Ch12 Momentum Equations

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Fluid Mechanics

Chapter 12: The Momentum and

Energy Equations

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 1


For Newtonian fluids ;

is called the viscosity

expresses its resistance
to shearing flows

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 2

Newtonian vs Non-Newtonian
A fluid that behaves according to
Newton's law, with a viscosity that
is independent of the stress, is said
to be Newtonian.
Gases,water and many common liquids
can be considered Newtonian in
ordinary conditions and contexts.
There are many
non-Newtonian fluids that
significantly deviate from that law in
some way or other. For example:
Shear thickening liquids, whose
viscosity increases with the rate of
shear stress.
Shear thinning liquids, whose viscosity
decreases with the rate of shear stress.
Bingham plastics that behave as a
solid at low stresses but flows as a
viscous fluid at high stresses

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 3


Kinematic viscosity

Inviscid flow: we neglect viscosity effects i.e. =0

Incompressible Flow: density is considered constant

Steady flow : flow properties (density, pressure, temperature,

velocity ) do not change with time
Values of viscosity for several common gases and liquids are listed in
the tables in Appendix FM-1.

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 4

Momentum Equation

For solids

Newtons second law of motion for solid particle

=d(mV)/ dt ,

F is the resultant force acting on the particle

a is the acceleration
mV is linear momentum

the resultant force on the particle is equal to the time rate of change of
the particles momentum

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 5

Momentum Equation

For fluids: Newtons second low

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 6

Momentum Equation

At steady state, the total amount of momentum contained in the

control volume is constant with time.

Momentum equation

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 7

Body and Surface Forces

Body forces like weight

Fnormal= p A, p is the pressure
Ftangential = A, is the shear stress

Forces on a control

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 8

Exampe 12.1 Moran p. 273
As shown in figure below, a jet of water exits a nozzle
with uniform velocity V = 3.05 m/s, strikes a vane and
is turned through an angle . Determine the anchoring
force needed to hold the vane stationary as a function
of and discuss the result.
A= 0.06 ft2 with A =55.74 cm2, and
V = 10 ft/s with V = 3.05 m/s

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 9

Example 12.2 Moran p.275
Water flows through a horizontal, 180 pipe bend as
illustrated in figure below. The flow cross-sectional area
is constant at a value of 92.9 cm2 through the bend. The
flow velocity at the entrance and exit of the bend is
axial and 15.24 m/s. The gage pressures at the
entrance and exit of the bend are 206.84 kPa and
165.47 kPa, repectively. Calculate the horizontal (x and
y) components of the anchoring force required to hold
the bend in place.

Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 10

Example 12.3 Moran
Determine the anchoring force
required to hold in place a
conical nozzle attached to the
end of a laboratory sink faucet
(see figure below) when a water
volumetric flow rate is 0.6 L/s.
The nozzle weight is 1 N and the
weight of the water in the
nozzle at any instant is 0.03 N.
The nozzle inlet and exit
diameters are 16 mm and 5
mm, respectively. The nozzle
axis is vertical and the gage
pressures at section (1) and (2)
are 464kPa and 0, respectively.
Thermo-fluid Engineering (MEC 2920) 11

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