (GT) cells (Ch 7).
As layout decisions specify the flow of goods through
the facility, they impact all other aspects of
operations management.

Wiley 2010 73

Layout planning is deciding on the best physical

arrangement of all resources that consumes space
within a facility. Proper layout planning is highly
important for the efficient running of a business.
Otherwise, there can be much wasted time and
energy, as well as confusion.

There are four basic types of layouts: process,

product, hybrid, and fixed position. Process layouts
group resources based on similar processes. Product
layouts arrange resources in straight-line fashion.
Hybrid layouts combine elements of both process
and product layouts. Fixed-position layouts occur
when the product is larger and cannot be moved.
Wiley 2010 74
Highlights cont

Process layouts provide much flexibility and allow

for the production of many products with differing
characteristics. Product layouts, on the other hand,
provide greater efficiency when producing one type
of product.

The steps for designing process layouts are (1)

gather information about space needs, space
availability, and closeness requirements of
departments; (2) developing a block plan or
schematic of the layout; and (3) developing a
detailed layout.

Wiley 2010 75
Chapter 10 Highlights
The steps for designing an product layout are (1)
identify tasks that need to be performed and their
immediate predecessors; (2) determine output rate;
(3) determine cycle time; (4) computing the
theoretical minimum number of work stations, (5)
assigning tasks to workstations; and (6) computing
efficiency and balance delay.
Hybrids layouts have advantages over other layout
types because they combine elements of both
process and product layouts to increase efficiency.

Wiley 2010 76
Highlights cont

An example of hybrid layouts is group technology or

cell layouts. Group technology is the process of
crating groupings of products based on similar
processing requirements. Cells are created for each
grouping of products, resulting in a more orderly
flow of products through the facility.

Wiley 2010 77
Wiley 2010 78

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