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The Girl With No Lung

By: Daniel, Alexandra, and Tomas

Character information:
A little girl called Izzy was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypoplasia at
birth. Because of this, she has only one lung and is constantly in pain.
Pulmonary hypoplasia is incomplete development of the lungs, resulting
in an abnormally low number or size of bronchopulmonary segments or

Alveoli is a small cavity, pit, or hollow, particularly in the lungs

- Here, you can see that the normal alveoli on the left is not as hollow
as the one on the right which is abnormal.
Different lifestyle:
Because Izzy has Pulmonary Hypoplasia her lifestyle is much different
than the average person. Izzy has to constantly be checked by her
doctors. The doctors evaluate her neurodevelopmental growth, help her
reach her nutritional needs, and help her by treating any surgical issues
that may be needed.

Neurodevelopmental disorders are disorders that impair someone to

grow at a normal rate. For Izzy, it would be her lungs.

- To get straight to the point, Izzy has to constantly be in and out of

the hospital.
If one lung is gone, then the body will not be able to take in oxygen.
Because of this, within four minutes the person dies.

Thiis can lead to brain damage or death

Izzy has a hard time maintaining homeostasis so she struggles through

life. Some struggles that she has is a hard time breathing through on
lung. Also, she gets very tired quickly because she isnt able to sustain
the needed amount of oxygen.
Maintaining Homeostasis:
Since Izzy was born without her lungs, she needed to be attached to
something that would let her be able to take in oxygen.

There is no actual way to get back to homeostasis. This means that it is

a positive feedback because it leads to death. This also proves that you
can not get back to a normal state of homeostasis because without a
lung you lose brain cells and this will lead to death.

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